Hate To Love You (Alphalicious Billionaires Boss #10) Read Online Lindsey Hart

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire Tags Authors: Series: Alphalicious Billionaires Boss Series by Lindsey Hart

Total pages in book: 74
Estimated words: 69910 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 350(@200wpm)___ 280(@250wpm)___ 233(@300wpm)

I’ve wanted an old cat for a long time, but my dad just never wanted a pet. I stopped asking for things after my mom left. She wasn’t coming back.

“That’s an excellent idea!”

I don’t want to participate in any ideas. I just want to get our dads back to talking, get Dad’s company out of a bad place, bring goodness to the rest of the world, fulfill my obligations of this deal, and move on. I’m not going to give any bits of myself away in the process, at least bits that aren’t mandatory. I’m not even going to lend them.

“Inviting our dads here is a great idea too! I’m going to call mine right now. I’ll make it very obvious that your dad can’t make it this weekend. You can call yours and make it equally obvious that mine can’t make it.”

“And then they’ll know we schemed, and they’ll never trust us again.”

“They’ll realize we schemed together, and if we can put aside our differences, maybe there’s a way for them to put aside theirs. We have one good shot at this. Yes, they’ll be mad. They might even want to leave, but we won’t let that happen. We’ll make sure they stay here, have a great weekend, and come out on the other side talking to each other at least. If they’re talking, then that’s the first major hurdle. I think they might even be open to something else we can all do together if we get this right.”

“It’s an important weekend, then.” If we get it wrong, I’m going to be stuck here forever. The only reason I agreed to this was for my dad, so if we get it wrong, I’ll be stuck here that much longer.

“Very important.”

“Has your dad seen this place yet?” I ask.

“He’s been here a few times over the years, but he doesn’t get it. He thinks it’s silly.”

“It’s not silly! It’s the most wonder—” I catch his smirk. “You evil poo pants! You tricked me into saying that.”

Magic. That smile. Pure. Magic. “Okay, I did. My dad thinks the house is a little bit odd, and he doesn’t get it, but he doesn’t hate it either, and he’s never said it’s silly. I just wanted to hear you say you thought it was great.”

“Admissions made under duress don’t count. Getting information by trickery doesn’t either.”

“Okay. Fair enough.” He pauses, scoops the last of his food off his plate into his mouth, and pushes back from the table. “I can’t wait to show you the pool.”

What pool? Duh. Duh, times a thousand. Obviously, he has a pool. The guy is a swimmer, and he’s rich.

“Let me guess. One of those mushroom things that waterfalls all over the place.”

His eyes go all golden and twinkly, and my tummy gets fluttery. “It’s just a regular pool, but it’s Olympic-sized, and it’s saltwater. You’ll love it.”

“I hate swimming.”

“You used to love swimming,” he points out.

Yeah, that was before it was the reason Apollo disappeared from my life.

I stand up abruptly. “I don’t anymore. I’m going to call my dad.” Time to get Operation Get The Hell Out Of Here ASAP into action.



The first few days are rough in the mushroom house. It’s more like a mushroom malice instead of a mushroom palace.

Patience is pissed at me. She wears her resting I’m never going to not be pissed at you face at all times. Letting her guard down consists of her frowning, just not at me, or her face going utterly still and flat and pretty much straight-up unhappy. I don’t like it when people are mad at me. It makes me feel that yucky, uncomfortable, trapped, and sick feeling.

I felt a lot of that when I left home. When I was across an ocean, apart from some of the only family I had left. I got over it because I had to get over it. Coming home wasn’t an option. I needed to do well and get a scholarship, or I knew I’d be paying student loans for a very long time. Most of all, I knew my dad wanted it for me. I wanted to make him proud like I’d never wanted anything.

I also always kept that image of my mom up there in the sky as an angel watching me, even after I should have been older and pragmatic.

Maybe I was doing it for her too. Maybe I wanted to make her proud as well.

Anyway, I know why Patience is mad. I know she feels trapped, and I know she’s frustrated. No amount of mushroom or skunk or wilderness goodness is going to undo those vows we both took. I’m trying, though. I’m trying to help her see the good in this, but I’m starting to have my doubts. Maybe this isn’t going to work. Maybe none of it is going to work.

