I’m Snow Into You (Sven’s Beard #1) Read Online Brenda Rothert

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Funny, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Sven's Beard Series by Brenda Rothert

Total pages in book: 87
Estimated words: 83331 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 417(@200wpm)___ 333(@250wpm)___ 278(@300wpm)

“Hey.” I walked over to him and put my hand on his wrist. He stopped slicing cheese and met my gaze. “Tell me what you’re thinking.”

He set the knife down, his brow crinkling slightly. “It’s…I’m not even sure what I’m thinking.”

I smiled and patted his arm. “We could just watch a movie or something. We don’t have to”

“Fuck.” He looked up at the ceiling. “Am I acting like a teenage virgin or something?”

Despite the gravity of the moment, I laughed. “No, I can just tell you’re nervous.”

He lightly pounded the counter with his fist. “I just haven’t done this in a while.”

The tenderness in his tone lit a spark that danced up and down my spine and settled in my belly. Gruff, strong Grady was being vulnerable. It made me want him even more.

“It’s like riding a bike, right?” I said gently. “And you know what they say. Sex is like pizza. Even when it’s bad, it’s good.”

He scowled. “I’m not worried the sex will be bad. Jesus, that’s what you think? That I’m worried I’ll blow my load in ten seconds?”

“Grady, no”

He cut me off. “I’ll get you off in ways you never imagined. I’m fucking fantastic in bed.”

I laughed again, this time incredulously. How had things gone so far off track from our kiss at the bar?

“I apologize,” I said. “I shouldn’t have assumed that when you said you hadn’t done this in a while, it meant you were nervous the sex wouldn’t be good. Okay?”

His response was a grunt. He took a slice of cheese from the board, popped it into his mouth and chewed, looking contemplative. After he swallowed it, he spoke again.

“I meant feelings.” His tone was gruff. “I haven’t done feelings in a while.”

He had feelings. For me. Part of me wanted to melt into a puddle on the floor and the rest of me wanted to get down on my knees and show him how much his vulnerability turned me on.

“Kiss me again,” I said. “Like you did at the bar.”

He turned to face me, putting his hands on my hips. The uncertainty was gone from his gaze now; he was all desire and intensity.

“Is that what you want from me?” he asked in a low tone. “A kiss?”

My heart thumped as I looked up at him. “Kiss me like you mean it and I might want more.”

One corner of his mouth tipped up in a confident smile as he slid his massive hands around my waist and then down to cup my ass, pulling me against him as his mouth crashed into mine.

A crunching sound between us brought things to a stop, and I laughed as the shattered remains of a Christmas ball from my ugly sweater fell to the floor.

Enough with the sweater. I pulled it off over my head and tossed it aside, Grady’s gaze dark with arousal as he took in my breasts, covered by a pale-pink satin bra. I hadn’t even taken a full breath before his arms were around me again, his hands lifting me up, my legs instinctively wrapping around his waist.

I put my palms on his cheeks, returning his hungry kiss. He squeezed my ass and ground his erection against the perfect spot, making me break the kiss with a hard gasp.

“I’m on birth control,” I said.

His grin was wicked. “You want it already?”

I slid my core up and down his erection and he groaned. “Don’t you?”

“Fuck yeah, I do.”

He held my weight with one arm, his other hand moving up to grab a fistful of my hair and gently tug it, exposing my neck. He kissed me there, his beard brushing against the delicate skin and making me break out in goose bumps.

I threaded my fingers into his hair and tugged it back, his groans telling me he loved it.

He took a few steps forward, and I thought he was taking me to his bedroom, but instead, he moved his hand from my hair to my lower back and set me on his kitchen island. He put his hands on my knees and slowly pushed them as far apart as they’d go, then took a step back and ran the backs of his fingers over my seam. Even through the fabric of my leggings, his touch sent a jolt of arousal through me that brought out a whimper.

He reached around my back and unfastened my bra, taking it off and tossing it aside. I leaned back on my hands as he cupped one breast and ran the tip of his tongue around my nipple. My head fell back and I sighed with pleasure as he took his time licking and sucking until I thought I might combust.

When I felt his hands on the waistband of my leggings, I looked up and Grady’s eyes locked onto mine as he started tugging them down.

