I’m Snow Into You (Sven’s Beard #1) Read Online Brenda Rothert

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Funny, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Sven's Beard Series by Brenda Rothert

Total pages in book: 87
Estimated words: 83331 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 417(@200wpm)___ 333(@250wpm)___ 278(@300wpm)

One hand worked over his jaw and the other palmed his massive erection. I wanted my hands on him. Now. I lay down on my back and spread my legs, encouraging him forward with the crook of a finger.

“Uh-uh,” he said, shaking his head.

He reached for my hand and pulled me from the bed, then lay down where I’d been, on top of the clothes I’d been sorting.

I licked my lips as I realized what he wanted. I straddled him as he placed a palm on my stomach, trailing it down until his thumb was on my sweet spot. He stroked my clit, circling his thumb round and round, closing his eyes as I moaned softly.

“So wet,” he murmured. “You need this, don’t you?”

My ragged “yes” came out in an exhale as I rocked my hips, his touch making my whole body tight with arousal. He moved his hand away and I ached for him immediately, but I was also eager for what was about to come.

I positioned myself over him and slid myself down his length, the first few inches making both of us groan with satisfaction. When I looked down at his face, I saw lust, but there was also reverence. Love. Everything I felt for him reflected back at me.

“You’re so beautiful,” he said, his voice strained. “You’re everything…everything I’ve ever wanted.”

“I love you, Grady.” My voice was breathy, my arousal building hard and fast.

“I love you,” he said, his gaze locked on mine.

He tightened his hold on my hips, driving himself into me as I rode him harder and faster. As my climax built, I cried out, pleasure rocketing through every nerve ending as Grady and I came together, both of us breathless in the aftermath of our release.

“It gets better every time,” I said, my wonder apparent in my voice.

Grady hummed his amusement and lay on his back, pulling me into his arms and kissing my forehead. I snuggled into his solid, warm side.

“It’ll only keep getting better,” he promised. “As I get to know every inch of you.”

“I can’t imagine anything better than that.”

“That was pretty damn amazing,” he agreed. “But I’ll never stop trying to be better for you in every way I can.”

I was about to respond when he made a snoring sound. Was he…asleep? Another snore confirmed that he was. Poor guy probably hadn’t slept in a long time.

When I tried to quietly move away, he pulled me back against his chest and made a growling sound.

“You sleep,” I said, kissing his cheek. “I’m going to get dressed and start packing the kitchen.”

I couldn’t stop smiling as I put my clothes back on and walked into the kitchen, pulling the bedroom door closed behind me.

Now that Blaire had seen Grady, she’d understand why I was moving to the Beard. Part of me had fallen for him the first time I’d seen him, even though he’d scowled at me and assumed I was just a dumb tourist. There was so much more to Grady than I’d seen that day, though.

I was carrying on a legacy in the Beard, and I finally had a family again, whether I was related to some of them by blood or not. Now that I finally knew exactly what I wanted, I couldn’t wait to get home to start my new life with Grady by my side.




“I’m going to fall and break something,” I grumbled as Grady led me down several stairs.

I was blindfolded, and I had a sneaking suspicion he hadn’t forgotten my birthday, as I’d assumed when we woke up at his place this morning.

“I won’t let you fall,” he said. “We’re almost there.”

We were outside, and it was a beautiful spring day. The snow was gone, replaced with lush green grass and trees and flowers that were coming into bloom. Grady had asked me to help him plant flowers at his parents’ house today, but when we’d gotten into his truck, he’d blindfolded me and told me there was a change of plans.

“Don’t let go,” I said as I took an uneven step.

“Here, this’ll be easier,” he said.

I felt him move his arm behind my knees before he scooped me up into his arms, making me shriek with surprise. I wrapped my arms around his neck, his heat and closeness reassuring me.

“It smells like trees,” I said. “Are we in a forest?”


“You should just carry me everywhere this way. I like it. Maybe have a platter of cheese and fruit waiting when you set me down, and then you can fan me with some palm fronds.”

“Sounds like a great time,” he said wryly.

He took my quirky sense of humor in stride now, just like my nonstop chattering when I was nervous.

“Have I told you that I love surprises?” I asked.

“Only about a hundred times.”

