His Little Hessonite – Eleadian Mates Read Online Paige Michaels

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Crime, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Insta-Love, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 47
Estimated words: 44495 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 222(@200wpm)___ 178(@250wpm)___ 148(@300wpm)

“Deep breaths, Baby girl. Eyes on mine,” Kalbrac orders. “I want to see those pretty brown orbs.”

I inhale slowly, finding it difficult to disobey him. I’m drawn to him in a weird way that’s unsettling. He’s bossing me around, and I’m following his orders. That’s not like me.

“Good girl.”

My heart skips a beat.

He strokes my fingers against his lips, and I stare, mesmerized, wondering if he’s going to pierce my skin again. “That’s my good girl,” he coos.

I shouldn’t like someone talking to me like that. His words are odd. I’m not a girl. I’m a woman. But coming from him, I find I like the strange praise.

“There’s a quill behind my front teeth, Clara. I can use it to inject my serum into you and calm you, and I will do it again if you get agitated. Try to relax so Dankin can examine you.”

I swallow. My body is melting into the surface of the exam table. I don’t have the energy to lift even my arm let alone my head. Maybe I’m weak from whatever is wrong with me.

Kalbrac finally eases back. He remains standing next to me with one hand on my shoulder and one hand grasping mine, but he’s no longer pressing me into the table because he doesn’t need to. I’m not going anywhere.

The doctor is at my other side. “Can you tell me about your illness, Little one?” He cups the top of my head.

“I don’t know much. I’ve been unusually tired for a few months. I had to take a leave of absence from work. I’ve been seeing doctors, but they can’t figure out what’s causing the fatigue.”

He nods. “We’ll get to the bottom of it, Clara. I’ll need to do a thorough exam, but rest assured, my medical skills are far superior to what you’ve experienced on Earth.”

I’m not sure that idea is comforting. What if he tells me I’m dying?

“Another deep breath, Baby girl,” Kalbrac commands.

I’m growing agitated again. I can feel it. How is he able to identify my stress so easily, though?

I fidget and try to push myself up to no avail. I’m too tired and weak to lift my body.

Kalbrac leans over me, kisses a spot behind my ear, licks it, and then pierces me again.

I moan this time. The prick of his weird quill is unnerving, but it oddly feels good at the same time. I have the strangest sensation that I’d like him to do it again.

“Good girl,” he whispers. “We’re going to take your clothes off, now, Little one.”

I jerk my gaze to his as he lifts his head. The only movement I can manage is to shake my head. “Why?”

His smile is infectious. “The doctor can’t fully examine you while you’re dressed, Baby girl.”

I glance back and forth between the doctor and Kalbrac. “Can you help me sit up? Do you have a gown I can put on?”

Kalbrac slides his hand from my shoulder to my face. “I don’t want you to sit up or exert yourself until I’m certain it’s safe, Baby girl, and you don’t need a gown.” He unbuttons the front of my blouse while Dankin removes my shoes.

I start panting. “You can’t just undress me…” I argue weakly.

He meets my gaze and holds it while continuing to open my shirt. “Deep breaths for me, Clara. I know it’s confusing to you right now, but you’re my mate, Little one. I will know every inch of your body inside and out. Eleadians are not as modest as humans. Your nudity will eventually be a nonissue.”

I shake my head. “Please…” My voice is strained.

Dankin speaks softly as he unbuttons my pants. “Make her understand, Kalbrac.”

What does that mean? Half the things they say are confusing. Is my brain not firing with all cylinders? Or are they speaking about things that I can’t understand?

Kalbrac spreads my blouse open and slides my arms out of the sleeves, leaving me in nothing but my bra and panties because the doctor has removed my pants.

I breathe heavily. I’m…aroused. It makes no sense. I should be arguing and in a total panic. Part of me is incensed, but the rest of me is magnetically obsessed with staring at this enormous alien man who has apparently claimed me.

He surprises me when he leans over and places a soft kiss on my lips. When he draws back, he remains close, kissing my cheek and then nibbling a path down my neck and into the cleavage of my bra.

My head is spinning. I find myself incredibly aroused. I’ve never felt this level of arousal before. The closest I’ve ever come is when reading an erotic romance novel—a really filthy romance novel in which the heroine is extremely submissive and the hero dominates her completely. Those are things I read, not things I participate in. I’m certainly not submissive in real life.

