Highlander’s Captive Read Online Donna Fletcher (Highlander Trilogy #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Historical Fiction, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Highlander Trilogy Series by Donna Fletcher

Total pages in book: 116
Estimated words: 106398 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 532(@200wpm)___ 426(@250wpm)___ 355(@300wpm)

She smiled. “Only,” —she slipped her hand down and took hold of him— “if I can touch you this time.”

“Touch me as much as you want,” he said. “I guarantee that I will respond each time.”

The night wore on and Wintra wore out, falling asleep in Torr’s arms. He pulled the blanket over them and before he fell into a much needed slumber, he thanked the heavens for blessing him with such a loving wife.

Chapter Twenty-three

Torr watched his wife sleep contentedly in his arms. He had woken only a few moments ago and smiled at the way Wintra was wrapped around him. Arms, legs, her head on his shoulder, and her hand holding on to his one arm, made it appear that she intended to keep a good hold on him. And he did not mind at all, since he intended to do the same to her.

He glanced at her lips so soft and full and so ripe for a kiss. He reminded himself that she needed some rest after last night and no doubt she had to be sore from as many times as they made love. He had to let her be this morning. He had to.

Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled at him. “Good Lord, I wake wanting you.”

“You must be sore,” he said, forcing himself not to touch her.

“Not that I can feel.” She ran her hand down his chest to between his legs and smiled. “And look, he’s already hard and waiting for me.”

He grabbed her by the waist and turned her on her back, then settled over her. “You are a wicked woman.”

She kissed him quick. “I enjoy being wicked with my husband, but then he is an exceptional lover.” She scrunched her brow. “Not that I have anyone to compare him to, nor would I want to, I only know he is—perfect for me.”

“And your husband feels the same about you,” Torr said and was about to kiss her when a pounding knock sounded at the door.

Torr cursed beneath his breath before calling out, “Who goes there?”

“Elwin. I have a message from Cree.”

Torr reluctantly slipped on his plaid and only his plaid to let Elwin know that he was busy and went to open the door.

Elwin remained outside as he said, “Cree commands yours and Wintra’s presence at the keep immediately. I am to escort you.”

“Give us a moment,” Torr said and closed the door. He returned to the room to find Wintra getting dressed. “You heard?”

She nodded.

“It must be important if he sent an escort for us,” he said slipping into his garments.

“I would rather stay here with you,” she said disappointed they had been interrupted, though worried over the summons.

He cupped her face in his hands. “Believe me when I tell you that there is no place I would rather be than here making love to you.” He gave her a quick kiss and finished dressing.

Wintra combed her hair and bathed her face with warm water in a bucket left by the hearth. It was a routine she had established every morning at the abbey and one she found she could not do without. It had always made her feel fresh and ready for the day, and it seemed, with her brother’s urgent summons, she needed to be ready for what today brought.

Torr grabbed his cloak and hers and after draping hers over her shoulders, he opened the door and as soon as they joined Elwin, he took hold of her hand. Whatever they were about to face, he wanted to make certain Wintra understood that they would face it together.

The Great Hall was nearly empty, the morning meal having been served a couple of hours ago and most of the warriors now off to see to their daily tasks. Cree sat at the table by the hearth with Dawn and Sloan.

Torr slipped Wintra’s cloak off her and deposited hers along with his on the end of the bench. Then he slid in beside her at the table, took hold of her hand lying in her lap, laced his fingers with hers and rested their hands on his thigh.

“I received a message from Douglas Hawthorne, the Earl of Kellmara. He requests to meet with me on an urgent matter. His message says it is in regards to my sister Wintra.”

A chill so strong raced through Wintra that she shivered. Even as cloistered as she had been in the abbey, she had heard of the powerful Earl of Kellmara. His land extended far and wide, and it was said that the King was even afraid of him. The question that weighed heavily on her mind was already spilling from her lips. “What in heaven’s name would he want with me?”

“I do not know, but we will find out soon enough. He will arrive here in a few days. I will leave you to visit with Dawn while I speak with Torr and Sloan in my solar.”

