His Little Hessonite – Eleadian Mates Read Online Paige Michaels

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Crime, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Insta-Love, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 47
Estimated words: 44495 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 222(@200wpm)___ 178(@250wpm)___ 148(@300wpm)

After we end the call, I hold her in my arms and feed her a bottle. When it’s gone, she’s exhausted, and I pop a pacifier in her mouth and sit rocking her while she sleeps.

She’s perfection. I’m so blessed. I will miss her like crazy for the next six months, but then our lives will begin in earnest, and we will live tethered together for centuries.

Chapter Fifteen

Six months later…


It’s been a whirlwind of activity for the past ten days since we arrived on Eleadia. The first few days were particularly stressful and challenging until Clara found her voice. Ever since then she’s been talking nonstop, which pleases me greatly because I missed her so badly while she was silent.

I don’t mind her chattering. In fact, I relish it. Her voice is musical, even when she’s complaining or arguing with me.

I’ve given her a free pass to argue any point she wants to make up until now. As soon as the doctors declare her to be healthy and recovered enough for me to enforce rules, all bets are off. We are going to the clinic today. Clara knows her window is shrinking.

She has taken advantage of my edict to the fullest, almost making me regret my declaration. It’s not customary for Papis to punish their Littles before they’ve regained some mobility, at least not harshly. It’s also not recommended that we have sex either, and that part has both of us struggling to control our instincts.

Clara is currently in her bouncy seat. I have her well-secured so she doesn’t have the use of her arms because as soon as she regained enough motor control to lift them, I decided I don’t trust her to keep her fingers away from her nipples.

She’s swinging her legs and giggling because she’s pleased with her ability to do so.

I’m grinning, too, equally excited for her.

“I’m sure I could walk if you let me, Papi.” This is her current argument.

I’m standing a few feet from her, making more bottles to put in the fridge. “You’re not ready, Baby girl. It’s out of the question. I would have a heart attack if you fell and hit your head.”

“I won’t fall, Papi,” she whines. “I promise.”

“I know you won’t, Little one, because you won’t have the opportunity.” I fill another bottle and glance at her in time to see her roll her pretty eyes.

“I’ve been doing all my exercises every day, Papi.”

She’s right about that. She works hard. She will undoubtedly be walking in the next few days, and I suspect she could surf the furniture if I let her try. I haven’t allowed it.

She has amazing fine motor skills for this stage, too. She can pick up items and works diligently to improve for hours every day.

The first few days, she slept most of the time, but as soon as she started speaking, she insisted I help her get stronger every waking hour. I’ve allowed her to work hard because it’s not hurting anything, but I’m also aware that as soon as she’s mobile, my life is going to drastically change.

Clara is a force to be reckoned with. She’s high energy and full of life. She has a lot to say and a million questions. She wants to understand her new planet.

She’s a sponge when it comes to our plants, our weather, our homes, and our mode of transportation. I’ve shown her the duocruiser that’s in my garage. She spent a long time asking how the vehicle worked, clapping her hands with excitement. It’s refreshing watching her accept her world.

When she questions me about Littles and how they live, she often gets frustrated, but she’s slowly accepting the restrictions she will live by and acknowledging the submission that will be expected of her.

“What are you cooking tonight, Papi?” she asks me. She’s very inquisitive about food.

I chuckle. “I already told you, and no you may not have any.”

She pushes out her bottom lip in a fake pout. “Why not?”

Moments like this make me regret giving her free rein to argue with me. If the doctor agrees that her progress is substantial, I will no longer permit her to be so argumentative starting this afternoon. “Because Little girls need to spend a long time adjusting to Eleadia with formula only. My naughty Little girl is going to be taking nothing but bottles for at least a year if she doesn’t watch herself.”


“You should stop asking, Baby girl. When I’m ready, I will introduce one food at a time. You will sit in a high chair with your hands strapped under the tray. I will feed you myself. You will eat nothing but pureed foods for a long time until I’m certain you can chew and swallow without choking. You will not be permitted to feed yourself.”

“Ever?” Her voice is shrill.

