I’m Only Here for the Beard Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Dixie Wardens Rejects MC #4)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Funny, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Dixie Wardens Rejects MC Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 80
Estimated words: 79360 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 397(@200wpm)___ 317(@250wpm)___ 265(@300wpm)

Ellen smiled.

“Sean wouldn’t let me drive his truck, you know.”

My brows rose in surprise. I drove his truck whenever the hell I felt like it, and he didn’t give a shit.

“Because he didn’t want you to, or because you didn’t want to?” I questioned.

Her look was unreadable.

“You got in there way deeper than I ever did,” she said softly. “And likely that was because I was already guarding my heart because of Jessie. Whatever the reason, I’m glad he found you. You two seem great together, and he deserves something fantastic.”

With that, she put the car in reverse and backed out of the driveway, leaving me there to contemplate the hatred that was quickly dissipating toward her.

Shaking my head, I jogged up to the house, where I could already hear Butterfinger barking, and tapped in the key code on the garage door, causing it to open.

I’d just placed my hand on the door knob and pushed it open when something hit me from behind. Something hard. Something so hard that I saw stars in the backs of my eyes.

I crumpled to the ground, and Butterfinger came barreling out the door so fast and stealthily that the attacker who was in the process of hitting me again never saw her coming.

The man cursed.

Chapter 21

Boobs are my favorite part of the day.

-Sean’s secret thoughts


“What do you mean she left?” I growled. “You were supposed to keep all the women there at the clubhouse.”

“I didn’t know she left. I was using the bathroom. Came back in to find Ellen gone. Didn’t think to even look for Naomi until thirty minutes later when she didn’t come down for the game the girls wanted to play with her.”

“Did you check my place?”

Jessie grunted. “On the way there now. Though the cops might beat me there.”

“How long has she been gone?” I asked. “Who took her?”


One word had the power to make anger ignite in my blood.

“And who the fuck told Ellen she could leave?”

Jessie didn’t say anything for a really long moment, and I knew without confirmation that he was the one who caused her to leave.

“She and I had a fight. She left when I was in the bathroom.”

“Jesus Christ,” I hissed. “Find out where she is and call me back.”

I turned back around, realizing that I now had the attention of all the men at my side.

“What’s wrong?” Ghost rasped.

He was edgy and twitching. And he was acting fucking wired, like something was about to happen that might very well change his life.

“Naomi left with Ellen, and Jessie can’t find her.”

“Well fuck,” Dad growled. “Do you want to turn around?”

I shook my head.


Though I was worried, I didn’t think it necessary to leave yet. We’d made good time to Louisiana, and now that we were here, I wanted to see whatever was broken that Ghost needed fixed.

But when we arrived at the house, it was to find it entirely empty. No lights. No stuff. No car…no nothing.

The house that had been so full of life a few weeks ago was now an empty shell. There was nothing there. Not even any trash.

“Fuck, fuck, FUCK!” Ghost yelled.

My eyes widened, and my gaze connected with Truth’s.

Something passed between us, and I now realized that I had someone beside me who was just as worried about the man as I was.

Fucking perfect.

As if I wasn’t aware things could get any worse, my phone rang, pulling me back into the present.

Fishing the phone out of my pocket, I placed it to my ear and said, “Hello?”

“Fuck, man. There’s blood all over your garage. I haven’t been into the house yet, but it’s bad. You need to come back.”

It’s bad. You need to come back.

Those words echoed in my head for the next six hours.

I didn’t stop. Not even for gas, which I needed.


I was running on fumes as I pulled into the parking lot of the hospital.

For expedience, I drove right up to the ambulance bay, parked my bike on the sidewalk that led to it, and sprinted inside.

I’d gotten a call about thirty minutes in that had told me that Naomi had been found inside the house with the damn dog that hated me.

Lucky for us that Naomi was aware long enough to get Butterfinger to calm the fuck down, or they would’ve had to tranquilize her to get her to stop protecting Naomi.

The moment I made it into the ER, I was directed to a room by two nurses who knew exactly who I was. It was odd being on this end of the spectrum rather than being the one who gave the directions and information on a patient.

“She’s in three.”

I nodded at Rainey, one of the nurses and then walked to the curtained off area. The only curtain that was closed in the entire ER.

