Highlander’s Captive Read Online Donna Fletcher (Highlander Trilogy #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Historical Fiction, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Highlander Trilogy Series by Donna Fletcher

Total pages in book: 116
Estimated words: 106398 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 532(@200wpm)___ 426(@250wpm)___ 355(@300wpm)

She slipped out of his arms and walked nearer to the curtain that separated the two rooms before turning back to face him, his heartening words having given her that last bit of courage she needed. “I thought to wait naked in our bed for you. Is that a proper thing for a wife to do?”

Not only her words, but the image of what she suggested, and that she even thought of doing such a thing, turned him hard. He approached her slowly, though kept a small distance between them. “It is more than proper for a wife to show how much she desires her husband.”

Words rushed from her mouth as if she could not stop them or as if she must say them before she lost the mettle to do so. “I desire you so very much that at times I feel as if I will go mad with the want of you.”

Torr went to step forward, his hand reaching out for her.

Wintra quickly stepped back, her hand held out to stop his approach. “Please. I have thought of this all night. And I would like to greet you naked in our bed before I lose the courage to do so.”

Torr took a step back, more than willing to let her have her way. “Call to me when you are ready.”

She nodded and disappeared behind the curtain. Her hands shook as she slipped out of her garments. From what the nuns had told her, she had not been looking forward to performing her wifely duties when she wed, but Torr had changed all that from the very first time he had touched her. And after last night, she knew that she had much to learn or perhaps unlearn as to what was proper and what was not. The only way for her to do that was to embrace her passion for her husband and not be afraid to talk with him about intimacy and learn all she could.

She stood naked. All she had to do was get in bed and call out to him, but she hesitated. She stared at the bed. Could she do this?

Her worries faded and she smiled, for she realized what was most important—Torr loved her and she loved him. She climbed into bed and was about to slip her legs beneath the blanket and pull it up to her waist, but stopped. She wanted nothing separating them this night. Tonight she wanted anything that stood between them stripped away.

Wintra sat with her legs to the side and slightly bent. Her one hand rested on the bed while the other lay against her flat stomach. Her shoulders were drawn back, her chin raised just a notch, and her green eyes bright with anticipation and desire.

“Torr,” she called out.

Torr shut his eyes briefly, hearing husky passion in her voice and his groin tightened, not just with need, but with hunger to make love to his wife. He stepped into the other room and his breath caught in his throat.

Wintra was a beautiful woman, but seeing her completely naked in their bed, waiting for him, wanting him, made him see her true beauty and it was not on her face, but in her heart..

He shed his garments as he approached her, wanting nothing to stand between them this night or any nights to come.

Wintra drank in his handsome features from the top of his head to his toes. His body was all hard muscle and form, and she could not stop her eyes from drifting again and again to the spot that proved just how much he desired her. She tingled and quivered at the thought.

He placed one knee on the bed and reached out to stroke her cheek with the back of his hand.

“Your beauty goes far deeper than anyone can see,” he said and cupped her face in his hands and brought his lips to meet hers.

Wintra closed her eyes amazed at how gently he kissed her, as if he paid reverence to her. God, but she loved this man.

Torr felt a bolt of passion shoot through him when she placed her hand on his arm. It was such a simple touch and yet it made him feel as if she claimed him. That he belonged to her and no one else.

He ran his lips over hers and whispered, “I do love you, Princess.”

Wintra felt tears choke her and though they were happy tears now was not the time for her to cry, so she fought them back and smiled. “Not as much as I love you.”

“I don’t think so, and I will prove it,” he said teasingly, and then he kissed her with the passion he had held in check.

They slipped down along the bed together and while he continued kissing her senseless, his hands roamed along her body, reveling in the feel of her soft skin and gentle curves.

