Finding Home Read Online Lauren Rowe

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Chick Lit, Contemporary, Dark, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 122
Estimated words: 115706 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 579(@200wpm)___ 463(@250wpm)___ 386(@300wpm)

As if sensing my lascivious thoughts, Caleb shoots me a white-hot smolder, without missing a beat in his playing. I look away, feeling like my clit is going to explode if I maintain eye contact. But looking away doesn’t solve the problem: that pulsing between my legs persists. In the end, I force myself to do the only thing that will save me from this rising urge I’m feeling to tackle him. I stride out the front door of the house on unsteady legs, determined to grab some more stuff from the truck and forget what I’ve just witnessed.

When I get to the truck, however, I discover it’s empty. Caleb must have taken everything else inside, while I was busy setting up the playroom.

I can’t go back inside yet, though. I’m still too worked up. It won’t end well.

As Caleb’s drumming wafts through the evening air, I stroll toward the shoreline and gaze out at the sun-kissed, serene lake. But when I notice a strange man on a rowboat, I take a reflexive step backward. Is that Ralph Beaumont? The man isn’t close enough to identify, and the lighting isn’t good. Also, I haven’t seen Claudia’s father in years, so my recollection of him might not be accurate. But something about that guy on the boat reminds me of Ralph.

Last I heard, Claudia’s horrible father moved to Great Falls, after his wife finally left him and Claudia refused to speak to him. But Great Falls is only about three-and-a-half-hours away by car. Was Ralph already served with the lawsuit? When I spoke to the attorney Caleb hired for me this morning, he said they’d filed the lawsuit in LA and that Ralph would probably be served tomorrow. Did they wind up serving Ralph today? If so, would that turn of events have pissed off Ralph and inspired him to immediately hop into his car, drive his ass to Prairie Springs, and then hop into a rowboat to spy on us?

A chill races down my spine. Claudia’s father is evil incarnate. The kind of man who doesn’t know how to turn the other cheek. So, I honestly think that scenario is possible. Is it probable, though, considering the timeline of everything? Probably not.

With a shudder, I tell myself I’m being paranoid. But just in case, I turn on my heel and sprint back into the house.

Chapter 15


“No, no, no!” Raine shouts, shaking her little head. “No, tank you.”

Caleb looks up at me, crestfallen, his expression asking, Now what?

We’re at my parents’ place to pick up Raine for the night, now that Caleb’s house is ready for her. When we arrived an hour ago, Mom had dinner almost ready, so we sat down and enjoyed a wonderful meal with my parents and Raine. One that seemed relaxed and comfortable, in terms of Raine’s interactions with Caleb.

After dinner, I bathed Raine and put her into a comfy pair of footy pajamas, thinking she might fall asleep on the drive to Caleb’s house; and throughout the entire process, I chatted up the lake and the ducks and all the new toys waiting for her over there. She seemed excited then. So what gives now? Out of nowhere, when I tried to carry Raine outside to Big Betty for the drive to Caleb’s house, she started screaming and refusing to go.

With her little hands on her hips and her face twisted into the same scowl I’ve seen on Claudia’s face, countless times, Raine shouts, “I no go Coobie house! I stay Grammy ‘n’ Pop-Pop!”

“I’ll be there with you,” I coo. “I’ll even sleep with you there, like we always do here. And in the morning, we’ll find some ducks to feed.”

Dad chimes in, “I bet Caleb will make pancakes for you in the morning, like I always do.”

“Absolutely,” Caleb confirms.

“No, no, no!” Raine screams, her face as red as a beet. “Mommy make da pancakes! No Coobie!”

Fuck. This is a disaster. I cover my face with my hands, so Raine won’t see the tears that are stinging my eyes. Every time I think this poor child’s grief is fading somewhat, something like this happens to remind me she’s lost her entire fucking world, and that’s not something she can bounce back from in a matter of weeks.

While my face is still buried in my hands, there’s an unmistakable sound from across the living room: the thwack-thwack of our front screen being opened brusquely and then slamming shut.

He didn’t. He wouldn’t.

I look around, and, yep. As suspected, Caleb is gone. Fucking hell. “Can you handle her?” I murmur to my mother, before flying out the front door.

Once I’m outside, it doesn’t take long to spot my runaway charge bounding up the street at a fast clip, his powerful legs making long strides and his muscular arms swinging at full throttle. “Caleb!” I shout at top volume. “You can’t go anywhere without me!”

