Hot Moves – Summer Lovin Read Online Loni Ree

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 31
Estimated words: 28286 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 141(@200wpm)___ 113(@250wpm)___ 94(@300wpm)

Not just someone. Three someones.

Tall, dark, and undeniably handsome, the men fill the elevator with an almost tangible presence. The one in the middle catches my eye immediately. His dark gaze locks onto mine, and the air around us seems to shift. It’s as though the world slows for a moment, leaving just the two of us standing in the suspended quiet.

“Morning,” I manage, my voice steady despite the flutter in my chest. Holy cow. Talk about tall, dark, and handsome. This man has it in spades.

“Morning,” he responds, his deep voice rich and resonant. His dark eyes continue to hold mine, and I feel a strange magnetic pull between us.

I glance at the other two men, who exchange a silent, understanding look, before turning back to their silent leader. Their observation seems more protective than curious.

There’s a moment of awkward silence before my nervousness causes my mouth to run away without consulting my brain. “Are you here on vacation, too?” It feels like such an ordinary question, but somehow, asking it doesn’t feel ordinary at all. When in the world did I become so chatty?

“In a manner of speaking,” the man replies, his lips curling into an enigmatic hint of a smile. ”And you?”

I can’t help but notice the slight accent, wondering if it’s maybe Italian. “I’m here for my sister’s birthday. She and her friends are all sleeping in, so I’m taking the opportunity to enjoy a quiet morning.” I internally roll my eyes, calling myself silly for explaining all this to three men who obviously don’t care why I’m in Nassau.

The handsome man in the middle nods, understanding lighting his eyes. "Early morning before the world wakes up and reality comes rushing in is the best time to enjoy the peace.”

I smile, appreciating his words. “Exactly. Plus, the breakfast here is amazing.”

His gaze softens just a touch, and I swear, for a second, his serious demeanor cracks, revealing something warmer underneath. “I’m sorry I won’t have the opportunity to give it a try, but business is calling me.”

I laugh lightly, the tension in the elevator easing fractionally. “It is a shame because the eggs benedict and mimosas are to die for.” There goes my runaway mouth again.

There’s a moment where I almost invite him to join, but the elevator dings, announcing our arrival at the lobby. The doors open, and the cool lobby air rushes in.

As we step out, his companions fall into step beside him. Their presence, though imposing, seems natural as if they’re protectors or maybe loyal friends. I can’t quite place it, but something about the way they move tells me there’s more to them than meets the eye.

“I hope you enjoy your breakfast,” he says, breaking my reverie.

“Thank you. And good luck with your business,” I reply, feeling oddly flushed.

We part ways in the lobby, me heading toward the dining area and them toward the exit. But before we disappear entirely from each other’s view, I glance back to find him doing the same. Our eyes meet once more, and for a fleeting second, the rest of the world fades away again. My heart does a funny little dance in my chest as the world tilts under my feet.

I can’t help but wonder who he is, what business brought him to this island, and why a simple elevator ride made me feel like I’d stepped into someone else’s story, if only for a moment.

Shaking off the strange encounter, I make my way to the terrace, the promise of a quiet breakfast beckoning. Yet, even as I sit down and place my order, I can’t shake the feeling that, in that brief, charged moment, my world shifted ever so slightly.

And I can’t help but hope I’ll get the opportunity to stare into those captivating eyes again.

The terrace is a perfect oasis, bathed in the soft golden light of the early morning sun. The sea breeze carries the scent of salt and tropical flowers, mingling with the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee. I sit at a secluded table, the rustle of palms and distant cries of seagulls my only company.

My breakfast arrives: a plate of fresh tropical fruit, a warm croissant, and a steaming cup of coffee. As I reach for my fork, my phone buzzes on the table.

It’s a text from my sister, and I can almost hear her groggy voice as I read it.

Little sis

Hey, where’d you go?

Smiling, I take a quick sip of my coffee before replying.


Went out for breakfast. You guys were all still out cold. Figured I’d let you sleep.

Moments later, her response comes through.

Little sis

You should’ve woken us! This is an all-girls trip, remember?

I can’t help but laugh. Even though I love my sister to pieces, she always did have a flair for drama.


I know, I know. But trust me, you needed the sleep after last night. I’m just down on the main restaurant terrace. Come join me if you’re up for it!

