Grave New World – A Jane Ladling Mystery Read Online Gena Showalter

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Chick Lit, Contemporary, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 61
Estimated words: 57502 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 288(@200wpm)___ 230(@250wpm)___ 192(@300wpm)

Conrad massaged the back of Jane’s neck and assisted her into maneuvering into a more comfortable position at his side. “Show me the snapshots you took of the crowd outside the Treasure Room,” he said, setting his laptop aside.

He knew her so well. She exited from the Team Truth text chain and opened her photos app, enlarging the one of Abigail giving her the bird. “Look at her.” Disgust dripped from Jane’s tone. “Have you ever seen a smugger, more serial killerish face? And why was she getting her nails done at just the right time, anyway?”

“I’ll ask her when I formally interview her.”

“Good. Ask her about her ex-husband, too. He acted as her grave digging sidekick, so, he’s obviously the worst.” Hey! Who was that? Jane zeroed in on a section of the photo behind her nemesis. Was that…Mayor Thacker? Her eyes widened. It was! She didn’t recall seeing him, but there he stood, glaring at Jane’s camera while partially shielded by another spectator.

“Now there’s someone with a grudge,” she said, pointing the mayor out to Conrad.

He swiped the phone for a closer look.

Jane had helped put Mayor Thacker’s wife behind bars for attempted murder, kidnapping and several other charges.

“None of my deputies spoke with him,” Conrad said.

“So he fled the scene.” Suspicious!

“I’ll add him to my list.”

As would Jane. And, since she’d promised not to go anywhere on her own…

She fired off a quick text to Beau.

If you’re not on duty tomorrow, I’d like to hire your bodyguard services for super cheap. Not free! I won’t take advantage. But almost free. To sweeten the pot, I’ll admit we’re speaking with my ex-boyfriend first.

Beaudyguard: Sorry. Conrad already procured my services for the week. He needs my help with the case.

Jane braced to confront her love. “I adore you, Conrad Hotness Ryan, but when did you sneak Beau out from under me?”

“I spoke to him at the hospital before I got to see you.” The most adorable, sweet half-smile bloomed. “I like him. He’s a good man and friend. I’m asking him to be a groomsman.”

“Oh, no!” The words burst from her before she could stop them.

“What?” he demanded, concerned. “Are you hurt?”

“No, no. I was planning to invite Beau to be a bridesmaid.”

Conrad barked out a laugh. “Yes. That. I want that. Make it happen.”

Phew. Potential crisis averted.

His phone dinged, signaling a new message. He checked the screen and grunted with approval. “Are you ready for a readathon? The first manuscript chapter found at the crime scene is available.”

“I guess now is the right time to discuss my consultation fee.”

“I’ll pay you a dollar,” he said.


Her pulse sped up as he printed the document. Once he’d collected the pages from his home office, he returned to her side so they could read together. The title page read Grave Actually.

Okay, not a bad start. She flipped to the dedication. It appeared exactly as Conrad had described.

She tapped her finger on the page. “There’s something odd about this.”

Conrad canted his head for a closer look. “Besides your name being grouped with a bunch of murder victims? Here’s what I know. They aren’t listed in alphabetical order or even the sequence of deaths. Nor are they written in reverse order. Ana Irons’s name is flipped, but none of the others are.”

“And what’s with the weird gap between Josh and Gunn?” she asked. “A word processing program wouldn’t write it that way. Every detail must be deliberate.”

“Maybe it will make sense once we dissect the blurb and read the first chapter.”

“Read everything out loud to me,” she pleaded, rubbing her temples. “And use your sexiest voice. Because my head. It hurts.”

Conrad snorted before clearing his throat. “In the shadows, good natured Gilda Jean stood before an antique mirror gazing at her glorious reflection. A self-satisfied smile curved her generous heart-shaped lips as she toyed with the dark hair framing captivating blue eyes that gleamed with intensity, offering a delightfully foreboding prelude to the secrets she harbored. ‘I’ve sown the seeds of suspicion throughout Raven Valley,’ she said and laughed, the sound throaty.”

“Good natured? Ha! She might be a supervillain.” Jane tapped her chin. “Gilda Jean’s lips are bothersome. Heart-shaped. Heart. There’s potentially something there.” Wait. “Flip to the dedication.”

After sliding a finger between pages to keep his place, Conrad returned to page one. She freed the pen she’d stuck behind her ear and traced a shape around the names on the dedication.

Ah-ha! “I knew the details mattered. It’s a heart.”

“Good job,” Conrad said, kissing her forehead.

Head aching a bit worse, Jane snuggled closer to him. “I just wonder what it means. Does the killer love that these people are dead?”

“Not all are dead. And that’s the way it will stay,” he vowed.

They got more comfortable, and each read silently. But before long, Jane couldn’t help but interrupt again. “First of all, the writing is atrocious. ‘Beneath the ethereal luminescence of the orbous moon, Savannah mixed organic tea leaves, creating her special blend elixir of love with the grace of a midnight waltz’.” Jane’s brow wrinkled. “Is orbous even a word?” And she didn’t miss the fact that Savannah sounded very much like Hannah.

