If This is Love Read Online Jewel E. Ann

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Contemporary, Forbidden Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 97369 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 487(@200wpm)___ 389(@250wpm)___ 325(@300wpm)

Every thought I had sorted out in my young mind gets tangled. Are we just showering together? Will we have sex? Am I ready to let this happen? Is he?

Milo pokes his head out from the curtain, the rings tinging along the metal rod. Water rivulets bead on his butter-covered skin. “Clothes off.”

I unbutton my jeans.

He watches me, and it feeds those butterflies.

I discard every scrap of clothing sans my bra and underwear.

Milo’s gaze shows no signs of hesitation before surveying my body. “All. Of. Your. Clothes.”

I scrape my teeth along my lower lip several times.

“You know,” he says, “someone once told me, ‘The world doesn’t care about us. It doesn’t wait for us. Why should we care about it? Why should we wait for it?’ So what are you waiting for, Indie?”

I grin. He recited me. Me! Every single word. We repeat things that resonate with us. This means I resonate with him.

Quickly discarding my bra and underwear, I step into the tight quarters of the steamy shower. And I have a moment … an I’m-naked-in-the-shower-with-Milo moment.

Breathe …

My chin drops when I realize just how invested my heart is in Milo Odell.

“Indie, look at me.”

I shake my head. “You’re marrying her,” I murmur.

“Not today.” He squirts shampoo onto my head.

Over the next few minutes, he meticulously washes every inch of my body while I find it impossible to peel my gaze away from his erection. It’s just … there. Begging for attention. He turns me when I reach for it so my back is to him. After rinsing the soap and shampoo from my body, he proceeds to wash his hair and body.

And I gawk.

Milo shuts off the water and hands me a towel.

I hug it because I can’t comprehend what’s happening. We’re showering? Just showering?

The brush of the towel across my sensitive nipples nearly makes me whimper.

Not Milo.

He’s drying off like I’m not here. Except for his erection … it hasn’t forgotten my presence.

Naked Milo saunters out of the bathroom and returns seconds later with a shirt and a pair of jogging pants. “You’ll swim in these, but they’ll get you to the house.”

I nod.


And finally, I manage to look at his face instead of his erection.

“Have you not seen a dick before?”

Several slow blinks later, I grin. “Not yours.”

For the first time since we removed our clothes, Milo looks a little … affected.

“You quoted me to get me into the shower. Just to shower?”

“I’ve got like … ten minutes, Indie.” He squats before me and holds the sweatpants open for me to step into them.

For the second time today, I feel humiliated and treated like a child. Like … I’m not good enough. Though, it hurts far worse coming from Milo. I step one foot into them and then my other foot, but Milo grabs my ankle first. He pauses, then rocks forward to his knees, and everything happens at once.

He hooks my leg over his shoulder and plants his mouth between my legs.

My stomach lurches into my throat then bottoms out like flying down a big hill on a roller coaster. Everything inside me explodes into unexpected euphoria. One hand reaches for the vanity behind me while my other one tangles in his hair. “M-Milo …”

He closes his eyes while his tongue explores me. The attack on my senses makes my head heavy, my eyes unfocused.

“Fuck, Indie …” he growls, his breath just as stimulating as his mouth and fingers. “This is my new favorite thing.”

I groan, barely recognizing the sound as my own. If someone pushed me out of a plane with ten seconds to pull the parachute cord or strapped me to a bucking bull at the rodeo, I wouldn’t feel more alive than I do now. Nothing will ever compare to this moment. He doesn’t disappoint. I imagined the cowboy who fucks in the barn to be perfectly unsophisticated while seducing a woman.



A little rough.

Expectations exceeded.

With both hands, I grip his hair, pulling him away and unhooking my leg from his shoulder. And I grab his face and kiss him like he did to me.

“Indie … I have to go.”

I shove his shoulders while kissing him harder. Milo sits back on his heels, gripping my hips, pulling me to straddle his legs.

“Milo,” I whisper, leaning back just enough to look into his beautiful blue eyes. “Remember where you said you’d go if you could go anywhere in the world?”

He studies me with a serious expression for a breath before nodding.

“Go there,” I move closer, bringing his mouth toward my breasts.

Milo’s hands hold them while he teases them with wet kisses and tiny flicks of his tongue, tugging my nipples with his teeth.

Lowering my body, I feel the wet, smooth head of his erection pressed between my legs.

“Indie …” He grabs my hips, fingers digging into them to stop me when he’s already nearly an inch inside of me and I’m dying!

