From Nowhere (Wildfire #2) Read Online Jewel E. Ann

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Contemporary Tags Authors: Series: Wildfire Series by Jewel E. Ann

Total pages in book: 108
Estimated words: 106538 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 533(@200wpm)___ 426(@250wpm)___ 355(@300wpm)

“You don’t do vomit?” He chuckles.

I quickly shake my head while he hooks my bra, rights my shirt, and helps me put it over my head. Then he holds my pants while I step into them. Ozzy completely dresses me, including tying my shoes.

He’s a good man—the best.

“I’ll make this right. I promise.” He cups my face and kisses me, keeping my back to the doorway. Then he opens the window.

I stare at it for a second, shaking my head. “This is so messed up.”

He laces his hands behind his head and sighs. “I’m really sorry. And I have no flowers or notes for you.”

I grab the edge of the window and hike myself up while he grabs my hips to support me. “I think a messy life is a good one.” When I’m outside, I slide on my hoodie and zip it. “And the fact that not having flowers and a note for me bums you out, well, that puts you in an untouchable class of your own, Ozzy Laster.” I blow him a kiss. “Hope Lola feels better.”

“I’ll call you tomorrow,” he says in defeat.

“Yep.” I can’t hide my chuckle or my headshake. “Good night.” I take a few steps and glance back as he shuts the window.

Anguish paints his face in sad lines.

I don’t know what we’re doing, where we’re going, or if there’s a real chance for us. But damn! I hope we can figure it out.

Chapter Eighteen

As promised, Ozzy texts me. More like he spams my phone with a slew of profusely apologetic messages and GIFs of wildflowers while I drink my coffee the following day.

Ozzy: If this is too much, I understand

Maren: It’s not

Ozzy: Lola’s feeling better and she wants to watch Bandit

Maren: Tonight?

Ozzy: You’re amazing

Maren: I know

Ozzy: God hates me

Maren: Lol he doesn’t

And then there’s my favorite:

Ozzy: I nearly got arrested for shoplifting condoms. It’s a long story. Just want you to know my level of dedication

I send him shocked-faced emojis.

Maren: I’m off to work. CU 2night

After a full day at the base and a quick burrito for dinner, I pack up Bandit and his supplies and head to Ozzy’s. Entering through the front door is a nice change.

Before it even opens, Lola’s squeals sound in the distance, along with the thumping of feet nearing the door. “He’s here!” She throws open the door.

I can’t help but laugh.

“You must be Ozzy’s coworker.” A woman with short graying hair and pursed lips inspects me with beady eyes.

Coworker is a stretch.

“Hi. Yes. I’m Maren.” I hand Bandit to Lola and set the bag of supplies on the entry floor before offering her my hand.

She stares at it and returns a forced smile instead. “I’m Tia. Brynn’s mother.”

Okay. She’s going the don’t-forget-my-daughter route instead of opting for Lola’s grandma.

“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Tia.” Where’s Ozzy? Why am I being ambushed alone?

“Bandit’s going to sleep with me,” Lola says, kissing his head.

Tia gives her granddaughter a more genuine smile, but the second her gaze returns to me, it morphs into an untrusting scowl. Now I know why Ozzy insists we sneak around.

“Hey! Sorry, I wanted to grab a quick shower,” Ozzy says, reaching the top of the stairs in a white T-shirt and black jeans, with wet hair.

Pure torture.

“I’m a few minutes early,” I say.

He eyes Tia. “This is Maren. She’s—”

“We already made introductions.” She crosses her arms over her chest.

Ozzy gives her a stiff smile. “Great. Well . . .” His face softens as he focuses on me again. “Let’s take Bandit’s stuff downstairs, and you can give Lola any specific instructions.”

I grab the bag again. “Sounds good.” When I pass Tia, her glare bores into the side of my head, but I keep a friendly grin.

“Sorry,” Ozzy says as soon as we reach the bottom of the stairs. “I hope Tia wasn’t too intense with you.”

“I peed my pants a little, but it’s fine.”

He cringes, but I laugh and hand him the bag. “You can set up the litter box wherever you want, just as long as Bandit can always get to it.”

“Hear that, Lola? You have to ensure that Bandit can always get to his litter box.”

“I heard,” she mumbles, toting Bandit into her bedroom.

Ozzy shakes his head at her and tucks his hands into his back pockets. “About last night . . . ,” he says, lowering his voice.

“Please don’t apologize any more. I regret nothing.”

He gives me a sexy smile. “I used to be better than this.”

I laugh, eating up his rare vulnerability. “What do you mean?”

Ozzy glances into Lola’s room before focusing on me. “I had game. Good game. Great game, really.”

Pressing my teeth into my lower lip, I nod several times. “I think you still have game.” I check on Lola’s vicinity and lower my voice. “In fact, I like your game a lot.”

