His Valentine (Tangled in Temptation #1) Read Online Tory Baker

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Drama, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: Tangled in Temptation Series by Tory Baker

Total pages in book: 36
Estimated words: 33246 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 166(@200wpm)___ 133(@250wpm)___ 111(@300wpm)

“You got that right. Go on.” I nod, take a deep breath, and continue on my path. A few seconds later, I hear a motor start, then the noise of tires on pavement give me a piece of mind now that Chris is gone. There’s no looking back. I’m only looking ahead. My head is down, watching where I walk, when I reach the porch steps. The whole way up, I keep looking downward. One would think being a dancer and a stripper, I’d keep my eyes upward, except I’ve been known to trip going up the stairs.

“Hey, everything alright?” Lennie is standing in the doorway, holding the screen door open for me to enter.

“It is, thankfully. He’s gone,” I reply.

“She’s asleep, if you need to talk, and if you don’t, I’m okay with that, too,” Lennon says. Part of the reason I love her so much is she doesn’t push. The other is she’s just her, genuine to a fault, and she’s amazing for my brother, his perfect match.

“I’m going to take you up on that tomorrow. I’m too tired to do much more than head home and curl up on the couch with Trent and Briar.” I no sooner get the words out of my mouth than I hear another car pull up to our otherwise quiet neighborhood. Usually, it’s just the guys who take up all the spare space with their vehicles. In my driveway, Asher’s, and then parking on the street. Today, we’re down Jagger, so there seems to be way more room in front of our houses.

“Who is that?” I see Lennon peek around where I’m standing.

“Oh shit. I haven’t seen her in years. Her name is never spoken, and if you so much as breathe a word about her or her name, everyone gives you a death glare.”

“Well, Asher hasn’t said a single thing. He’s locked whatever her name is up in a vault, which is saying something.” Lennie steps away from the door, pulling it shut behind her, and we both move to the top of the steps, settling in for the drama to unfold.

“What the hell,” I hear Tysen say, realization hitting him first. Johnny had his back to the street, talking with the guys. Them and their little gathering of the minds. I’ve seen glimpses of the group chat; they’re worse than a bunch of girly teenagers.

“I wish I knew more of their background,” I tell Lennie, waiting for Johnny to notice, and when he does, it’s one for the books.

“I’ve got a feeling we’ll know more after this little tidbit of drama.” We probably should not be watching this unfold, not any of us. This is between Johnny and Winifred.

“Woman, you left me for your sister.” My nose wrinkles at his statement. Maybe her sister needed her, and Johnny couldn’t handle it.

“You know why I left. My reason is more than enough,” she replies.

“Leaving your man for a woman addicted to killing herself in the form of dope is not a good enough reason.” The plot is unfolding. This is more than the scene Chris created. The neighbors didn’t come outside for my drama, or maybe they did, and they’re staying for the second act.

“Johnny.” I watch as emotion takes hold of her. She’s trying to hold it together, but it’s written all over her face that she’s about to crumble.

“I think we might need to intervene,” Lennie says.

“Yep.” I’m already standing up, ready to intervene, when I hear the next part of the conversation.

“Been gone for years. Now you choose to come back. What the fuck for?” Johnny’s voice carries, dark and thunderous.

“Sign these, then I’ll leave and never come back.” She shoves the papers at his chest. Shit, that’s going to make more waves than ever before.

“I think we should go back inside now,” Lennie whispers.

“Lead the way. Hopefully, the guys will get the same memo,” I reply. Lennie loops her arm through mine, and we make our way back into their house with more questions and fewer answers.



“How?” I’m stunned speechless. Everything settled down with Johnny and his wife. I mean, they didn’t calm down; she tossed the papers at him, they dropped to his feet, and then she took off. Lennie and I watched from our place at the window. Asher and Trent came back inside, both of them very quiet and contemplative. My brother went to Lennon and hugged her tightly, whispering something in her ear. Trent did similar, except he kissed me, and he told me the time has come to get my ass in Matthew’s office. I replied with a nod of my head. I received a grin, and then I watched as he scooped Briar up, one forearm beneath her knees, the other to her back, she curled into him, and my heart melted a little bit more.

