First Love (The Love Duet #1) Read Online Xavier Neal

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic, Insta-Love Tags Authors: Series: The Love Duet Series by Xavier Neal

Total pages in book: 100
Estimated words: 98992 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 495(@200wpm)___ 396(@250wpm)___ 330(@300wpm)


When more words don’t escape me, she cuts me another glance. “Not a big talker, are you?”


“That’s totally fine.” Her shoulder bounces, bobbing her blonde locks around. “I can talk enough for at least four people.”

The smallest laugh unexpectedly slips loose.

It feels good.

I feel good.


Do I even deserve to feel good?

“Ohmygod!” She suddenly shrieks, snatching me out of my own head and turning my attention to the TV. “Chicago?! I fucking love this movie!”

It’s impossible to ignore the pang that’s instantly felt.

The longing that had been subdued for so long now front and center for the staring.

The judging.

“You cool with some old school Richard Gere?”

Seduced by the nostalgia I’m not sure I’ll ever be capable of denying, I simply nod.

Maybe I’ll never see Pres again.

Maybe I’ll never be given the absolution only she can grant.

Maybe undamaged memories and sour sorrow are all I’m worthy of now.

Whatever the case happens to be, one thing is for sure.

She was right.

Only I can save me.

And that time has finally fucking come.

Chapter 12


Babies are so intoxicating.

Their softness.

Their sweetness.

The innocence that lies in their eyes.

There’s just something magical about a little blank slate human who has yet to be sullied by the disappointments of existence.

It’s revitalizing.

And yet, simultaneously soul crushing.

“You are so beautiful,” I coo at Elena Allen, one of the older babies who is about to move to the next classroom. “Yes, you are. So sweet. So adorable. So precious.”

Elena giggles and excitedly swipes her hand at my glasses.

I giggle in return and push them back up my face to where they rightfully belong.

How could I not want one of these someday?

How could anyone not?

“Miss Morrison?” Clemmy’s voice causes me to look over my shoulder at the door where she stands with a family. “The Collins are here for their classroom interview.”

“Hey! Give me one second!” I warmly insist prior to passing Elena over to Lizzie who should be switching gears into art time with the group of infants. “I’ll be back to engage in the activity momentarily.”

“Take your time, boss,” Lizzie politely says as she swiftly shifts her into a seat at the small art table. “We’ll be here for a while.”

I swing by the diaper changing station, grab a pump of hand sanitizer, and rub my palm together on the walk over. Upon arrival, I extend my hand towards Noah first. “Good to you see again, Mr. Collins.”

“Please call me Noah,” he politely requests.

“Very well,” I professionally nod and turn my attention to his wife. “You must be Mrs. Collins.”

“Shelly.” She wiggles to adjust her daughter to try to shake my hand. “Please, call me Shelly.”

Denying her action is quickly done. “It’s okay. We don’t have to shake hands. You can just keep holding little Shelby close. I won’t take offense whatsoever.” After giving the baby a tiny finger wave, I introduce myself. “I’m Presley Morrison, owner and director.”

“It is an absolute honor to meet you,” Shelly gushes while her daughter makes pawing motions for me. “Your school, your accreditations, your awards, your website, and your presence are all fantastic.”

Shelby makes a happy expression that effortlessly melts my heart.

Gah, there’s something about six-month-olds that makes them adorable. And the oversized bow that’s practically the same size as her head stuck in her platinum blonde hair honestly just makes her even more irresistible.

“I know there is a wait list, Miss Morrison, and I know it is a longshot that we are going to get picked; however, may I just say how terribly I want us in here? Because it is terrible. ”

Her Doctenn accent is as gorgeous as she is.

If you spliced Heidi Klum and Charlize Theron that would be the intimidating perfection that stands in front of me.

Politely, I state, “I’m flattered you feel that way. I work relentlessly to make this school the best place I can for children as well as the families that bring them here. You are aware that this is the classroom for Shelby, so I’m going to step out and leave you with Miss Lizzie Lufkin who has been with us since we opened.” I point to the energetic 4’11 young woman getting ready to finger paint. “In this room there is also Rachel Hall and Cassidy Demar.” My hand gestures to them as well. They do their best to greet in return, but one is at the changing table, and the other the feeding area. “They will all make you feel as welcomed as possible. They’ll also answer any questions or any concerns you may have. I’ll be just on the other side of the door if you need anything.”

“I’m gonna step out with you,” Noah instantly insists.

“You sure?” My ability to remain professional is impressive.

Especially while looking at the happy life him and his wife share. It reminds me of the one I should’ve had with his brother. The one I dreamt of having for so, so long.

