His Valentine (Tangled in Temptation #1) Read Online Tory Baker

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Drama, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: Tangled in Temptation Series by Tory Baker

Total pages in book: 36
Estimated words: 33246 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 166(@200wpm)___ 133(@250wpm)___ 111(@300wpm)

I so badly want to take away his pain, to make this burden disappear, yet I can’t, and doesn’t that just plain suck. “Honey.” I move until I’m straddling his waist, both hands cupping his cheeks.

“I’m okay.” He holds back.

“Even if you weren’t, I’m here. Okay? No matter what.” I bend down to softly press my lips to his.

“Yeah, appreciate it. The other part of the story is she’s giving me her car. It’s not brand new, but it’s not too old. I’m to either keep it for myself of sell it for fair market value.” My jaw drops. Gran has always looked out for others. Our whole little neighborhood has. Most of the parents still live within walking distance of one another, minus my dad, who remarried. His new wife had to have the best of the best in the form of a condo in a gated community, with a golf course, tennis court, and ladies who lunch. My disdain for her is hard to hide sometimes, probably because while my dad may not be perfect, he deserves so much more than a gold digger who treats his kids like nothing.

“Even going through this, she’s putting plans in place. This is so like your Gran.” I’d laugh under normal circumstances, except this is not the time or the place.

“Fuck, it really is. Regardless, seems I’ve got a spare car. I’ve already got the patrol car and my truck. I don’t need her fire-engine-red Honda Accord. I don’t know what you have saved up or what you can afford, but it’s yours. We can figure whatever out. You don’t have enough, make payments, interest free. I’d rather know you and Briar were in a safe and dependable car than for it to sit in the driveway or some young punk to buy it only to see them dog the shit out of it, when you need wheels of your own.” After being arrested, though, technically, I wasn’t charged with anything, I made a promise to myself. I’d take the help offered, and I’d never put myself in a position where I could potentially be hurt or taken away from my daughter.

“We’ll figure out the details later. I’ve got enough money tucked away to make anything work, and I’ll lean on help from my mom or dad. Asher is out of the question. I love him and obviously Lennie, but I am not borrowing money from them when I’m renting her house for a steal already. Anyways, enough about me.” I lie flat on Trent’s body, stomach to stomach, legs to legs, and my head in the crook of his neck. One of his hands cups the cheek of my ass, holding me there, while his other tangles in my hair. I should be comforting him. Instead, he’s comforting me. “What can I do for you, honey?” I mutter into the spicy scent of his neck.

“You’re doing it, babe, having you here with me and wrapped in my arms. Gonna sleep now. I’m wiped and haven’t finished getting a taste of you.” Trent slides his hand between my thighs, fingers grazing the lips of my pussy, doing the exact opposite of allowing me to fall asleep.

“Am I sleeping here on top of you while you fuck me?” I try not to squirm, but when he slides one finger inside me, it’s impossible.

“Fuck yeah, I am.” He adds to the first, stroking in and out while fluttering his fingers back and forth.

“I hope you don’t require a lot of sleep because I doubt I’ll be getting much rest.” I lick his neck and wiggle my hips.

“Sleep, woman,” he grunts.

“Good night, Trent.” I settle in and attempt to stay still. No promises, though.

“Night, babe.” He presses a kiss to the side of my head but otherwise remains still. I guess I’m sleeping on top of him tonight, and while I didn’t think it’d be able to fall asleep, I’m slowly succumbing. Between Trent’s breathing and his warmth, I find my eyes slowly drifting shut.



“Where you goin, Kennedy?” I roll us over until she’s on her back. My mouth hovers above hers, ready to say good morning in a different kind of way, but it seems she’s got other plans.

“As much as I want to stay in bed with you all day, the real world is waiting, for both of us. You have work, Briar is at my parents’, and we both have to be at Asher’s later today.” She is the voice of reason when the last thing I want is the real world to start closing in.

“Fuck, you’re right.” My cock slides against her wet heat, not getting the memo that we both have shit to do today.

“Trent,” she moans, arching her back and lifting her legs to wrap around my waist, hands holding on to my arms as if she’s scared I’ll let her go. I’m going to work my hardest to make sure she knows I’m never letting her go. I’ll reassure her with my words and actions daily, bust my ass till my last breath.

