His Willing Wife Read Online Sam Crescent

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 36
Estimated words: 33396 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 167(@200wpm)___ 134(@250wpm)___ 111(@300wpm)

Luca had his arms folded and leaned against the doorframe. Even though he hadn’t stepped foot into the kitchen, he somehow managed to make the space feel small with his much larger frame, purely muscle as well.

On her wedding night, she’d heard a couple of women she didn’t know whisper some nasty comments about herself. Something along the lines of she wasn’t “woman enough” for him. Luca was apparently a devil in the sack, and no woman had ever been able to tame the billionaire beast, or something like that.

Tillie wasn’t afraid of him, which again was strange for her. She never did well around strangers, and in a way, that was exactly what Luca was to her.

Through her family, she’d heard of him. The billionaire businessman who went around buying up businesses as if they were going out of fashion, destroying them, and only keeping what he deemed profitable.

To her, he sounded cruel, but she didn’t get that vibe from him. It was just business. Again, this confused her, as she’d never been the kind of woman who felt life was just one business decision to be made after another.

Rather than glare at him, Tillie offered him a smile.

“No, you’re not interrupting anything. In fact, you’re right on time.” She rushed to the fridge, grabbed the cold milk, poured him a glass, and then held a cookie between a napkin for him. “Come, eat.”

At first, Luca didn’t move. The glare he held for the world was firmly in place, and he clearly didn’t trust her, not one bit.

She waited, and then, after what felt like an eternity, he finally stepped into the kitchen and approached her.

“What is this?” he asked.

“It’s a cookie. My grandmother’s favorite, and of course, her recommended beverage of choice to go with—a glass of milk.”

He took the cookie from her and Tillie forced herself to stand close to him. She didn’t want to give him the impression she was afraid. Again, she wasn’t, but closeness to people she didn’t know kind of unnerved her.

This man is my husband. Not a stranger.

It didn’t matter how often she said it, it wasn’t going to change the way she felt. Only time would help that.

Luca took a bite, and she watched the subtle changes on his face. He was happy with the cookie. There was a slight widening to his eyes, shock, and for a couple of seconds, he didn’t even bother to chew as she imagined the flavors exploding on his tongue.

Tillie smiled. “You’re welcome.”

Chapter Two

It had been the best damn cookie Luca had ever eaten in his whole life, and he’d been to some patisseries over the years, that had worldwide accolades. They hadn’t been nearly as good.

He hadn’t stayed in the kitchen. He returned to his office to savor every mouthful as well as the milk.

Who the fuck was Tillie Goodwin?

No, not Tillie Goodwin, Tillie Winters.

A few days later, he returned home after another business meeting, and what he was met by surprised him. First there was no one around, but it wasn’t silence that greeted him. Loud music played, and he didn’t recognize the song, but suddenly he heard his wife, and he followed the sound.

He found Tillie in the sitting room, standing behind the sofa, eyes closed, holding the remote to the television and singing into it, as if she was the person on the music video. Not only was she singing, he also watched as she swayed her hips from side to side and shook her ass.

The moment he saw the shaking of her ass, he dropped his briefcase in front of himself, as his cock went from flaccid right to attention. She wore a pair of shorts that showed off her full legs, along with a tight tank top. One spin, and he saw her from the front, and those tits of hers were pressed up against the opening, giving an awesome sight of cleavage. The only problem was she saw him and immediately stopped.

“Luca,” she said. “I had no idea you were coming home. If I had known I’d have … prepared.” She rushed over to the stereo in the corner, and immediately the house went silent. It was so unexpected that for a few seconds, he merely looked at her as the silence suddenly felt deafening.

“Why did you stop?” he asked.

She nibbled her lip and then frowned. “I’m pretty sure you don’t want to hear all that racket.” She tucked some hair behind her ear. “So, uh, how was your day?”

Luca stared at her for a couple of minutes. He didn’t want her to be nervous.

He refused to answer her and then he moved, taking a seat in his chair, and he watched her. “Turn the music on and dance for me.”

“Excuse me?”

He put his briefcase down on the floor and looked at his wife. “You heard me.” He didn’t make a habit of repeating himself.

