Highlander The Conqueror (Blood & Honor Trilogy #3) Read Online Donna Fletcher

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Historical Fiction Tags Authors: Series: Blood & Honor Trilogy Series by Donna Fletcher

Total pages in book: 112
Estimated words: 101336 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 507(@200wpm)___ 405(@250wpm)___ 338(@300wpm)

“I have only ever slept alone,” she said softly as if trying to explain her restlessness.

“And now, you will sleep alone no more,” he said, and his arm tightened around her, reminding her that was where she would stay… beside him. “Now go to sleep.”

His tone held annoyance and she laid still and stiff in his arms, too worried to move. Needing to calm that worry, she asked, “You are my friend, Slayer, right?”

“Aye, Sky, I am your friend and always will be. Now sleep. You are safe with me.”

For some reason, his words reassured her, and her body relaxed against him, and it was not long before she fell asleep.

Not so, Slayer. He laid awake thinking… about Sky. She was not what he expected, though it was more that he had not expected to find her appealing, not only in appearance, but her nature as well. And it disturbed him that he actually had looked forward to simply sleeping with her, holding her as he did, confirming that she belonged to him and always would.

He would think she had worked a spell on him if he believed her evil as some did. But he had seen true evil through the years and Sky did not come close to being evil. He did not think evil could even survive around her since she had such a kind soul. Not once had she gotten angry at him, fought with him, yelled at him, complained to him, or cried over her misfortune. Her words to him were soft and her smiles gentle. Even with the bruises under her eyes she was still beautiful, and she had suffered her hurt nose in silence, not offering one complaint about it.

It was his mission in their marriage to keep her safe and he had failed her that day even though his warriors had prevented the man from killing her. That culprit never should have gotten close to her. He still had not discovered how the man had gotten past his warriors, a worry that had caused him to double the sentinels around the cottage. Even though it sat in the middle of the Gallowglass practice area, it was not likely anyone would get this far. However, he would take no chance.

With how busy his mind was tonight, he would be lucky to get any sleep at all, though that also might be because his wife had draped her arm over his chest and had rested her slim leg over his leg. She had gotten comfortable against him in her sleep, and he found he enjoyed the feel of her body against his. An odd thing for sure, since like her, he had always slept alone. But no more. She would be there resting against him every night and he felt a smile touch his lips as his eyes closed.

Slayer woke with a stretch, feeling good even though he probably had not gotten much sleep. Realizing he didn’t feel his wife beside him, he jolted up and looked around. Sky was nowhere to be seen. How had she gotten out of bed without him feeling her movements or even sensing them?

He hurried out of bed, snatched a clean shirt from the chest, and got his plaid wrapped around him with haste. He raked his fingers through his long hair just before he opened the door and stepped out of the cottage.

He stopped after only taking a few steps to find Sky smiling and talking to Skell, his stallion, as she fed him wild onions. And bloody hell if the horse didn’t nod at her as if he understood her. His eyes also caught sight of her garments and his from yesterday when they had been caught in the rain. They were hanging from tree branches and appeared freshly washed, as did she. Her hair shined a lovely, reddish blonde and fell in careless waves around her face and over her shoulders. He had not noticed the red in her hair before now, which meant she had washed it as well as their garments, which also meant…

“You went to the stream without me,” he accused with a raised voice as he walked toward her. She turned the most beautiful smile on him, and it almost stopped him in his tracks.

“I had company,” she said, feeding the last of the wild onions she had gathered to Skell.

“Who?” he demanded when he stopped in front of her and caught the scent of fresh pine on her.

“The squirrel who visited with me yesterday and his friend as well as a doe who shared a berry bush with me. I would have woken you, but you slept so soundly and peacefully that I thought it best to let you be. Besides, I was sure you had sentinels posted so there was nothing for me to fear.” She tilted her head back and smiled at the sun that shone brightly. “Besides, I usually wake just before dawn. I love the chance of catching a gorgeous sunrise and I was lucky enough to watch one this morning.”

