His Hart’s Command Read Online A.E. Via (Nothing Special #6)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Nothing Special Series by A.E. Via

Total pages in book: 91
Estimated words: 86431 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 432(@200wpm)___ 346(@250wpm)___ 288(@300wpm)

Free clapped his palm over his mouth in shock when Hart grabbed a handful of God’s leather coat around his collar and slammed him back against the wall. God was just able to wrap his hands around Hart’s wrists when he gripped him tighter and hauled him into his face. “Was it your idea to start a goddamn shootout in the middle of downtown, Cash?! Or was it your big-headed idea to mobilize my team without my knowledge?! Which one?! Because I could kick your ass right now, for either.”

Everyone was on their feet, looking unsure at the heated exchanged between these close friends.

“If you stop choking me and let me explain,” God struggled to say, not fighting his friend at all.

“Hart. God and Day weren’t even here,” Syn said from beside them. “If you calm down I can tell you what happened.”

God slumped against the wall after Hart released him abruptly.

“I don’t wanna fucking hear it!” Hart spun around, glowering at the rest of the unit. “You’re not gonna convince me that none of that shit could’ve been avoided today. Leading ruthless gunmen out into the public…what were you thinking? Your jobs are to protect innocent citizens. How is running down a public street with thugs shooting at you, protecting them? Huh?!”

“We only had seconds to react.” Ruxs threw his hands up.

“Well, your reaction got a woman shot in her car while sitting at the red light on Ellis, goddamnit!” Hart roared.

Free thought he was gonna pass out. Is she…?

“Oh fuck,” Fox gritted through clenched teeth. “When was that reported?”

“Soon as I got out my meeting, ten minutes ago. That’s when,” Hart said. “Thank shit she survived and her husband’s a retired cop, because otherwise she’d probably be suing the shit out of us and effectively shutting down our departments.”

“We didn’t get a chance to think before they were on us,” Green tried to rationalize in that smooth voice of his, but it didn’t appear to be working on Hart. “We made sure to lead Cornelia’s goons in the opposite direction of Free—”

“Who was the one who foolishly stood and took a picture when Green was trying to get us out of there without being noticed,” Free confessed. “It really was my fault. We never would’ve been spotted and yes…all that chaos could’ve been avoided.”

Free inched closer to God and Hart. “I’m willing to be disciplined for it.”

“You’re not responsible, Free,” God answered, almost sadly.

“Look. I want to be treated fairly. Just like everyone else. If I messed—”

“How did you know to take that picture?” Hart cut him off.

“What?” Free asked.

Hart was in Free’s space, his voice a touch softer, “How did you know that was Monroe Cornelia in the hotel? How’d you even know he was who he was?”

Free blinked. “Oh. Tech pointed him out.”

“Exactly,” Hart growled in Tech’s direction.

Oh no. “Ivan, wait.” Free didn’t want his friends taking the heat for this.

“Their only reaction should’ve been to not notice him. Get up and leave. Because there were too many civilians around. Cornelia is a very dangerous man. He doesn’t care who he hurts. If he feels threatened…people die,” Syn said, his midnight-dark eyes on his four detectives.

Free wanted to explain more about the federal judge and the other suit, but Hart was already seething again.

“I want those reports waiting in my inbox first thing in the morning.” Hart pointed at Fox and Dinah, then zeroed in on God’s enforcers. “And try using the damn spellcheck this time, Ruxs. I wanna be able to fuckin’ understand what I’m reading. I don’t care if takes all night.”

“This is still my task force, Ivan,” God snapped.

Hart was still glaring at Ruxs, Green, Tech, and Steele. “Until I’m satisfied that the four of you can think clearly in the field and be able to react without putting innocent lives in danger…your team is grounded.”

“Hart! Come on, man!” God yelled.

There was collective grumbles and curses around the room as the men began to drop dejectedly into their chairs.

“Save it, Cash. I’m doing the right thing and you know it,” Hart argued.

“They made a mistake. You can’t predict what’s gonna happen out there. You, of all people, should know that, Hart,” God tried to reason.

“It’s not one mistake.” Hart got back in his face. “They’ve made far too many in the last three months alone. My answer is final. You get your fucking cowboys under control, Cash, or I’ll ground this damn department for so long you’ll forget the purpose of your fucking task force.”




“I wanna say something and I don’t want you to take it the wrong way, okay?”

Hart glanced over at Free in the passenger seat of his truck—safe and sound. He had a feeling he knew what Free was going to say. He didn’t care. He hadn’t overreacted. Free could’ve been taken away from him before he’d even got a chance to truly have him. All because God’s men went after their targets without fear and oftentimes without consequence. Hart didn’t back up recklessness. His team’s and the public’s safety always came first.

