From Nowhere (Wildfire #2) Read Online Jewel E. Ann

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Contemporary Tags Authors: Series: Wildfire Series by Jewel E. Ann

Total pages in book: 108
Estimated words: 106538 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 533(@200wpm)___ 426(@250wpm)___ 355(@300wpm)

Diego studies me. Of all the people I need to treat me like I’m not a lonely widower, it’s him. So I give him what he wants.

“Lola stayed the weekend with my mom and Ruth three weeks ago, while Amos and Tia visited Brynn’s brother. And Maren stayed the weekend. We had so much sex I lost count.”

Diego beams. “I’m gonna need details.”


“Come on, man. Give me something for my spank bank.”

“Shut up.” I chuckle while walking around his Mustang.

“I’m happy for you,” he says with more sobriety.

“Me too. But now I must figure out how to tell Tia and Amos without rocking the boat. She’d love nothing more than for me to live a celibate life.”

“She doesn’t still blame you for the accident, does she?”

“Adjacent blame.”

“That’s messed up, Oz. What about Amos?”

I finish my beer and toss the empty bottle into the bin by the fridge. “Amos has his moments. I think he’d be fine with me moving on if Tia weren’t breathing down his neck, telling him what to think and do.”

“Play that angle. Get him on your side.”

I hum. “Maybe. What about you? How’s your family? What’s Kai doing this summer?”

This feels good: a beer with my best friend, a woman I adore, and a spark of hope that Lola and I will survive everything.

After Diego catches me up on his family, I sit in the driver’s seat of my green Land Rover Defender for a few minutes. I can still see Brynn next to me, still feel her fingers teasing the nape of my neck, still hear her soft laughter while Lola sings all the wrong words to her favorite song on the radio. Brynn hated the hood-mounted tire and hard, boxy lines. She said it looked like we were going on safari. And for that very reason, I swore I’d never sell it. She was so cute when she was mad.

Eventually, the memories become unbearable, so I slide out of the seat and gently shut the door, giving it two firm pats with the heel of my hand.

“I’m taking off,” I say to Diego.

“I drive her once a week. She’s still amazing. If you want to sell it—”

“I don’t,” I say while climbing onto my bike. “Later.”

I head to my mom’s house. All it takes is one smile from Lola to remind me everything will be okay.

“She’s here!” Lola squeals, running to the door in her pajamas a little before eight thirty. Maren starts another shift tomorrow, so Lola gets Bandit for a while.

Amos doesn’t move from the sofa; he’s glued to the Weather Channel. Tia, however, rests her book of crossword puzzles next to her cup of chamomile tea and stands from the gliding chair.

“Breathe, child,” I say while Lola shakes with excitement as I open the front door. If only I could take my own advice, because I’m dying to see Maren. We’ve had a few moments of sneaking since the party, but we’ve mostly texted or talked on the phone.

She smiles at Lola and hands her Bandit before entering the house. We’ve purchased food, toys, and a litter box, so Maren doesn’t have to transport anything but the cat.

“Hi,” I say, letting my gaze slide from her fitted white tee to her long legs and untied white sneakers peeking out beneath the flare of her faded jeans. “Come in.” I hold open the door and step aside just as Tia appears in the entry, petting Bandit in Lola’s arms.

“Hi, Tia,” Maren says before returning her gaze to me. “Actually, I’m going to head home and finish some laundry in case I leave town.”

I nod, fighting the need to touch her.

“You can kiss her, Dad. It’s not a secret,” Lola says.

I turn my head. Lola doesn’t look at me, but she smirks before nuzzling her nose into Bandit’s fur. However, Tia’s gaze burns into my skull.

I force a tiny laugh. “Lola, I don’t know what you’re—”

“Dakota’s mom takes a cycle class with my math teacher, who said she saw you at her house with Maren. They have a name for you, but I don’t think I should repeat it.” She slides her gaze to me with a gotcha expression. “My teacher called Maren your girlfriend.” Her grin splits her face in two. “I knew it!”

Tia clears her throat, but I don’t give her an ounce of my attention. When I turn back toward Maren, her blue eyes are saucers, and her lips are trapped between her teeth.

“Lola, go brush your teeth.”

“I already did, Dad.”

“Then go to bed.”

“But I have twenty more minutes.”

“Lola,” Tia interjects. “Go to your room. I need to have a word with your dad and Maren.”

“Fine,” Lola huffs.

I glance over my shoulder, watching Lola descend the stairs before narrowing my eyes at Tia. “I’m walking Maren to her car. If you want to talk to me, you can do it later. But Maren needs to get her sleep, and she owes you no explanation.”

