Get Bucked Read online Lani Lynn Vale (The Valentine Boys #4)

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Valentine Boys Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 52
Estimated words: 52773 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 264(@200wpm)___ 211(@250wpm)___ 176(@300wpm)

I pressed on the glass, then decided that I could likely fix it myself if I just bought a pane of glass from the store in the right size.

The only problem I could see was that the glass was a good replacement for now, but not forever.

All of the windows needed replaced. Not to mention all of the doors.

It looked like the entire place hadn’t been updated in this decade.

Or the last century for that matter.

It was as I was inspecting the glass that I heard the sound of water running.

Thinking it was from a loose pipe that ran outside, I went to inspect the sound, only to be stopped short when I found the reason for the sound.

It was the pipes that fed the lines to the shower. They came straight through the side of the house.

Oh, and also there was a big ass window right next to the bathtub. The bathtub that Waylynn was standing in the middle of, water splashing down on her, naked as the day she was born.

“Fuck,” I breathed, unable to look away.

Then, I watched, mesmerized, as she shaved her legs. Then her armpits. Followed by her bikini line.

I watched even more as she soaped up her hair and rinsed it free of any suds.

Oh, and when she started to masturbate. Definitely watched that, too.

I sat in the shadows and watched, like the disgusting pervert that I was, and thought about being in that shower with her.

Which then turned to me, pulling my own cock out and stroking it while I watched her.

And when she started to come? Yeah, I might or might not have come with her, too.

My cock jerked as splashes of release arced out of me and landed on the overgrown grass.

And when I was done, I looked up and she was staring out into the dark yard.




I froze, staring at her and hoping if I stayed still, she wouldn’t see.

She didn’t.

After another long hard look, she turned and yelled.

I frowned, watching as her throat moved, and realized that she was probably calling for me.

I took off like a bat out of hell hoping that she wouldn’t see me moving through the woods like a possessed dumbass with his cock hanging out.

I was just tucking myself back into my pants and zipping up when she came out of the bathroom with the towel wrapped around her torso.

“Oh!” she said. “I thought you weren’t inside. You weren’t answering.”

I swallowed. “I was outside checking out the window in the back.”

Not too much of a lie. But close.

“Oh.” She paused. “Was there something wrong with it?”

I gestured for her to follow me over, then told her what was wrong with the window, and why it needed to be replaced.

“Oh,” she said. “Okay. How do we do that?”

I couldn’t think with her this close to me.

I could smell her fruity body wash and practically feel the heat from her shower coming off of her skin.

“I’ll have to go buy a new windowpane tomorrow,” I answered. “And that should fix it. But, just sayin’, the entire place needs a little TLC. The windows being one of them.”

She grimaced and stepped away, gesturing at the shower door.

“I left the shower on for you,” she whispered.

I nodded once and headed that way, stripping my shirt off as I went.

I could’ve sworn that I heard her deep inhale as I closed the door.

Once it was closed, I leaned against the wall and blew out a deep breath.

Shit, this was about to get really tough.

I was expected to sleep in a bed next to her the entire night? Sober?

I fairly flew through my shower.

The dust and grime of the day was wiped away amongst girly smelling shampoo, a bra drying on the towel rack, and a pair of panties that’d been kicked off sometime between when I’d come in earlier to pee and Waylynn showering.

I scrubbed my face extra hard to try and forget about the fuckin’ raging hard-on that was going on down below my navel.

Jesus Christ, even after fucking coming like a pervert outside, I still could go again.

What the hell was wrong with me?

I hadn’t been this strung out on a girl in a long fucking time.

Never, if I thought about it.

I’d had one ‘real’ love interest in my life. One that I’d allowed to get close… and she’d shit on it.

She’d taken my heart, made it hers, and then ripped it in half.

And it’d all begun and ended with my brothers.

At first, I hadn’t been aware that Riella was someone that my brother had asked to be my friend. Or that, when it came to my well-being after we were together, Riella would report to my brothers that I was doing ‘good’ or ‘bad’ instead of staying loyal to me.

That’d honestly been why I wasn’t a very good friend to any of the women that I slept with.

