His Perfect Prey (Fraternitas #1) Read Online Lee Savino

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Dark, Erotic, Mafia Tags Authors: Series: Fraternitas Series by Lee Savino

Total pages in book: 70
Estimated words: 67140 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 336(@200wpm)___ 269(@250wpm)___ 224(@300wpm)

I sense her gaze on me and turn to show her the safe hidden behind some wall paneling. “The password is your birthday.” I set the briefcase inside. She can access it at any time.

If she uses it to escape me, she won’t get far, but it will ease her mind to know it’s there.

When she’s more settled, I’ll show her the options she can invest in. St. James runs several hedge funds under different shell companies. He’s the reason Fraternitas has real wealth. With his help, the brotherhood has been transformed from a back alley gang to a real power in the city with diverse and legitimate enterprises. He’s structured the organization so everyone in Fraternitas shares in the profits, which makes us all multi-millionaires.

St. James can do the same for her. Investing in his companies will increase her savings to a few million in just a few years.

But there’ll be time to explain all that. My bunny is skittish in her new habitat and needs time to adjust.

I sink onto the couch next to Elodie, careful not to jostle her. As she and Atticus talk, I play with her curls.

“I still recommend you stay off the ankle,” Atticus says. “It’s looking better, but you’re not out of the woods yet.”

Elodie’s shoulders tense. “What about work?”

“I talked to Lucy,” I interrupt. Lucy runs Inferno. “She’ll hold your job until you’re healed.” After I claim Elodie, she’ll have no need for a job, but she seems friendly with the other waitresses. I don’t want to disrupt her whole life or interfere with her relationships.

I just want to be the only man in her life. And make her happy.

Elodie frowns. “You had no right,” she says.

“Lucy likes me. And you seemed stressed about it. I thought I’d explain things for you.”

She sighs but doesn’t say any more. She’s starting to learn how it’ll be from now on: when life is rocky, I’ll do anything to clear obstacles out of her way.

“Sounds like you have the all-clear to rest and heal,” Atticus says. “Avoid any activities that would stress your ankle.”

“What about sex?” I ask him while watching my bunny closely.

Elodie’s mouth falls open, and a flush creeps over her freckled cheeks.

Atticus is unruffled. He treats all manner of wounds, from the fight club members to the dancers at Inferno, not to mention the club submissives at the Lodge and St. James’ other BDSM club, Club Empire. “Sex is fine.”

I’m enjoying the ripe red glow of Elodie’s blush, so I add, “Anything we should avoid? Like spanking?”

“That’s between you and her.” Atticus gives me a level look. “As far as I’m concerned, she can spank you as much as you like.”

Ha. Ha. I give him a cold smile. He smirks, tossing a bunch of condoms on the coffee table, along with a few packets of lube. “Have fun,” he says. I walk him to the door and lock the door behind him before prowling back to Elodie’s side.

She’s frowning again. “We need to talk.”

I pounce. “Later.” I strip off her sweater before she can fight me. “I’m going to make you feel good.”

“Jaeger,” she growls, and I kiss her neck, feeling her pulse jump under my lips. Thumbing her nipples through her new satin bra, she shivers. I plant kisses from her throat to her breastbone and stroke her soft belly.

“I’ve missed this.” I unzip the side of her skirt and peel it down enough to release her scent. Her perfume blooms around me, making my mouth water.

“Missed what? We’ve been together.” She gives me a surly look. “All day.”

“My bunny doesn’t like change.” I kiss between her breasts and scrape my stubbled chin on her tender skin until she squirms. “She needs to feel safe.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“No?” I rise and pull a small velvet pouch out of my pocket. I shake the ring she wanted into my palm, and she gasps. I take her hand and slide it onto her left ring finger.

I’ve never cared for tradition or ceremony, but there’s something satisfying about collaring her in this way. The pink stone gives off a subtle gleam in the setting of sparkling diamonds. Mine.

“You bought it.” She’s awestruck again, staring at the ring.

I shrug. “You wanted it.” What my woman wants, she gets.

She fiddles with the ring as if she’s reluctant to accept it but likes the look of it too much to remove it. She clutches her hand to her chest and worries her lip. “I can pay you back.”

I rear back. “No.” I glower at her, offended she would offer. “You’re my woman. You don’t pay for anything. Ever.”

“I’m… your woman?” Her brow furrows. She’s back to twisting the ring around her finger, thinking hard. “Is this payment?”


She holds up her hand, showing off the ring. “Is this my payment for sleeping with you again?”

