His Little Hessonite – Eleadian Mates Read Online Paige Michaels

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Crime, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Insta-Love, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 47
Estimated words: 44495 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 222(@200wpm)___ 178(@250wpm)___ 148(@300wpm)

I sigh. Must they always discuss me like I’m not even in the room?

“What’s your other question?”

“Dankin mentioned that I should have you monitor her breasts closely. As you know, she had surgery to remove a pituitary tumor the night I met her. The overactive gland was causing her to experience some lactation. I’d like to get her nipples pierced at the end of the week, but only if you think there’s no lingering medical issues. If there’s still a possibility she could have some discharge from her nipples, I should probably hold off.”

My face heats. Darn him. My breasts are fine. Though I wouldn’t really know this firsthand since he won’t let me touch them. But he certainly touches them enough to know.

Thabo nods. “I’ll examine them closely.” He comes to my side. “Can you sit tall for me, Little one?”

When I straighten my spine, he praises me, “Wow. You are strong. Has she taken any steps yet?”

I turn toward Papi and stick out my tongue. “Someone won’t let me even try,” I sass in front of the doctor.

Thabo chuckles. “The answer to your first question is yes. I can already tell that she’s perfectly capable of receiving discipline. I would nip the sassy behavior in the bud. It might have been cute for a few days, but eventually it will grow old. I’ve seen plenty of Papis who felt sorry for their Littles for snatching them from their lives on Earth end up with discipline issues that take longer to correct than develop.”

My heated face turns hotter. “I’m not naughty,” I tell him.

Thabo taps my nose. “And it’s best we keep it that way.” He lifts his gaze toward Papi. “I wouldn’t put up with sassy behavior if I were you. If it’s happening often, and taking her diaper off to spank her bottom becomes a hassle, you can spank her nipples instead. Most Little girls do not like having their titties swatted.”

Apparently my face can grow an even deeper shade of red. I can’t see it, but I can feel it.

Papi responds exactly how I would expect. “I’m not sure spanking her nipples is going to be effective. I did so once before we left Earth, and she nearly reached orgasm.”

Now I’m pouting. Why must he talk about me like this? Can’t anything be private?

“Ahh. There are many other ways you can discipline her if necessary. Timeouts, denying her your time and attention either in a corner or in her crib, taking away her favorite toys or books, or any number of other possibilities. One thing that is guaranteed to give you the result you’re looking for is orgasm denial.”

My breath hitches. Papi hasn’t given me an orgasm since we got home. It seems like my entire existence is orgasm denial. I look at him to find him nodding, brow furrowed. “You mean edging.”

Thabo nods. “Yes. I’m sure she suffers from low-level arousal all the time. I’m talking about restraining her and touching her in whatever way she most enjoys without letting her come. You can do this for ten minutes, fifteen minutes, or even longer. Don’t let her come when you’re done, and you’ll have to experiment to figure out how long she needs you to edge her in order for it to be an effective punishment.”

I gulp. That sounds awful.

Papi looks at me with both brows lifted.

I sigh. Looks like my sassy phase is over.

Thabo sets one hand on the small of my back and uses the other to cup my breast. He strokes my nipple several times with his thumb before pinching it hard between his thumb and forefinger.

“Owie,” I whimper, trying not to jerk out of his grip.

“Hold still for me, Little one,” he demands as he shifts his fingers around, pinching and pulling on my nipple several times. The bud is sore and swollen when he switches his attention to the other one.

I hold my breath while he tortures my titties and finally blow it out when he’s done.

He releases me to speak to Papi again. “I don’t see any evidence of lactation. You’re safe to get the piercings whenever you’d like. I usually recommend waiting until the end of two weeks, but she’s already strong enough to sit up without swaying. I’m sure she could walk if you let her.”

This makes me perk up. “So I can start walking?”

Thabo chuckles. “I didn’t say that. That’s up to your Papi. If he wants to wait a few more days before he lets you start toddling around the house, you will obey his wishes.”

I sigh. Somehow I know Papi is not going to let me walk for several more days because he’s a controlling meanie.

Thabo goes through the usual motions of examining me as though he didn’t just see me a week ago, and I pull in a deep breath when he has me lie back.

