Highlander The Conqueror (Blood & Honor Trilogy #3) Read Online Donna Fletcher

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Historical Fiction Tags Authors: Series: Blood & Honor Trilogy Series by Donna Fletcher

Total pages in book: 112
Estimated words: 101336 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 507(@200wpm)___ 405(@250wpm)___ 338(@300wpm)

Sky was surprised when she reached her garden to see the young lass, Oona waiting there for her.

“For you,” she said and brought her hand from behind her back to offer Sky a small, yellow wildflower. “You helped me.”

“It is beautiful. Thank you,” Sky said. “I shall wear it in my hair.” She tucked it in the braid that lay over her shoulder and on her chest.

“Pretty,” Oona said with a smile and tilted her head, staring at Sky. “Why do your eyes look like that?”

Sky smiled and shrugged. “I don’t know. I was just born this way.”

“Oh,” Oona said. “Can I play with Angel?”

“I believe she would like that,” Sky said, the kitten rubbing herself against the little lass’ legs. “But you must stay here to play with her.”

“Aye,” Oona said without a second thought and plopped down on the ground and giggled when Angel began to crawl all over her.

“To be young and pure of heart again, before life tarnishes the mind and soul.”

Sky turned to see Ruth, Wade’s grandmother, walking toward her.

“Oona had the courage to do what I should have done weeks ago, offer my thanks for your help. You did not speak against my grandson, and I am grateful for that. I am also grateful for Lord Slayer’s punishment. After Wade spent time with the Gallowglass warriors he changed. He now joins the other lads in sword practice daily after his chores are done. He wants to be a warrior so he can protect me and the clan.” Her eyes grew shiny with tears. “He makes me proud, and I know his parents would have been just as proud. He lost both within a short time of each other.”

“I am sorry to hear that, though I am glad to hear that he is doing so well,” Sky said.

“Could we sit and talk for a bit?” Ruth offered.

“I would love to,” Sky said and walked with Ruth to the bench that appeared near her garden one day. She knew it was her husband’s doing, although he never mentioned it to her.

“I hope you do not mind me saying, but your eyes are beautiful, strange yet beautiful.”

Sky could not hide her shock. She almost told the woman that Slayer was the only one who had ever told her that, but she caught herself. “Your words surprise me since I have never had anyone tell me that.”

“More fools they, but then I have seen such strange eye color like yours before.”

Again, Sky could not hide her surprise. “You have?”

Ruth nodded. “Aye, when I was young my da and I traveled to his sister’s clan after my mum died. He left me with her and took off. I never saw him again. It was on our travels there that I saw the young woman with the strange eye color. My da and I traveled a well-worn path to get here and met fellow travelers along the way. He would nod pleasantly to some and ignore others. Those, he would tell me, are not our kind and it was best to avoid them. One day we encountered a group of three men and two women. The younger woman had eyes like yours. They approached from the opposite direction we traveled. My da cautioned me not to look at them.”

“But being a child and curious, you could not help but sneak a peek,” Sky said, understanding.

Ruth chuckled. “Aye, I could not help but look. I had never seen anyone as beautiful as she was and to me her different colored eyes only made her more beautiful. And with my child’s imagination running wild, I believed her to be a magical creature. Especially once it was confirmed for me by a strange occurrence. I glanced back for one last look and saw a small bird land on her shoulder, and it looked as though he whispered in her ear. The next thing I knew they all disappeared into the forest.”

“Your da never said anything more about them?”

“Only that they were foreigners and not to be trusted. The incident faded with time, and I never saw them or anyone like them again until you arrived here, and the memory of that day returned more vividly. I wondered if perhaps you are related to the woman I saw, but then I learned you were one of the Murdock sisters and realized it was not possible. Although I cannot get over how much you resemble her and that you have the same different colored eyes as she did.”

“It is good to know that I am not the only one with such eyes,” Sky said, wondering if it was possible she somehow was related to the woman.

“And then there is the way animals so easily trust you as the bird did with the woman,” Ruth said. “I do hope you make Clan Ravinsher your home. It would be nice to have someone with your beauty and kindness reside among us.” She lowered her voice. “But be careful. I see the way Lord Slayer looks at you. It is obvious he favors you and he will need to find a wife soon enough and produce an heir.”

