Forever Read online Kindle Alexander (Always & Forever #2)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Always & Forever Series by Kindle Alexander

Total pages in book: 156
Estimated words: 145676 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 728(@200wpm)___ 583(@250wpm)___ 486(@300wpm)

“I suspect he feels the same, which is the reason for the insecurity,” Michael added, looking very much at peace with what Robert had just confessed.

“I’ve never said all this out loud before, but I thought by pushing to come here this weekend that he and I could have all the formality out of the way and start living our life.”

“Good plan. And, Robert, your words are safe with me.” The patio door sliding open drew both their gazes that direction. Landon peered out, glancing over the backyard until he found Robert.

“I don’t want to rush you, but we should go.” Landon eased his large frame more fully out the doorway, his keen stare probably picking up the seriousness of their conversation. “Everything good?”

Michael got to his feet first, stepping out of the way. “We were having a good talk. I’m glad you made time to come home.”

“Me too,” Landon said, his unsure gaze remaining on Robert.

“Stop worrying,” Michael said, patting Landon’s shoulder as he stepped closer to the doorway. “Robert’s a good man, as handsome on the inside as he is on the outside.”

Michael gave Landon the perfect diversion. Humor immediately danced across Landon’s face. “He’s like GQ Ken. His sister looks like Vogue Barbie. There’s almost too much pretty in their family.”

Robert laughed straight out loud at that comparison. A couple of weeks ago, Landon had come home with a Ken doll wearing a suit. He insisted the doll looked like Robert. Robert had scoffed at the idea, but the compliment sure stuck with him long enough to show Landon exactly how appreciative he was.

“If I’m Ken, you’re Max Steele. I had the action figure, and I remember very clearly that I thought he was hot as hell.” Any lingering worry fled. Landon must have liked the comparison, because he stepped straight into Robert, caressing a palm down his back before taking his mouth in a playful kiss. Robert loved the easy display of affection in front of Michael and anyone looking through the window.

“I’ll keep you safe from harm,” Landon said, laughing against his lips.

“Come on, you love birds. My teeth are hurting from all the sugary sweetness,” Michael said, leaving the sliding door open behind him.

Chapter 28

December 2014

“Autumn, you can do this. Concentrate on breathing, not the pain. Look at me. Breathe.” Robert immediately began the Lamaze breathing technique. He tucked his body close to hers, holding tightly to her hand, ill-prepared to be her birthing coach.

“Shut up, Robert. Where’s Cam?” She bit out between panted breaths.

Exactly. Where the fuck is Cam?

“He’s coming.” The perfect storm of a somewhat early in the season snowstorm along with Autumn’s hardheadedness in arguing that her contractions were nothing more than false labor had them preparing to have a baby within fifteen minutes of arriving at The Mother Baby Center in Minneapolis. She might have had this baby in her office had Robert not thrown caution to the wind and boarded a flight to Minneapolis after talking with Autumn that morning. A call where he had insisted Autumn go straight to the hospital, but his well-deserved I-told-you-so would come later…and often.

“I hear we’re having a baby.” Autumn’s doctor came through the hospital room door, trying for a light, calming presence but falling short with the intensity of his tone.

“Right now, Doctor,” the nurse said, confirming Robert’s suspicions. Robert heard nothing more as Autumn bore down, her face turning beet red as a sound came from her throat that mixed a screaming moan with a string of curse words. He wasn’t sure he’d ever heard anything like it before.

Robert lifted his brows as a hand clamped down on his shoulder. Relief flooding him when he turned. Cam had arrived. Robert stepped aside to let her husband and actual birthing coach take over. Within minutes, both Autumn and the baby were crying loudly. Her newborn baby daughter going straight to her chest, cuddled skin to skin with her mama.

Robert did something he’d never done before after any medical procedure, he lifted his cell phone and snapped a picture of Autumn in the seconds after her baby had been born. Cam and their daughter, Kylie—if her name hadn’t changed—were also in the shot. His sister would want this moment captured as their little family grew by one.

It was all so emotional. His heart nearly burst with pride as he angled his head to better see his new niece. Her small and tiny body had a healthy set of lungs, seemingly having her mother’s spirit. Kylie may have been the most beautiful baby he’d ever seen in all his life. Everything inside him solidified his need to have children of his own one day.

“Come see her, Robert.”

He changed his focus from the baby to see Autumn’s adoring gaze staring at him. Unspoken love and devotion passed between them as he stepped closer, not wanting to get in the way of Cam’s and Autumn’s bonding family moment, but helpless to do more than move toward them.

