From Nowhere (Wildfire #2) Read Online Jewel E. Ann

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Contemporary Tags Authors: Series: Wildfire Series by Jewel E. Ann

Total pages in book: 108
Estimated words: 106538 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 533(@200wpm)___ 426(@250wpm)___ 355(@300wpm)

It’s time to expand Lola’s world. Even Victoria is encouraging Lola to try new experiences since her refusal to get into a car has made everything smaller.

“That would be amazing.” Lola inflates with enthusiasm, and I can’t help but smile.

Once again, Lola proves that secret-keeping isn’t her forte. I haven’t even mentioned it to Maren yet because I want to surprise her. However, Lola spills the beans.

“Where will I sleep?” Lola asks during our late dinner following her softball practice.

As Tia and Amos lift their gazes from their dinner plates, Lola cringes with her signature “oops” look.

“What are you talking about?” Tia asks Lola while peering at me.

I press my napkin to my mouth and clear my throat. “Lola’s going to spend the night with my mom and Ruth sometime.”

Tia and Amos exchange a look.

“Lola wants to play with Paxton. And she’s old enough that she won’t require much from Ruth or my mom.”

“What about that cat?” Tia scrutinizes Lola.

It’s ridiculous.

“Bandit will be back with Maren. This is a chance for Lola to try something new, expand her world, and build confidence.” I spew Victoria’s words, but they’ve also been Tia’s. She can’t have it both ways. If she doesn’t want me to “coddle” Lola, she can’t do it either.

“We could visit Leroy,” Amos suggests.

Tia regards him with narrowed eyes for a second. Leroy is their son, who lives in Arkansas.

I drop my gaze to my plate when Tia inspects me. I need to play it cool, but it’s hard because this is the best-case scenario. Not only will Lola be at my mom’s for the night, but if Tia and Amos are gone, I won’t have to explain why I’m not here. More than that, I can be here, and Maren can stay the night.

As I imagine this, I start to feel like a lovestruck dummy getting giddy over seeing a girl.

“Ozzy, let me know when you’re thinking so I can check airfare,” Tia says.

I must restrain myself from voicing my enthusiasm or punching the air excitedly.

My grin is dying to spread across my face, and my heart is racing. Still, I manage to contain my reaction and offer nothing more than a few easy nods.

After Lola is in bed, I call Maren.

“Still in Missoula?” I ask.

“I am, but I’m tired. No sneaking out tonight. Sorry.”

“That’s fine. That’s not why I’m calling.”

“You sound chipper. What’s up?” she asks.

“I’m hopeful,” I say. “Because I have just moved Heaven and Earth to be with you. When do you have time off again?”

“I’m off Sunday to Wednesday,” she says. “Heaven and Earth? Ozzy, your ability to sweep a girl off her feet is unmatched. Tell me more about your superpower.”

“Lola can spend Saturday night at my mom’s house, and her other grandparents will visit their son when Lola’s at my mom’s. You’re invited to stay the night with me after you get off work on Saturday. Clothing is optional. And if I’m being frank, it’s downright frowned upon.”

She laughs. “Something will happen. You’re getting my hopes up, but something will happen.”

“Don’t be a Negative Nellie. Could Lola get sick at the last minute? Absolutely. Could my house burn down before then? Of course. Might you find a guy who drives a car and has sex with you? For sure. But despite all those possibilities, I’m banking on everything going well. And I’m going to finally use that box of condoms that nearly landed me in jail.”

Maren’s laughter spreads along my skin, warm and sweet like honey. “Jail? We have so much to discuss. I know nothing about your parents. I’d love to see your whole house. And don’t even get me started on all the questions I have about your box of condoms.”

I hum. “Yes. So much to discuss.”

“Ozzy, I feel like your dirty little secret.”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” I say. “We haven’t even done the dirty.”


I laugh because she’s never met my mom, but she’s mastered the tone in which my mother has always said my name.

“I miss you,” I say.

“I miss you too. So, this weekend?”

“Yes. As long as Amos and Tia can get plane tickets. If not, we’ll have to push it back a few weeks until your time off falls on a weekend again.” I flop back onto my bed.

She sighs so hard I swear my phone feels heavier. “Do you wonder where we’re going with this? Whatever this is? I feel guilty for inserting myself into your life, since you have a child and all the delicate complications that come with that role. Yet, simultaneously, I’m scouring real estate listings for a house because I want you and Lola to come see me and Bandit anytime. Speaking of Bandit, how is my furry friend?”

“You’re never getting him back. You had to know this was going to happen.”

She laughs. “Since you started this call with such honesty, I’ll tell you how far I went for Lola’s cat. You know that shed he lives in?”

