Healing Aiden (Lords of Discord #5) Read Online Jocelynn Drake

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Magic, Paranormal, Romance, Vampires Tags Authors: Series: Lords of Discord Series by Jocelynn Drake

Total pages in book: 87
Estimated words: 80373 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 402(@200wpm)___ 321(@250wpm)___ 268(@300wpm)

“But tonight I realized that it’s not enough for me. Your sons…” Aiden paused and swallowed against the lump of emotion that had formed. “They are so wonderful. They deserve to be protected and cherished. They deserve long, happy lives. I want to do everything in my power to make sure they have that. Even if you never love me, even if you one day marry another, promise me that you will reach out to me if you or your sons need anything. Let me help protect them. Let me help guide them when it is needed.”

Julianna closed her eyes, sending one tear streaking down her pale cheek. She surprised him by releasing a long, deep sound of relief. As if he’d just lifted an enormous weight off her slender shoulders. When she opened her eyes again, she smiled at him. Leaning forward, she pressed her forehead to his and squeezed his hands. “I knew you’d understand. I love you, my Aiden. I always will.”

His heart soared at her words, and he clung to the happiness while trying to ignore an old ache that would never go away. A part of his soul would always long for his prince, but if he must live, he would give all that was left of himself to this amazing woman and her four sons.

Chapter Two

December 5, 2020

Aidan stood in front of the full-length mirror and tugged at his cuffs, getting the pristine white oxford settled across his shoulders and along his arms just right before inserting the first ruby cufflink. Rafe was already upset that he wasn’t wearing all black, but Aidan refused to appear looking like the grim reaper. If he had to be king of the American vampires, then he was going to be a fair and just king. He wasn’t going to rule through fear and intimidation.

He did agree with his troublesome son, though, that they needed to make a good impression tonight. He’d been king for roughly six months, but the party that evening marked the first real gathering of clan leaders and other representatives across the continent. Everything needed to run smoothly.

“Sofia arrived just a little while ago, and she brought a dozen Montgomery clan members to work security around the house. They’re meeting with Winter right now for assignments and instructions,” Marcus listed as he continued to read notes from his phone.

“Did you remind Winter that I don’t want him invisible tonight? I need him visible, mingling, and smiling with the other guests,” Aiden said firmly as he reached for the second cufflink. From the corner of his eye, he caught Marcus’s frown as he typed into his phone. Likely texting his youngest brother that reminder right then. “We’ve spent the past several months convincing the reluctant clans to side with us. I don’t want all that hard work to unravel tonight because they don’t trust us.”

“I’m not arguing that point with you,” Marcus said a little more sharply than normal. Aiden turned his head slightly and raised one brow, only to have Marcus exhale heavily and his shoulders slump. His son had been working a lot of long hours to pull not only this party together, but to smooth out the worries and ruffled feathers from countless vampires. He had to be exhausted.

Cufflinks secured, Aiden turned toward his dark-haired son with brilliant sapphire eyes and placed his hands on both of Marcus’s broad shoulders, squeezing. “You have worked so hard. You’ve worked miracles. We have clans talking to each other who have been trying to kill each other for decades. We’re so many steps closer to being a unified people. We have plans in place to streamline our bagged blood delivery service that will cut costs for so many vampires. This time next year, I think we could begin the early steps for instituting a new government. All of this because of your hard work.”

Marcus flashed him a crooked smile as he lifted one hand and grabbed Aiden’s wrist. “We have worked hard, and yes, things are looking better, but my main concern tonight is your safety. There are too many vampires appearing tonight that I don’t trust. Too many ways this can go wrong. I don’t want tonight’s party to end in blood spatter and corpses.”

Aiden chuckled and squeezed his shoulders one last time before releasing him. “I think we have a very good shot at avoiding that.” He turned back to the mirror and checked his hair again. Rafe had argued that he needed a crown or at the very least simple coronet, but Aiden refused. He didn’t want to start something that would be potentially handed down. The station of King was temporary to keep order until they could finally get a new form of government in place.

“I can’t believe the European Ministry sent an envoy at the last minute,” Marcus muttered.

