Total pages in book: 47
Estimated words: 44495 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 222(@200wpm)___ 178(@250wpm)___ 148(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 44495 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 222(@200wpm)___ 178(@250wpm)___ 148(@300wpm)
Papi lowers the side of the crib and squats down so we’re at eye level. He sets his hands on either side of me, not touching me. “You’re shocked by my size, yes?”
I nod. My mouth is dry.
“I’ve heard that human females worry about being able to take their mates into their bodies. I can assure you your channel will stretch to accommodate me.”
I’m not sure I believe him. My vagina felt tight around one of his fingers. How could he possibly put that enormous erection inside me?
“This is what you will see me wearing from now on. All of our males dress in loose pants made of the sumach plant. It’s the same material as the blanket you’re clutching.” He smiles.
I rub the material. “It’s very soft.”
“Everything that touches your skin will be soft like that, Baby girl.” He rises and scoops me up, cradling me again.
“You don’t have to carry me everywhere. I’m fine now. I can walk.”
He kisses my temple. “I will carry you a lot, Little one. Mostly because I enjoy holding you.” He tugs the blanket away from my chest and rolls me toward him so that my naked breasts press against his pecs.
I close my eyes for a moment because it feels so nice. I like being skin-to-skin with him. It’s oddly soothing. I sigh.
“My touch will keep you calm,” he says as if he’s read my mind. “I can force you to relax like I did before with my quill, but often my touch will be sufficient. Our bond will increase the more time we are skin-to-skin like this.”
He carries me to the other side of the room, and I open my eyes when I hear water running. I squirm to look at what he’s doing.
“I’m filling the basin so I can give you a bath, Baby girl. It’s important for me to wash your entire body and your hair with our water.”
“Your water?”
“Yes. We bring our water from Eleadia. It’s far more pure than any water you have on Earth. I’ve heard some females say it feels like a fountain of youth. You’ll feel healthier as soon as the impurities are washed off your body. You’ll feel even better after you drink it and we get your digestive tract cleaned out.”
Papi pulls the blanket away from me and lowers me into the water. The basin is perfectly sized for me to recline in with my legs bent. It’s deep and wide enough. It’s also high off the floor.
I trail my fingers through the water. It does feel nice. Once again I’m aware of feeling calmer than I should. I tip my head back to look at him. “Why is it so high off the floor? I would need a ladder to get into it.”
He chuckles. “You will never climb into the basin without me, Baby girl. I will always put you in it and wash you myself.”
I gasp. “I can bathe myself, Papi.”
He bends to kiss my forehead. “I bet you’ve done a fabulous job for thirty-five years, but you won’t wash your own body from now on. Papi will do it.”
He’s treating me like an infant. It’s unnerving between the crib and the bath. Is he going to treat me like a newborn in every way?
Papi fills a cup with water. “Tip your head back and close your eyes, Baby girl. I’m going to wet your hair.”
I grab the sides of the basin and obey him. I should probably argue, but it’s like he’s cast a spell over me, making me want to follow his instructions.
The water feels so good as it flows down my head, and I purr softly the moment he starts massaging soap into my hair. It smells good, and it feels so nice being pampered like this.
“Are you scared, Little one?” he asks gently.
“I’m frightened out of my mind,” I tell him.
“Tell me which parts are the most upsetting, Clara.”
“Besides the fact that I’m naked and letting a strange man give me a bath?” I say, almost teasing.
“This strange man is your lifemate, and you can sense it just as strongly as I can. I know it happened fast, but that’s the way of our matings. When we meet the perfect female, we know it instantly. I scented you from the dance floor as soon as a door opened between us. I rushed to your side immediately. You can’t imagine how panicked I felt to find my mate out cold from fainting.”
I try to imagine what he must have thought and the fear he would have felt. It’s illogical, but I get it. I do feel the same strong draw toward him he feels toward me.
Papi rinses my hair and then cups my face.
I set my hand over his. Does my touch soothe him like his does me? I think so.