Her Jealous Valentine – Project Valentine Read Online Lena Little

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 18
Estimated words: 17267 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 86(@200wpm)___ 69(@250wpm)___ 58(@300wpm)

If he’s not careful, I’m going to fall deeply in love with him.

“Tonight’s still about us,” I add, to bring him back from whatever furious place he’s wandering to. “And Benjy, of course.”

“You’re right. I shouldn’t let—” Realizing I said another name, he snaps his neck towards me and stares at me, puzzled. “Benjy?”

“Yes, that’s what I’ve named him.” I pat the teddy bear’s head and watch Victor’s stone-cold face soften with a smile.

By the time we arrive at his apartment, Victor’s back to his usual self.

Good. Because I wasn’t going to let Adam’s interruption get in the way of what I planned on doing to him. And with the way Victor handled himself, I want it so much more.

“Wanna watch a movie?” Victor asks as he flops beside me on the sofa with two beers in his hands.

I can think of a thousand things to do instead, but we have the whole night to get to them.

“Sure.” I grab one of the bottles and take a sip.

It’s the first time I’ve seen him in something other than a full suit, and I’m definitely not disappointed. Still wearing his white button-up, he rolled the sleeves up his meaty forearms. Without his tie and the top button of his shirt fastened, I get my first glimpse of the muscles I’ve only had the pleasure of dreaming about.

Victor grabs the TV remote and slides an arm around my shoulders. While he starts his search for something to watch, I get comfortable by resting my head on his chest and kicking my feet up.

After a tireless search, he settles on a rom-com and kicks one leg onto the coffee table when it starts.

Unsurprisingly, it doesn’t take long for a bulge to form in his pants. And by the halfway point of the movie, the outline of his cock against the fabric has gotten so big, it’s nearly blocking my view of the screen.

Crap. I can’t do this anymore. I’m just tormenting myself. Why are we watching this movie when we could be…?

I move my hand over his abs and sink it towards the throbbing meat in front of me. Victor doesn’t make a sound at first, letting me do as I please. And what I please is grabbing his zipper and pulling it down, giving his manhood some much-needed reprieve from the confines of his trousers.

I slip my fingers through the hole his zip opened, fidgeting with his boxers while my knuckles graze the monster. Choked growls fight their way out of Victor’s mouth while his chest rumbles with eager anticipation.

After a short, awkward struggle to maneuver his boxers out of the way in such a confined space, his cock springs free in front of my eyes. My entire body vibrates with a chill at the thought of this thing entering me. It’s thick, veiny, and nearly the length of my forearm.

But the nervous apprehension is quickly consumed by thrill.

Wrapping my hand around the base, I roll my head over Victor’s chest until I’m facing his thick girth. My first stroke is met with a soft groan, and as my pace hastens, so do the sounds emitting from Victor.

I observe him for a moment instead of taking things further. Watch as his head snaps back and his eyes lock onto the ceiling. See the strain his flexing muscles put on the poor seams of his shirt. I can’t stop grinning at the idea that I’m the one making this giant monster squirm.

“Victor,” I call when I’ve had my fill. I don’t stop my hand’s motion but allow the other to travel to his strong jaw and bring his face back to meet mine.

He doesn’t speak, or maybe he can’t while getting his cock stroked, but his eyes meet mine with the same fiery passion I saw a few nights ago.

And while staring deep into them, I scooch forward and kiss him, kicking off the rest of our night’s adventure.



My cock’s never been this hard before. Days of torture from the images my mind has conjured of Olivia, plus her actual teasing and taunting, have driven me mad with lust.

Now I get to experience her in full and empty my balls inside Olivia’s womb.

Without breaking the kiss she started, Olivia adjusts herself until she’s standing on her knees at my side. What’s far more pleasing is the fact that her hand hasn’t moved from my erection.

She grabs the back of my neck with her free hand and locks me into the kiss while she continues to work my shaft with increasing pace and force until I’m writhing in her grip and moaning into her mouth. She grins against my lips before pulling away. She starts moving again, but so lost in the haze of pleasure and dripping desire, I don’t realize what she’s doing until she’s kicked one leg over my body, and she’s sitting on my chest.

