Total pages in book: 247
Estimated words: 234281 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1171(@200wpm)___ 937(@250wpm)___ 781(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 234281 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1171(@200wpm)___ 937(@250wpm)___ 781(@300wpm)
And because he had wanted to please her, he had reluctantly promised to do as she said.
But now...
“Thank you for letting me know.”
Norah repressed a shiver. Although Damen’s voice was gentle, it had a cold note that boded ill for his own mother. “You won’t do anything drastic, won’t you, dear?”
When Damen left, Nala in tow, Norah glanced at her sister anxiously. “He won’t go off the rails on his mother, would he?”
Vilma shrugged. “As long as he can keep our niece out of harm’s way, I don’t really care what he does to Esther Leventis. Too much power’s made that woman crazy. It’s time she’s taught a lesson.”
Chapter 6
“DO WE HAVE A DEAL THEN?” Leaning back against her chair, Esther Leventis raised a brow.
Irwin nodded. “It’s a deal of a lifetime. I’d be crazy to resist.”
“Just don’t take any foolish chances,” Esther cautioned the reporter with a frown. “Although my son has become completely asinine in his choice of women, he is not, unfortunately, as stupid in other matters.”
“I’ll take extra care, Mrs. Leventis.” Wetting his lips eagerly, he asked, “And the money?”
“Fifty percent of the promised sum has already been deposited to your account. If, by the time I fly to Florida, everything has gone to plan, then the other half will follow, plus a hefty bonus.”
Irwin’s eyes glittered with greed at the mention of additional payment. “You’ve got nothing to worry about. I got this covered,” he bragged. “Everyone wants to be a star in America these days. I’m betting some of the women I talk to won’t even have to be paid. All they want is their fifteen minutes of fame.”
“Exactly what I want to hear.” When Esther came to her feet, Irwin hastily followed, knowing how the older woman disliked any sign of rudeness. A strange thing, considering what she had hatched against her own daughter-in-law. Then again, Irwin thought, that was the rich for you. Too much money had them wanting the craziest things.
WHEN MAIRI ENTERED her last class for the day and saw who was in it, she was extremely tempted to turn around, run away, and never look back.
She didn’t really need the money, did she? If she quit now, Damen would even be overjoyed, and she wouldn’t ever have to admit to him what happened. It was a win-win situation.
But even as the panicky thoughts ran through her head, Mairi found herself slowly walking inside the room and climbing the teaching platform. Oh God, why did You have to make me care so much about principles?
Quitting was the easy way out, but all her life, she hadn’t ever taken that path. She wouldn’t start now.
The teacher’s table was positioned in one corner of the room, next to the white board. It took her a while to get the necessary things out of her bag, with her sprained and bandaged left wrist currently out of commission.
When done, she finally faced her class. One look was enough to tell Mairi these kids were the same with the earlier ones she had held. They definitely knew about her, and they distrusted her because of it, for whatever reason.
“Good afternoon, everyone.” Nervousness had her voice coming out in a squeal, and some of the kids snickered. Mortified, she cleared her throat several times before stammering, “Sorry about that.”
Hopeless, Leon thought. If she kept acting like she was afraid of the class, then it was only a matter of time before the bullies took over and she’d be done for.
Mairi started to introduce herself when she saw Leon stand up. Again, she couldn’t help noticing how good-looking he was, but it was mostly out of bemusement. He was an attractive guy, a very attractive one, in fact. So why did he insist on wasting time teasing her?
And why was he heading towards her?
Mairi’s face whitened as he came closer and closer, and she fought back a wave of dizziness.
He was going to make a scene. He was going to tell everyone they kissed. Her life was ruined—-
“Professor?” Leon halted right in front of her.
Mairi forced herself to look at the younger man. “Yes, Mister...?” She blinked owlishly at him, pretending ignorance.
His lips twitched, but he let it be. She was even cuter now, with the way she pretended not to know him. No one had ever done that to him before. “I just wanted to let you know I’m not on the student list you have,” he drawled. “I’ve only decided to take this one earlier so...”
When Leon handed her a receipt, he managed to caress her hand as she reached for it. Mairi snatched her hand away immediately, face burning.
Behind Leon, one of the male students in the front row whistled. Leaning forward on his desk, he said with a snicker, “Way to go, Leon. I think the teacher’s got a crush on you.”