Hood River Rat Read online K. Webster (Hood River Hoodlums #1)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Hood River Hoodlums Series by K. Webster

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 77992 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 390(@200wpm)___ 312(@250wpm)___ 260(@300wpm)

“Just Lucas.”

Satisfaction glimmers over his features. I want to dissect his mind. Ask him a thousand questions. Figure out every part of him that makes him tick.

His lips part, and without hesitation, I press my thumb inside. The heat of his mouth sends pleasure tingling right to my dick. I’m hard and aching with need. He bites down on the tip of my thumb. Not painfully. Just a statement. That he has me. I don’t think he even realizes he stakes such a claim.

“Boys,” Aunt Karen calls out. “Come eat!”

I jerk my hand back and turn toward the window, hiding my boner, right as she makes her way into my room.

“Oh, good, you’ve got the desk cleared and ready to be taken apart.” Then, to me she says, “Hollis, hon, I made your favorite. Chili enchiladas.”

“Thanks, Aunt Karen.” I flash her a brief smile. “Be down in a second.” My stomach twists violently at the idea of eating chili anything.

She leaves and I catch Roan watching me with an unreadable expression. His guard is back up and his features are stony. Awesome. Back to square one.

“I’m so proud of you,” Mom says, reaching over the table and ruffling my hair. “And surprised. I didn’t think you’d try out.” She bites on her bottom lip, refraining from saying the rest. Your dad would be so proud of you too.

“You can thank Roan. He made it happen.”

Roan nearly chokes on his enchilada. He sucks down some tea and shoots me an annoyed look.

“How wonderful,” Mom tells him. “Thank you for inviting him. You’ve been great to my children and I can’t tell you how much that means to me.”

Roan’s cheeks turn redder than I’ve ever seen them. “It’s fine.”

“Roan’s a good big brother,” Roux tells her, pride in her tone. “When he finishes school, we’re going to live in our own house.”

Roan tenses and shoots her a look that has her shoulders slouching.

“What about your parents?” Mom asks.

Roan’s jaw ticks and I can tell he’s freaking out. So I save him. Neutral ground and all.

“Did you say you got cupcakes?” I waggle my brows at Mom.

She affixes her fake smile because she can sense the air is charged and I’m begging her to move on. “Duh,” she says, rolling her eyes, looking much younger than her thirty-eight years. “There’s a little bakery right next to the bank. When Karen told me about you making the team, I picked some up. There are all different flavors to choose from.” Then, to Roan, she smiles. “If you let me know your favorite, honey, I’ll make sure to get some for next time.”

“Roux loves chocolate like me,” Charlotte says, her mouth full of half-chewed enchiladas.

“I only like the icing,” Penny tells us grumpily. “Like Daddy.”

Mom and I deflate at her words. Sometimes it’s as though we’re the same person. Our moods are that similar.

“You can have my icing,” I offer, knowing full and damn well I’m not eating those cupcakes. My stomach is seizing violently at the few bites of spicy enchiladas. “For my favorite sister.”

“Hey!” Charlotte growls. “I’m the favorite.”

Penny sticks her tongue out at her. “No, you’re not!”

As they argue over who the favorite is—not that either cares about being favorite, just that they like to win—I lock eyes with Roan. His angry mask has fallen and he seems relaxed. I try not to obsess over the fact he looks good sitting at the table with my family. Like he belongs with us. Such a dumbass thing for a guy to think about another guy he met only days ago.

His easy smile fades when he looks down at my plate. Coppery brown eyes flash with anger, confusing me. Why the hell does he care what I do or don’t eat?

“When is Daddy coming to see us?” Penny asks Mom, jerking me from my internal thought.

“I spoke with him today,” Mom says with false cheer. “As soon as he gets a few days off. He can’t wait to see you. Maybe later you can call him and talk about it.”

Penny nods, revealing a rare smile.

The food I did manage to consume roils in my gut. It feels as though my stomach is on fire. Nerves. Worry. Stress. They seem to settle there and pulsate with energy. I grab my glass of tea and gulp it down, hoping to put out the internal fire. All it does is make me want to throw up.

Dad is coming.

Sooner rather than later.

I dread that day with every fiber of my being.


“I have to pee.”

I crack my eyes open and stare up at Roux’s sleepy face. “What time is it?”

“Time to pee.”


She laughs. “I can’t move that thing on my own.”

With a grumble that she woke my ass up at four in the morning, I climb out of bed and walk over to the dresser. Last night, after Ms. Frazier dropped us off, we made a beeline straight for our room. Alejandro was partying with some of his friends and I didn’t want to deal with any of them.

