His Perfect Prey (Fraternitas #1) Read Online Lee Savino

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Dark, Erotic, Mafia Tags Authors: Series: Fraternitas Series by Lee Savino

Total pages in book: 70
Estimated words: 67140 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 336(@200wpm)___ 269(@250wpm)___ 224(@300wpm)

Now I’m naked and flying across a stretch of lawn around the pond. My boobs are bouncing like mad. Not to mention my butt, belly, and thighs. There’s a reason I’m not a runner. Too much bouncing.

Meanwhile, he’s built like a warrior, able to run and fight for hours. My lungs are shrieking for air after a hundred-yard dash.

If he catches me, he could do anything. The contract allows him full access to my body, and for a chance at life-changing money, I signed on the dotted line. When I was in the warmth and safety of the Lodge, it made sense. But now that I’m deep in the dark woods, I’m wondering what the hell I’ve gotten myself into. Out here, a contract is just a piece of paper. It means nothing. There’s no logic, just adrenaline. Things could easily get out of control.

He could hurt me, kill me. Choke me out and do terrible things to my unconscious body, with only the trees as witnesses.

Out here in the woods, there’s no one to help me. No one to hear me scream.

I’m not just running to escape so I can get paid. I’m running for my life.

Fear gives my feet wings as I sprint through the trees.

Gotta get ahead, gotta hide. I’m about to slow down when he appears on my right, a skull-faced specter.


I veer left. This isn’t fair. He’s playing with me. Taunting me. His legs are so long that he’s jogging lazily and still able to keep pace.

“Run, run, little red.”

That’s it. My heart’s about to burst. His taunting pushes me past fear into anger.

Enough running like a rabbit. I’ve spent my whole life being chewed up and spit out by those bigger and badder than me. This night has finally pushed me over the edge.

I have to stand my ground. If I die, I die. At least I’ll die knowing I stood my ground.

I halt in a small clearing and whirl around. He’s melted into the shadows where I can’t see him, but I can feel him watching me.

“Come on then!” I call, raising my arms in challenge. “Come get me.”

He appears, and I jump back. He looks deadly in his executioner’s hood. The shifting shadows make his tattoos writhe like snakes on his chest.

I’m panting and shaking, and he’s barely out of breath.

“You’re giving up?” His voice is dark and velvety, stroking between my legs.

“Screw you,” I fire back. He thinks this is all fun and games? I’ll take the fun out of it.

Even though it’ll mean he gets full access to my body for the rest of the night because it was in the contract.

Even if he kills me. My mouth is writing checks my butt can’t cash, but I’m too mad to think straight.

He paces forward, and I lock my legs so I don’t cringe away. Now that he’s close, I realize how much he towers over me. He could easily break me.

Why does that send a thrill through me? My mouth is dry, but my sex is wet.

He makes a show of checking his watch. “You have ten minutes until midnight.”

Midnight. That will increase my payout tenfold.

He points to the woods, the opposite direction of the Lodge and any safety I might find.

“You run. I chase. Make it count.”

This jerk. I hate him, even as my body responds to the fact that he’s clothed and I’m naked and vulnerable to someone as big and powerful as he is.

He leans in, breaking my stunned spell. “Go.”


She streaks away from me. Her beautiful bottom jiggles as she runs. She’s all curves and delectable dimples, and my cock is tenting my pants. If I get any harder, it’ll be torture to run.

I pick up my speed, embracing the pain. I let her get ahead so I can admire her nakedness whenever she streaks through a patch of moonlight.

“Five minutes,” I call out. She dodges around a tree. I run left, making sure she sees me before turning right. I’m herding her deeper into the woods, where no one will hear her screams.

“One minute.” There’s a crash up ahead. I freeze and listen. She threw something to divert me, but she’s sneaking through the bushes. I grab them and shake them, and she squeaks and hustles away.

“Ten. Nine.” She’s running again, weaving through the trees. “Eight. Seven.”

She won’t escape me.

“Five, four…” I increase my speed, running flat out until I draw even with her.

“Three.” She’s at my side, right in reach. She feints one way, but I anticipate her moves and follow her.

“Two.” I’m right behind her, breathing down her neck.


I grab her and take us both to the ground. I wrap an arm around her and plant my free hand on the ground to break our fall. “Got you.”


I scream and kick out, but he’s on top of me. He’s holding his full weight off me, which means I have space to kick him. I writhe and get enough room to lash out, aiming for his crotch.

