His Realm – House of Maedoc Read Online Mary Calmes

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 109
Estimated words: 104842 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 524(@200wpm)___ 419(@250wpm)___ 349(@300wpm)

Once I could move again, we made it to the bathroom that belonged in a five-star hotel. It was huge, bigger than mine at home, which was saying something, and had all the bells and whistles, like a huge shower without doors because it wasn’t necessary, gorgeous exposed stone like it was built into the rock, and a beautifully carved wooden bench I would bet was sealed so the water or steam wouldn’t hurt it. I appreciated it being there because after I washed my hands, I needed to rest.

When I opened the door, I expected Dae-Jung, but Brenna was there.

“Hi,” I said, sighing deeply. “I didn’t even get to talk to you that day you came to the castle, and then we lost Eris and Sibel and⁠—”

She stepped in close and hugged me. As a rule, none of my guards were demonstrative people. They liked me, but displays of affection were not their thing. So her carefully embracing me—I could tell she was holding back, not squeezing too tight—was outside of her normal behavior.

“You were worried about me,” I whispered.

She inhaled shakily, and I heard it and felt her tremble. “I will never, ever, be far from your side again, my consort, and when the prince allows me, will resume my duties.”

Easing back, I meant to look at her face, but she went down on one knee instead. “What’re you talking about and get up. Since when do you do that?”

Rising quickly, she faced me.

“Turn your head, you look different.” The moment she was in profile, I realized what was new. She was letting her normally short hair grow out and now had a really small ponytail that stood straight out at the back of her head. “Why’re you doing that?”

She faced me again and took a breath. “Eris said often that I would look good with a long plait as she always wore hers and so, finally, to please her, I’m going to try.”

“Your timing would annoy her,” I said hoarsely.

“I am aware,” she rasped as her tears came. She brushed them away just as quickly. “I kept her braid, and look at it often. She had no family, like all the dreki, so there is no one to mourn her but her friends.”

“I’ll do that with you,” I promised.

“I know,” she whispered and grasped my hand, squeezing tight.

We stood there together for a moment before she moved her collar and I saw first the gold chain and then, as she fished the pendant out and it was lying on the front of her jacket, the talisman of Hecate that Sibel had always worn.

“I keep her with me as well, and speak to her often. Sibel remains as bossy as ever.”

All I could do was nod.

“I took Eris’s sword, Kamari took Sibel’s, so they still fight at our sides.”

“As it should be.” I assured her and then what she’d said earlier struck me. “Wait, what did you mean about resuming your duties?”

“Both Kamari and I have been ordered to rest and––”

“Rest? For how long?”

“Until the prince feels we’ve recovered enough, and then we will be returned to his dreki. Zev has been removed as hendr as well and made cadeyrn in your place.”

“That part is a good thing, don’t you think?”

“I don’t know. Honestly, I thought he was being punished. You did not enjoy the post.”

I smiled at that. “No, I didn’t because my learning curve was too steep. It will be much easier for Zev.” I was glad Varic had taken my suggestion. “I’m really happy for him, but I’ll fix this confusion about you and Kamari.”

“That would be good,” she whispered, her voice going out on her for a moment. “I know I speak for my friend as well when I say that both of us need normalcy to fully heal. That can only be found in your service.”

I understood that. It was the same for me when I’d lost friends in the field. You needed to get your bearings again after a tragedy, and being home, or whatever felt like that to you, was the very best way to find balance and peace.

“Being reinstated as your guard would mean the world.”

“I’ll make that happen,” I promised. “Now. Where is Varic?”

“Dae-Jung sent for me and Kamari, and Kamari has gone to deliver the news to Hadrian, who has the satellite phone, who will in turn, inform the prince.”

“Where are we?”

“This is the sexton’s cottage,” she said, sounding unsure.

“You don’t know what a sexton is.”

“I confess I do not, though it has the word sex in it, and that one I do know.”

I chuckled, which hurt, so I went to sit down on the bed. “A sexton is the person who takes care of a church, the grounds, and a lot of times, the graveyard.”

“Well, there are no graveyards, as we do not bury our dead, but because of the water, there are crypts here above ground to store ashes in. Perhaps the sexton, when there is one, cares for those family crypts.”

