Highlander Unchained Read Online Donna Fletcher (Highlander Trilogy #1)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Historical Fiction, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Highlander Trilogy Series by Donna Fletcher

Total pages in book: 114
Estimated words: 104340 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 522(@200wpm)___ 417(@250wpm)___ 348(@300wpm)

It had taken more than silencing his heart to become the infamous warrior Cree who killed, tortured, and conquered in the name of the King. His heart hadn’t turned silent, it had turned cold and had remained that way much too long now and he doubted he could ever care, ever love. And he believed it was for the best.

Anger had been his steady companion along with frustration and annoyance and lust which he easily satisfied with a willing woman.

Lately though he’d been finding himself wanting only one woman... Dawn. The thought of her stirred him and he grew aroused and disturbed. Thoughts of rutting always aroused him, but lately all he had to do was hear Dawn’s name and he would grow hard.

Perhaps Sloan was right. Perhaps if he took her and satisfied his cravings, enjoyed her for a while, it would be done and he would think of her no more. No doubt he would grow bored with her particularly since she could not speak, could not scream out in the throes of pleasure or release.

He stiffened recalling the way her fingers had dug into his arms as her passion grew and how she bowed against him eager for more. And he could not help but wonder how she would respond if he buried himself deep inside her.

Damn, if he didn’t swell more.

He stormed down the steps as thunder rolled in the distance and went around to the side of the keep and stopped to stare at Dawn’s cottage. It nestled against the woods giving the place a modicum of privacy and that was why he had chosen it for Dawn or had it been for him?

He shook his head and approached the cottage, entering without a knock or a shout to let her know he was there. He was surprised to find the room empty and he went to the small bed chamber and was annoyed finding that empty as well.

Where was she? He thought she’d be resting.

And that you could join her.

Then he recalled telling her to make use of the kitchen. He turned and left the cottage. He must have been scowling since everyone he passed hurried out of his way. It was good they feared him; they would then obey him without question or suffer the consequences as Dorrie now did.

It didn’t take him long to reach the kitchen and when he entered all movement ceased.

“Is there something I can get you, my lord?” Turbett asked with a respectful bobbed of his head.

Cree glanced around the room overcrowded with helpers and not seeing Dawn asked, “Has Dawn been here?”

“I have not seen her but...” Turbett turned to his helpers. “Have any of you seen Dawn?”

A young woman spoke up. “I saw her a short time ago.”

“Where?” Cree demanded.

The woman’s voice quivered as she answered, “With Flanna in the field beyond the kitchen picking wild onions.”

Cree’s anger flared in his eyes and all saw it.

“I appointed her no chore, my lord,” Turbett was quick to say. “And I will see Flanna punished for this.”

“See that supper is prepared for two and sent to Dawn’s cottage,” Cree ordered. “And make certain that Dawn is greeted with no chore when she comes here looking for a meal.”

Turbett bowed his head. “I will make certain that Dawn is kept well fed, my lord.”

Cree left the kitchen his annoyance growing. He had not instructed her to return to her old chore, so why had she?

He stopped at the end of the cookhouse catching sight of her in the field with Flanna and filling an already overflowing basket with more onions. She was smiling and again he grew annoyed. He could never make her smile like that or could he?

He stood and watched her and let her have her fun.

Cree caught the quick movement at the edge of the woods at the far end of the field. He remained as he was appearing as if his attention was focused on Dawn. But it wasn’t, his eyes were fixed on the spot where he saw the flash of movement and he strained to see more clearly.

He caught movement again and this time there was no mistaken what he saw... a bow being drawn... the arrow aimed at Dawn.

Chapter Twenty-one

Dawn turned at the shout of her name and the next thing she knew she was on the ground flat on her back with Cree on top of her, his body covering every inch of hers. She heard him yell at Flanna to get down and stay down. And then he let out such a terrifying roar that Dawn was certain it would cause the devil himself to shiver.

In no time they were surrounded my Cree’s warriors, Sloan the only one being permitted passed the human barricade.

“A skilled archer in the woods, find him.” Cree’s angry demand warned that he would brook no failure. As soon as Sloan took his leave Cree summoned one of his warriors and ordered him to escort Flanna to the kitchen.

