Highlander’s Captive Read Online Donna Fletcher (Highlander Trilogy #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Historical Fiction, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Highlander Trilogy Series by Donna Fletcher

Total pages in book: 116
Estimated words: 106398 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 532(@200wpm)___ 426(@250wpm)___ 355(@300wpm)

She grew annoyed that he did not let go of her arm, but it did not prevent her from speaking her mind. “At one time, your idle threats would have frightened me, but no more. I see you for who you truly are, a deceitful, manipulative bastard. Now let go of my arm before I scream and bring my brother’s wrath down upon you.”

Owen leaned close and whispered, “I’ll tame that mouth of yours once we are wed.”

“Get your hands off her before I do everyone a favor and slit your throat.”

Wintra and Owen turned to see a furious Torr standing on the other side of the dais.

“I am talking to the woman I love and will wed,” Owen said continuing to carry on the ridiculous charade.

“I think not,” Torr slammed his hands so hard on the table that everything on it rattled and a tankard toppled over, ale spilling out.

That brought several of Cree’s warriors running over to stand behind him.

Owen wisely released Wintra, and she walked around the dais to Torr.

“What goes on here?” Cree demanded his warriors parting to clear a path for him.

“A few loving words with my intended,” Owen said stepping around the dais.

Wintra spoke up before anyone else could. “You are not my intended. I have no intentions of marrying you. I do not love you. I have never loved you. You are a deceitful and horrible man. And if you ever threaten to do harm to those I love again, I will kill you myself.”

Cree turned a murderous glare on Owen.

Owen was quick to say, “Wintra, I would never harm anyone you love.”

“You are calling me a liar?” Wintra challenged.

“No, I think that this man,” —Owen pointed to Torr—“has manipulated you into believing things about me that are not true, and it has left you confused. I love you and when we wed I will do my best to make you happy.”

“You are a fool if you believe you will wed Wintra,” Torr said.

“This is no concern of yours and you have caused enough damage already. Stay out of it,” Owen hissed.

Cree took a quick step forward, causing Owen to take several hasty and clumsy steps back. It was clear that Cree frightened the man, and he should be frightened. Cree could be cruel in his punishments and oddly enough fair, since any punishment he decreed was well-deserving of the deed.

“My sister does not lie,” Cree said adamantly.

Wintra smiled. He believed her, but then they had struck a bargain when they were young and he had caught her in a lie. He had told her that they must promise to always be truthful with each other, for only then could they trust each other. So no matter what, they must never lie to each other. She had kept her word and never spoke another lie to him, and so had he.

“I am sure she doesn’t,” Owen assured him. “She is upset and under another’s influence. I understand and I can help free her. All you need to do is give her to me in marriage.”

“No!” Torr said with such command that all eyes turned to him.

Owen sent Torr a murderous glare while he asked Cree, “Will you please inform this cretin that this does not concern him?”

Cree turned to Torr, and they stared at each other for several moments. To Wintra, it appeared as if either permission was sought or an agreement met, and for some unknown reason their silent exchange sent a chill through her.

Cree looked at Owen. “It does concern him.”

“And why would that be?” Owen asked annoyed.

Torr turned to Owen. “Wintra is my wife.”

Chapter Fourteen

“How can that be?” Owen roared.

Yes, how can that be? Wintra thought as she listened to Owen continue to claim that it was impossible and Torr as well as Cree assuring him that it wasn’t. She took a step back away from them, watching and listening as the scene unfolded as if she was stuck in a dream—no a nightmare—she could not wake from. Torr had known this all along and had never told her that he already was her husband.

“What do you mean the king decreed it?” Owen demanded. “Why would he do that? You are lying to me.”

“The why of it does not concern you,” Cree said in a warning tone. “It is done and cannot be undone.”

Her brother’s words resonated in her head. Cannot be undone. She was wed to Torr whether she wanted to be or not. She had no choice in the matter. He was her husband and would remain so.

She took a sharp step back as the three men continued to argue. Torr shot her a glance and it upset her even more that she had no idea what he was trying to relay to her. She had thought she knew this man, but did she? Was he an honorable man as he had claimed and as she had assumed after spending time with him? But if he was honorable wouldn’t he have told her the truth?

