House of Night (House of Night #1) Read Online Celia Aaron

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Vampires Tags Authors: Series: House of Night Series by Celia Aaron

Total pages in book: 97
Estimated words: 92612 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 463(@200wpm)___ 370(@250wpm)___ 309(@300wpm)

The cold air goes still again, only my breath stirring it. The whispers get louder, a hissing sibilance that sends horror into my veins. My eyes burn from staring into the dark, but I can’t close them.

“Gorsky?” I whisper.

No response.

When something cold and wet touches my cheek, I scream and take off. Running faster than I ever have in my life, I eat up the grim distance, tearing out onto the landing, knowing that at any moment a skeletal hand will clamp around my throat, my hair, my ankle. I run into the bottom step, then fall forward, slamming my cheek against the corner of one of the higher stairs.

The pain is nothing, nothing at all compared to the terror that sends me crawling upward, pushing myself away from whatever lurks below.

I collapse on the Green Flame Landing, gulping in breaths as I lie on my back, my entire body shaking. Turning on my side, I watch the staircase, fully expecting some horrific creature to round the banister and begin its ascent.

For long minutes I wait, just trying to breathe and stay alert. Nothing appears. No rotted hand, no whispering monsters.

Once I catch my breath, I get to my feet and back away slowly.

When I bump into something, I scream and lunge forward.

“Whoa!” a woman yells.

“Melody!” I stumble but manage to get my balance as I press a hand to my chest. “You scared me.”

“What are you doing?” Her lineless face screws up in concern. “Hey, are you all right?” She steps toward me, her hand out. “It’s okay. You’re okay.” Her voice gentles as she moves closer. “Georgia, really, you’re safe.” She pulls me into her arms.

My tears are instant. I don’t remember the last time someone’s touched me with kindness. I break, a sob tearing from my throat as Melody holds me tightly. It’s not lost on me that she reminds me of Juno, and her embrace only adds to the familiarity.

“Shhh,” she says. “It’s all right.”

In that moment, I miss so much. My sister most of all. Juno was the one who always kept me together, protected me. Now she’s lost, and so am I. The bond we had is severed, cut short like the fates with their strings. I’ll never see her again. I’ll never see anyone I loved again.

I yell against Melody’s shoulder, crying and clinging to her. Nothing is right. Nothing.

I cry. Helplessly. Completely. I haven’t let myself have this. Grief. The sort that blurs out everything else except the pain that goes so deep you’ll never find its root. That dark hallway broke me open somehow, gave voice to my victimization. I let it out. Wailing for myself and for whatever cursed creatures lurk beneath my feet. They’re victims, too, after all.

Melody simply holds me, her arms around me as I go to pieces. No judgment, no sound, nothing except her presence. It’s what I need. How does a creature like her know what I need? How can I find comfort in her when her people are wiping mine out? I don’t know. I don’t know anything anymore.

It takes longer than it should, but I get myself under control. My tears slow, and I’m finally able to catch my breath beyond gut-wrenching sobs.

Putting a bit of distance between us, I look up at Melody. The kindness in her ethereal eyes threatens to pull more tears from me, so I drop my gaze.

“Can I do anything to help?” she asks softly.

“Let me out of here?” I sniffle.

“That’s not within my power.”

I feel like an ass for even asking her, which is insane because, when all is considered, she’s just another one of my captors, albeit a nicer one.

“But I can make you some tea?” she offers. “If you’d like?”

I prefer coffee, but I’m not going to turn down any offer that involves caffeine. “Please.”

“Sure. This way.” She leads me up to Piano Bay, then back through the halls.

When she stops at a wall and pushes it open, my heart sinks. I’ve been all over this level and never knew there was a door here. What else have I missed?

We pass into a small kitchen with an antique-looking stove and fireplace blackened from use. “Is this … Do you …” I look around at the neat space, the clean counters. “I’ve been wondering where my food comes from. You aren’t the one who makes it, right? I figured you had, I don’t know, like servants that I haven’t seen?”

“We used to have a larger staff, but Valen sent most of them away prior to your arrival. In any case, I’m the only cook.” She opens a drawer and pulls out the tea, then lights a fire in the stove with rapidity borne of frequent use. After grabbing a kettle at the copper sink, she sets it on the burner.

