His Little Turquoise – Eleadian Mates Read Online Paige Michaels

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 48
Estimated words: 45188 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 226(@200wpm)___ 181(@250wpm)___ 151(@300wpm)

My stomach flips upside down. I inhale slowly, not wanting to startle her as she tips her head back to meet my gaze.

She gasps and shakes her head, backing up farther.

I can’t let her go. I know in my soul she’s mine. Her scent is overpowering everyone else’s around me, drowning them out. It’s not a scent I’m familiar with. It’s soft and fresh. Youthful?

In two strides, I have her cornered. She’s breathing heavily. Her heart is racing. I can hear it. I can see it.

My cock goes from semi-hard to fully erect when she brings that thumb into her mouth fully before suddenly jerking it out. I’ve never seen a female like her in two years, and I’ve met a lot of mates.

I’m intimidating her, so I squat in front of her, giving her only a few inches of space. It’s difficult to keep from touching her. I need to. I need to stroke her cheek, pull her into my arms, nuzzle the soft hair at the base of her neck.

“Hey there, Little one,” I say. I need to take this slowly, ease her into acceptance. I know she can feel the pull. She looks panicked like a little dove.

Hell, I’m kind of nervous myself. When I came down to Earth earlier, I hadn’t expected to find a mate so quickly. It hasn’t even been an hour since the club opened. And I sure hadn’t expected to find a tiny pixie of a female.

“How old are you?” I ask. I’m skeptical. I need to know the answer before I make a single other move.

She rolls her eyes and then freezes and gasps, those same eyes going wide as she reaches back and covers her butt over her dress with both hands.

I’m confused but intrigued. I’ve seen Little girls do this before in my office when they’re naughty. Does she think I’m going to spank her? For what? Rolling her eyes? This entire scenario is surreal. I think I’ve hit the lottery.

This Little girl has on clothes I haven’t seen on adult humans. A pretty pink dress that’s full and barely covers her bottom. Pink ballet flats. She even has pink bows on her hair clips.

I have studied humans extensively. It’s something we all do to prepare for a trip to Earth. Young humans dress like this. Not adults. With one exception. Adults who practice a kink called age play. I haven’t met any.

Is it possible this Little girl is already Little and knows it? That would sure make my life easier.

She is precious. Her skin is so pale it’s almost white. There’s a scatter of freckles across her nose. I bet she has those pretty little freckles all over her body. Her cheeks are pinkening deeper from embarrassment. Her lips are full and pink. When she licks them, I stare at her, wanting to taste them myself. Her eyes are a lovely shade of pale green. I’m already lost in their depths.

First things first. “Answer me, Little one.”

She swallows. Her hands are still flattened on her backside as she squishes deeper into the corner. “Twenty-four.”

Thank fuck.

“I have my ID in my purse,” she adds. “No one ever thinks I’m old enough to be in a bar.” She looks down before easing her hands around from behind her and lifting the tiny purse I now see she’s wearing across her shoulder so it rests on one hip. It’s the same shade of pink as her dress.

She pops it open with shaky fingers, pulls out her ID, and holds it out to me. “Please don’t confiscate it. It’s a pain to get a new one. I swear it’s me. I even have a copy of my birth certificate. Do you want to see it?”

I’m not sure why she’s working so hard to prove herself. I’m certain she already did so with John at the door. I might have had my doubts based on her size, but her eyes tell another story. They hold a maturity fitting for her age. Twenty-four seems about right.

“Put that away, Little one. I believe you.”

She rocks back and forth on her feet, swaying enough to make her dress flow around her. She also brings her hand back up to her mouth, and I suspect she wants to suck her thumb. She stops herself at the last second though and holds the nail between her teeth.

She’s staring at me.

I’m returning the stare. I’m tongue-tied. I don’t want to blink. I’m squatting very low to make us eye-to-eye. I’m going to be blunt. “You’re mine, Little one.”

She swallows hard and shakes her head, stepping back the last inch between her and the corner. “I can’t be,” she whispers. “I only came with my friend. I’m…not like other women,” she tells me.

“You’re Little, aren’t you?”

Her eyes widen again, and she slowly nods.

