His Little Hessonite – Eleadian Mates Read Online Paige Michaels

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Crime, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Insta-Love, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 47
Estimated words: 44495 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 222(@200wpm)___ 178(@250wpm)___ 148(@300wpm)

Chapter Eight


I will Papi to step forward, grab my hips, and thrust into me. The bed is a mile off the floor. It’s at the perfect height for him to take me standing up, which means I probably couldn’t get onto this bed without a stool. If I flipped over and tried to slide off to lower to the floor, I would have to jump partway.

Instead of lining himself up with my greedy channel, he bends over and sucks one of my nipples into his mouth.

My eyes roll back as I grab his shoulders and arch my chest toward him. If the man wants to suckle my breasts, I am not going to stop him. It feels like heaven.

I can’t focus on anything except Papi’s attention as he swirls his tongue around my nipple before flicking it rapidly. I whimper when he releases it with a pop but then moan when he switches to my other breast. He’s a master with his mouth.

A strange thought occurs to me. For a fleeting second, I wonder how many women he’s been with to be this skilled, but then it occurs to me that the answer is zero. He said all of the women on his planet died out over a hundred years ago, and he just arrived on Earth to claim a mate. I seriously doubt he’s been fucking every woman in the club since his arrival. I’ve never heard of anyone going upstairs with an Eleadian male and then returning to society to tell about it.

If I’m his first partner… “Ohhh…” I fist the bedding at my sides and arch my chest into his mouth when he pricks my nipple. How does he do that, and why does it feel so good? In no world would I have ever imagined having needles piercing my sensitive nipples.

My head lolls back and forth as Papi releases my nipple and switches to the other. I hold my breath and enjoy every sensation as he sucks and licks and finally holds my bud hostage with his teeth before piercing it several times in quick succession.

A rush of wetness leaks out of me, and I wrap my legs around Papi’s wide hips, willing him to thrust into me. His erection isn’t in contact with my skin. I need it like a drug.

Papi lets go of my nipple, and less than a second later, his lips are on mine, kissing me deeply, devouring me as though I’m a lifeline and without consuming me he would die.

His tongue strokes mine over and over in a dance that drives my arousal even higher. I’ve never been kissed like this. Nothing has ever come close. It’s possessive and demanding. He’s claiming me with his mouth, telling me without words that I’m his in every way.

I know this in my soul. I also know he’s right. I’m his. I can fight him every step of the way, but in the end, I’m his.

The thought of submitting so deeply to another being is foreign to me. I’ve never considered submission before. I’m getting a crash course today, and It’s disconcerting to realize, albeit reluctantly, that I can’t stop this from happening.

Is it real? I still worry I’m dreaming.

When it seems like I’m going to have to wretch my lips away to draw in oxygen, Papi releases my mouth and kisses a path down the center of my chest. He grabs my inner thighs with both hands and pushes them wide, pressing them into the mattress, exposing me completely.

Papi moans as he wraps his lips around my entire pussy.

He sucks, drawing my lower lips and clit into his mouth, causing me to cry out inarticulately. My swollen flesh pulses. He holds steady for long seconds, letting my sex engorge with blood.

Suddenly his quill pierces my clit, and I scream. An orgasm more powerful than any of the previous ones he’s permitted washes through my entire body, making me convulse against the mattress.

Papi doesn’t stop. He flicks my clit, keeping my orgasm going, driving me higher and higher as if there’s another kind of peak I might reach, one that will cause me to pass out from pleasure.

And then I’m there, hovering in that blissful place I’ve learned exists right before I come. “Papi!” I cry out. His response is to inject me yet again with his serum, his tiny quill pricking my clit deeper.

It hurts so fucking good. There’s no comparison. I’m the luckiest woman alive. Nothing compares to this pleasure, and he hasn’t entered me yet.

I’m writhing on the bed when he releases my pussy and brings his face back up to hover above mine. “Do you still want my cock, Baby girl?”

“Yes,” I beg. “Please…”

“I haven’t prepared you.”

I shake my head and lift my hips. “Don’t care.”

“I can’t hold back, Clara. I’m going to thrust into you to the hilt. You will take all of me, and it will hurt.” He’s not asking anymore. He’s telling me. He’s ordering me to accept his girth, warning me that he will not be gentle.

