Fool Me Once Read Online Sam Crescent

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Mafia, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 35
Estimated words: 32859 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 164(@200wpm)___ 131(@250wpm)___ 110(@300wpm)

This was dangerous. She had never felt this kind of love before.

She had loved someone, Ben, as a brother, or maybe as a friend or father figure. She had never been in love with him. She certainly hadn’t felt jealousy when he was with another woman.

Leah licked her lips, and then she did what she never thought she would be able to do. She snuck out of bed. Originally, she was going to wake him up, so they could have sex again. Sex made everything easier. They didn’t have to talk or think. She didn’t think about how she felt about him. There was no reason to tell him she loved him.

That she snuck out of the bedroom without waking him was a miracle.

She wrapped her body in a robe, and then made her way downstairs, knowing only coffee was going to help. She didn’t pass any of his soldiers or maids. Running fingers through her hair, she went straight to the kitchen, where she found Frank standing at the stove. She stopped as she looked at him.

Frank had always been a nice guy, and now as she looked at him, she saw the smile on his face. Leah was tempted to make her escape, only he looked up and winked at her.

“Good morning,” he said.

“Good morning.” She moved toward the counter.

“Do you want your coffee?” he asked.

“Yes, yes, coffee sounds great.” She sat down at the counter, watching as he grabbed her a mug of coffee. The scent of it made her mouth water. Perhaps it would help to clear her head. “Where is everyone?”

“Cain sent out a text to give everyone the day off.”

“He did?”

Frank nodded.

“Not that I mind, but why are you here, if you got the day off?”

Frank chuckled. “I saw the state of the kitchen the last time I was off, and I didn’t have time to fill the fridge or the freezer with meals, so I figured I would save myself a job in the long run.”

Leah nodded. “Good thinking.”

“I thought so.”

He put the mug in front of her, and she blew across the top, then took a sip. Just as she knew it would be, it was heavenly.

“So, what happened?” Leah asked. “Or you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. I totally get it.”

Frank chuckled. “It went well. We caught up, and she has had a pretty intense few years. She was glad to hear that Cain helped me. She was so sorry for everything that happened, but like I said to her, it wasn’t her problem. It wasn’t her fault the way the cop reacted. None of it was.”

Leah listened as he told her everything. Cameron didn’t date. She focused on building a life and working at the café in a different country. She didn’t have time to date. Then, when it all went wrong, she came home and put all of her money into this café.

“It was a good opening day,” Leah said.

“She said if that continues, then she made the right choice.”

She hoped Frank would tell her more. He did not.

She knew she should wait, but she needed to know. “Are you and her going to date?” Leah asked.

“Yes, we’re going on a date tonight, or I am cooking her dinner, and I’ve invited her to my place,” he said.

She let out a little squeal. She couldn’t help it. “This is a good thing. Are you excited?”

“I haven’t dated in a very long time.”

“You haven’t?” Leah asked.

“I wasn’t even dating Cameron or showing any serious interest in her, and I got accused of something I didn’t do and thrown in jail. Trust me, dating doesn’t seem as big of an issue when you’re dealing with that.”

Leah pursed her lips and nodded. “You’re right, and it’s not like I know a lot about dating. I’ve never even been on a date.”

“And you’re in love with your boss.”

She shot Frank a glare.

“What? That is crazy. You have no idea what you’re talking about.” She laughed and tried to make a joke of it.

“You’ve been in love with Cain for a long time.”

“You don’t know that.”

“I do. It’s the way you look at him, it must be love. I know how strong and independent you are, and you would never allow anyone to pick out your clothes,” he said.

Leah opened her mouth and closed them. “It was part of the deal.”

“Yeah, and I’ve come to know you, Leah. If you didn’t want it to happen, you wouldn’t have allowed it, and you would rebel.”

She looked into her coffee mug. Her drink was getting cold. “What do I do?” she asked.

“What do you want to do?” he asked.

“I don’t know. Don’t you think it is a little odd? His kid tried to attack me. I met him because I put his son in the hospital.”

