Highlander The Conqueror (Blood & Honor Trilogy #3) Read Online Donna Fletcher

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Historical Fiction Tags Authors: Series: Blood & Honor Trilogy Series by Donna Fletcher

Total pages in book: 112
Estimated words: 101336 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 507(@200wpm)___ 405(@250wpm)___ 338(@300wpm)

“Sit, Fane!” Slayer ordered when the hound went to run and Fane immediately obeyed him, plopping down on his bottom beside him.

People watched in awe and Sky heard some of the whispers of those nearby.

“He commands the hellhound and the witch.”

“Even evil fears him.”

“He has the power over her.”

“She cannot harm us.”

Sky had heard such whispers before but that didn’t mean it did not hurt to hear them again. Though she was more concerned with the way her husband glanced her way while speaking with the warrior and a chill ran through her. Whatever they discussed had something to do with her.

Her sisters.

Had something happened to her sisters? She hurried toward him, but he reached her first. “Tell me,” she pleaded anxiously.

“When we get to the keep,” he said.

“Please, I cannot wait to hear. Tell me. Is it my sisters? Has something happened to them? My da? Is it my da?”

“Your family is safe.”

“Then what is it?” she asked, refusing to move until he told her.

“News that took some time to reach me. First, Elsie has discovered who her true parents are, and her mum is the woman responsible for placing you and Leora with the two you believed were your parents and some time after that Leora arrived home.”

He did not tell her that Elsie had almost lost her life and that Leora had saved her. That was best left for her to discuss with her sisters.

Sky’s heart burst with joy.“That is wonderful news. I am so relived that Leora is home safe and unharmed. She is unharmed, isn’t she?”

“Aye, Leora is unharmed and has settled in at Clan Skiling with Noble.”

“How did she take the news about having a husband?”

“I don’t know, but I am sure she will tell you all about it when you are able to meet. She is, if anyhing, persistent about seeing you. But until both your safety can be secured that is not something that will happen anytime soon.”

Sky would not think of putting her sister’s life at risk even if she was eager to see her again. When the time was right thay would be reunited. She was just glad Leora was safe and she hoped the best for her marriage to Noble.

“I am so pleased for Elsie and for Leora and myself since Elsie’s true mum can now tell us about our true parents.”

Slayer wished the news he was about to tell her was far different.“Unfortunately, she cannot. She is dead.”


Sky sat in her husband’s solar trying to digest the news and a soft smile suddenly lit her face. “Though this is sorrowful news for Elsie, it truly is wonderful news for the three of us. While before we had little information about our past, we now have a place to start. Elsie’s mum must have left a trail of sorts that we can follow. That reminds me. I spoke with Euniss only moments ago.” She reiterated what Euniss had told her about the cleric.

“You smile yet your brow wrinkles. Something disturbs you about this cleric?” Slayer asked, wondering how his wife was able to find a bright side to the surprising news.

“Euniss said he was a pious man, keeping his hands steepled in prayer and his hood pulled down over his head. What if he wasn’t a cleric? What if he posed as one to meet in secret with Verina?”

It continued to amaze him that they thought so much alike. “A thought that came to me as soon as you told me. I will see what I can do to find him.”

“Did your father share anything on his deathbed that might help us?” she asked. “Surely, if he was worried about the clan’s survival, he would have shared all his plans, even his doubts and suspicions, with you to make certain they saw fruition.”

“My father was a stubborn man. I truly believe that he did not think he was on his deathbed. He believed whatever ailed him would pass and he would live on as leader of Clan Ravinsher. It was only when he could barely talk that he attempted to speak with me and by then it was too late.” He scowled and drew her into his arms. “Your brow continues to pucker. Something still troubles you.”

“It all troubles me,” she said and rested her head on his chest, though hard with muscle, served as the perfect pillow day or night. She reluctantly lifted her head to look at him and could not help but smile. Though it was not his fine features that brought the smile to her face, it was more than that. It was that he was her friend, her husband, and that she could talk freely with him. “It is a mystery that grows and defies solving and keeps us apart far too much.” She stretched up to reach for his lips, but they were already descending on hers. A bolt of pleasure struck her and raced through her.

