His Valentine (Tangled in Temptation #1) Read Online Tory Baker

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Drama, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: Tangled in Temptation Series by Tory Baker

Total pages in book: 36
Estimated words: 33246 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 166(@200wpm)___ 133(@250wpm)___ 111(@300wpm)

“Maybe Briar will let me take a nap later today.” I open the door, careful not to slosh my steaming mug of liquid caffeine with a healthy dose of creamer. I’m probably going to need about eight more cups to make it through the day and night. I did not have coming home at nearly four in the morning on my bingo card this weekend, nor did I think my internal alarm clock would have me sitting straight up at nine o’clock in the morning after only falling asleep mere hours ago.

I close the door behind me, not bothering to lock it. That would require me to grab my keys and, frankly, I’m lucky to be functioning at this rate. I continue my trek next door to Asher and Lennie’s. I’ve got a little girl to celebrate a little bit with before the grands come and pick her up. While her auntie and uncle have probably loaded her with sugar, my parents will have her dressing up and dancing the night away. I’ve got a stack of her favorite books wrapped and waiting on her bed. She’s recently picked up reading, and while I wish she got it from me, Lennie is the one to thank for it, though it has helped me find time to read a few pages each night before I promptly pass out.

“Good god, Kenny, what the hell is on your face?” I have one hand up and ready to knock on the door when it flings open. I’m greeted with those lovely words from none other than my brother.

“Thanks, butt face. They’re called eye cooling patches. You know, you could use some. Want me to bring you over a pair?” Mom says the bags we carry under our eyes are hereditary. Maybe she’s right. Asher looks like he hasn’t slept a wink, either. I guess last night was a heavy hitter for him, too.

“Christ, get outta here with that crap.” I hear snickering in the background coming from two of my favorite girls. My mood instantly lightens when Briar hops out of her chair and starts charging for me. I scoot to the side, round Asher, being careful to place my mug on a table I know won’t leave a mark on their furniture, and then drop to my knees. Briar gives the best hello big hugs that tell and show you she’s missed you.

“Mommy!” she squeals an octave too high. I wince, worrying about the noise level, but nobody thinks anything of it. I’ve tried to teach her what an inside voice is, but at times like this, whatever she’s learned has gone out the window.

“My sweet baby girl. Were you good for Auntie Lennie and Uncle Ash?” Briar pulls back, nodding so much her hair shakes out of its ponytail.

“Yep, we’re having chocolate chip pancakes.”

“Yummy.” I can tell by the chocolate on her lips she’s chowing down.

“Uncle Ash makes the best. Auntie Lennie cut the watermelon,” Briar states before she’s heading back to the kitchen table to devour her food whole.

“Wanna stay for breakfast?” Asher asks once I’m back on my feet, grabbing my coffee and taking a few fast sips. I’m praying this will perk me up. If not, I’ll be guzzling down an energy drink or three before work.

“Sure.” I’m not one to pass up food when it comes to Asher’s cooking or Lennie’s baking. The two of them are a dynamic duo, meant for each other, and lucky enough to love each other so much nothing can come between them. My mind takes me back to Trent Hawthorne. I’ve managed to avoid him for the most part since the very awkward ride home. I’m cordial and will say hello or speak when spoken to, but other than that, I give him a very wide berth.

“Figured you’d say that,” Asher jokes.

“I’ll never turn down a free meal.” We walk to where Lennie and Briar are at the kitchen table, tucking into their meal.

“Don’t I know it. How much longer you gonna work your ass to the bone, sis?” Asher knocks my shoulder with his.

“I’m sorry. I know this is a lot. You guys have helped more than you should have, and now that Lennie is pregnant, I shouldn’t even ask. You two do so much already.” Guilt overrides my need for anything else. Everyone has picked up my slack, always helping the single mom who can’t make it without her family. Damn it, now I’m going to cry, and it’s not for me or Briar; it’s for the people who always offer their assistance when they shouldn’t have to. “I’ll figure something out. Promise.”

Asher places his arm around my shoulder and pulls me into his side. “Listen here, Kennedy Lynn Fontaine. This is not what that’s about. Lennie would tell you if she couldn’t help or needed a break. One night a week is not hurting us. The three extra nights are killing my baby sister. Pisses me off to no end you won’t take a loan from me or let me help you out, when you don’t ask for dick except to spend time with my niece. Which I’d do regardless of your work schedule, and you know it. So, how much longer?” Brother bear has come out, and it seems I’ve poked him right in the side. We’re still out of earshot from Lennie and Briar. I look at the two of them together, how soft and sweet she is with my girl. Lennie truly will be the best mom ever, and she’ll have Asher by her side. I may have chosen the wrong man to have Briar with, but I wouldn’t trade her for the world.

