In Love with a Cruel Billionaire Read Online Marian Tee

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 247
Estimated words: 234281 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1171(@200wpm)___ 937(@250wpm)___ 781(@300wpm)

Even though he had told himself he would not look anymore, Damen couldn’t help it, his gaze straying to Mairi once again.


They were fucking holding hands now – in a school that was supposed to fucking discourage fraternizing between faculty and patrons. What the hell did that mean? Was she ready to throw away her career and settle for being Ioniko Vlahos’ mistress?


Damen strode to his sister, anger stamped on his features. Diana looked at him worriedly when he reached her side. “I have to go, sweetheart.”

“Damen...” Diana stopped, realizing how hard it was to say what she wanted to say. She knew her brother very well, enough to see what the others didn’t see. Ms. Yay, for better or for worse, had captured his interest.

And more often than not, it meant heartbreak for the women who did.

Damen made an effort to smile at his sister. “What is it?”

She sighed. “I know you like her, Damen.”

He stiffened.

“If you’re not going to treat her right, then can you please just forget about her?”

His smile became cold. “Do not worry about her, Diana. I have a feeling that your sweet little Ms. Yay is a lot tougher than you think.” And a much better actress than they gave her credit for.

MAIRI BARELY HAD TIME to breathe when she received a request to go to the headmistress’ office. Hurriedly sliding her feet into her bedroom slippers, she walked as quickly as she could to get to the other building. It was already a quarter past eleven in the evening, with the faculty dinner lasting a lot longer than she had anticipated.

All she wanted to do right now was sleep and maybe dream about Damen Leventis. But since she was in GAYL, a request from Rose really meant it was an order that had to be obeyed – and right away, too.

She knocked softly on the door. “Ms. Thorn?”

“Come in, Mairi.”

Inside, Mairi saw Rose seated behind her desk, already dressed in her sleeping gown. “I know you’re tired dear, but you have a phone call from home and I imagine you’d like to take it.”

Mairi’s heart jumped at Rose’s words. A phone call from home? And neither Aunt Vilma nor Aunt Norah thought about calling her directly on her mobile? Immediately, her mind jumped to the worst conclusions and her voice was a little shaky as she thanked Rose. “I-I’ll take it.”

Rose gestured to the sitting area to their right. “You may take the call there, Mairi. I do hope nothing untoward has happened.”

Mairi lowered herself on one of the armrest chairs and took the receiver. “Hello?” Her heart was pounding so hard she could barely hear herself over it. Oh God, she hoped—-

“Hello, Ms. Tanner.”

“You.” She didn’t know if she wanted to laugh, cry, or scream at Damen Leventis for nearly giving her a heart attack.

Damen asked silkily, “Did you think it would be Ioniko Vlahos?”

The question startled her -—until she realized what those words implied. “I—-” Conscious of Rose’s presence on the other side of the room, Mairi said carefully but sincerely, “I am so glad to hear from you, Auntie.”

She was not alone then, Damen thought as he poured himself a shot of whiskey. “What are your plans for tomorrow?”


“Then there shouldn’t be any problem if we meet?”

He wanted to meet up with her. He couldn’t get enough of her. He must feel the same way about her. It was the logical conclusion – right? Mairi said breathlessly, “None.”

“What time?”

“After class?”

“Fine. Where?”

She asked, “May I, umm, have Cousin Agatha’s email address so I can check her flight details?”

He gave her his email address. “Email me your number so I can call you.”

“Yes.” She was doing her very best not to sound dreamy but it was hard, even with Rose’s eagle-eyed stare focused on her back.

“Later then...and Mairi?”


“Your voice sounds lovely over the phone. It makes me imagine just how lovelier it would sound when you start screaming my name in bed.”

Mairi was red-faced by the time she put the phone down.

Rose was frowning with concern. “Is everything okay at home?”

“Umm...yes. I’m...just worried because my cousin – it’s, umm, her first time to fly long-distance alone.”

“Oh. Well, I’m sure she’ll be all right as long as she takes the necessary precautions.”

Damen’s phone beeped less than five minutes later. In a few seconds, he had dialed Mairi’s number and when she answered with barely-hidden excitement, something inside him relaxed.

Whatever it was Mairi felt for Ioniko Vlahos, it clearly had not mitigated her desire for him – and it was a desire Damen was determined to fan until it became an obsession.

“So,” he purred. “Where should we meet tomorrow?”

She collapsed on her bed, Damen’s voice alone enough to make her shiver. She named the place, a dirt road that led to nearby public beaches but was rarely used. “I can be there around four-thirty.”

