Head Over Feels Read Online S.L. Scott

Categories Genre: Funny, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 122
Estimated words: 115618 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 578(@200wpm)___ 462(@250wpm)___ 385(@300wpm)

We’re among our friends, shooting the shit like we’ve done a thousand times before, yet it’s Tealey I’m drawn to. Seeing her snuggled inside the sweatshirt that practically swallows her whole, I get it. Her lips part, and although I can’t hear her, I reply, “Hi.”

I keep my eyes on the beauty across from me who’s leaning back in the chair, head tilted to the side with heavy eyelids. Conspiratorially, I nod toward the house. She grins, and I feel like I just won the jackpot. She stands. “I’m going to bed.”

“I’m wiped,” I say, faking a yawn and raising my arms for a good stretch. I call over my shoulder to the group, “Good night.”

A chorus of, “Night,” follows, but the rest is lost in the sound of the ocean. Just out of their sight, I tug her by the shirt, pulling her toward me. “Want me to keep you warm?”

“I want nothing more.”

Holding out a hand, I show her what I brought with us. She laughs. “You brought graham crackers? Deviously delicious.”

“What can I say? I’m still hungry.”

Tealey takes the small package and kisses me quickly before dashing upstairs. I’m right behind her, and this time, I remember to lock the door.

The flirting ends, and the two of us stand there in the light of the small lamp she turned on. The crackers are on the nightstand, and she toes the carpet. “Alone again.”

“Being alone with you is my favorite place to be.” I cross to her and cup her face, kissing her until her hands grab my wrists. Slowly reopening my eyes, I then lean my head against hers. “I’m free to kiss you for as long as I like.”

She kisses the underside of my jaw, “To explore, to date, to be whatever we want to be.”

“Exactly.” Her hands slide down my arms and then to my chest, lower until her hands reach under my shirt. I’m okay with this. I’m more than okay with all of this because it’s with her. It’s something I never thought would happen to me, but I’m starting to see a whole new opportunity. A relationship might actually work out how it’s supposed to, even for a cynic like me.

I kiss her shoulder and then whisper, “Turn around.”

She does a slow spin. I pull the sweatshirt over her head, and when she tugs her socks and pants off, I finally get a good look at her in a bra and pair of white cotton panties. So fucking innocent.

I don’t have as much patience with my own clothes. I’m practically kicking them to the floor until I’m left standing in my boxer briefs.

Tealey’s already climbing into bed when I join her. You’d think after years of keeping my distance that getting into bed with Tealey Bell would feel weird, but it doesn’t. It feels right.

She feels right.

We lie there for a minute, and I assume she has a million things racing through her head like I do. Every thought I have is landing on one theme.

How do I make this last past the weekend?



“What if your opinion on my body did matter?” Her voice is only a whisper between us, but her nervousness is heard in the question.

I turn to the side to find Tealey already facing me. Her eyes search mine for answers to a question I don’t understand. “What do you mean?” I ask.

“You once told me that your opinion doesn’t matter regarding my body, but it does. It matters to me, and you said there’s nothing wrong with it, but a lot right with it. Did you mean that?”

I caress her cheek. “I meant it.” She smiles, scooting her body closer. I move in, closing any gaps between us. “I like you, Tealey.”

“I like you, too, Rad.”

I pause, debating how to approach the delicate subject. I’d rather think through this logistically, which is my forte. But now, I have feelings involved that subtract some of my rationale from the equation, so I decide straightforward is best. “I’m not sure where you stand, but I want to be with you and only you.”

She grins. “I’m not standing. I’m lying right here with you. This is the only place I want to be. Where does that leave us beyond this bedroom door?”

“Our friends might understand—”

“Or they might not.” She looks down, doodling circle eights on my chest. “I don’t want to take away from Cammie and Cade’s wedding either, but this announcement would do the trick.”

Wrapping my arms around her, I pull her entirely, and selfishly, against me. “I agree. It’s great timing for us but might be bad timing for the overall situation. What do you suggest we do?”

“Is there anything we can do other than keep us a secret?”

“For right now?” I kiss the top of her head, hating that life is leaving us no choice. Because this woman deserves to be hugged and kissed whenever she wants it. Not only behind closed doors. “I don’t think we have any options.”

