Her Daddy Valentine – Project Valentine Read Online Lena Little

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 18
Estimated words: 17082 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 85(@200wpm)___ 68(@250wpm)___ 57(@300wpm)

The niggling sensation in my tummy answers with a firm no. That the answer is yes, working at Valentine Group is going to be a damn near impossible task.

And yet, I can’t wait to see it through.

Three knocks come at my door, and I hop to my feet. Time to leave already? How delightful.

“Coming,” I say, turning my laptop off and grabbing my handbag. I stayed neat today, so I didn’t have to keep Vaughn waiting when he came to collect me.

My heart starts skipping in my chest as I head for the door. Excitement makes my walk feel closer to a jog. But as I grab the handle and pull it open, I nearly collapse backward at the tall, rake-thin man blocking my path out.

Wait, I recognize him. But from where? Dressed in a suit, he might be someone around the office. It’s one of the many faces I’ve seen but haven’t had the opportunity to meet in person. Another friendly soul coming to greet the new girl. But the sour look on his face dispels the notion that he stopped by to say hello.

And when it contorts into a scowl, I remember where I’ve seen this face before. In my rearview mirror, when my heart felt like imploding from fear in the creepy, empty parking lot.

Oh shit.

“Y’know, this used to be my office.” His eyes turn up to the ceiling, moving from one corner to the other. “And I was rather fond of it.”

I don’t speak. Can’t. Frozen in place like a deer in headlights, watching him slowly walk closer.

“But you had to go and take it all away from me, didn’t you?” A few seconds pass, and with each one, his nostrils flare, and his breathing intensifies. “Answer me.”

His loud voice makes me stumble back in a panic, and I nearly trip over the visitor’s chair in front of my desk. His intense green eyes stare deep into mine as if searching for something—an answer to the delusions running through his head, no doubt.

None will come. I’ve been here for two days. I have no idea who this guy is or what he’s talking about.

“Answer me!” he roars again.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about” is the best thing I can come up with. Tears prick my eyes, and my blood runs ice cold.

There’s always got to be something, right? Life looks at your happiness and chooses to have a laugh at your expense.

“Yeah, you do.” His voice returns to a more neutral state. “You ruined my life. And for what? To fuc⁠—”

“Hey, Joel.” I hear him before I see him. My big, strong man. My protector rushing to my aid.

The monster looming over me turns around, but he never manages to meet Vaughn face to face before a massive fist connects with his jaw. Following up, Vaughn grabs his shirt and drives two more punches into his chin until Joel’s legs go limp, and the only reason he’s still standing is because Vaughn’s keeping him that way.

“Should’ve listened when I told you to go,” Vaughn says, pushing him with the hand balled in Joel’s shirt. Joel stumbles a few steps before the thunderous blows to his face take hold, and he crumbles to his ass.

He says something incoherent, but Vaughn ignores him, rushing to my side.

“Are you okay?” He rests his hand against my neck while his eyes scan my body for any obvious injuries. “Did he hurt you?”

I shake my head, feeling the tears in my eyes melt away to astonishment at how well Vaughn handled the situation.

I must have lost my mind somewhere through it all. In a matter of seconds, I went from a feeble mess about to beg for mercy to wanting nothing more than for Vaughn to take some of that ruthless aggression out on my pussy.

“Mr. Valentine.” Another voice comes from my door.

Vaughn points in Joel’s direction, and two men wearing black pants, white shirts, and guns on their hips rush over to the knocked-down brute. The security guards zip-tie his hands behind his back and drag him out of my office.

“I’ll never let anything happen to you, Claire,” he says, with the same brooding severity he had on entering my office. “You’re safe, and I’m going to keep it that way.”

I stand up on my toes and peck him on the cheek. I shouldn’t let my wants get in the way of this beautiful moment, but seeing Vaughn beat the shit out of someone to defend me is too much to ignore. So, I say the words I know will drive him crazy and fulfill my deepest, darkest wishes.

“I know you will…” —I lower myself and look at him with a pout— “Daddy.”

Exactly as I wanted it to do, that little word throws Vaughn off the deep end.



Pavlov. He’s the guy with the dog, right? Conditioned it to come running for food anytime he rang a bell.

