Finding Home Read Online Lauren Rowe

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Chick Lit, Contemporary, Dark, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 122
Estimated words: 115706 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 579(@200wpm)___ 463(@250wpm)___ 386(@300wpm)

Shit, shit, shit. I hold my breath, as dread overtakes me and the woman sets the stage. But soon, it’s clear I’ve got nothing to worry about on this topic, either.

“Ralph Beaumont became combative during the interaction, your honor, and the child became increasingly hysterical and terrified. Mr. Baumgarten had a difficult decision to make that day, and it’s my opinion he made the one that was in his child’s best interest—the one a loving, fit father would make.”

The social worker looks at me with a neutral poker face; but if I’m not mistaken, her eyes are smiling at me.

The social worker continues, “I recognize that Mr. Baumgarten violated your order, your honor, and therefore did something wrong; but he also did something very right, in terms of safeguarding his child’s safety and wellbeing. I was honestly impressed by his decision that day, your honor. Also, by the commitment he’s showed to making his child’s new home as happy and welcoming, as possible.”

Aubrey places her hand on my forearm, as I hang my head to hide my tears of relief. Ever since that interview at my house, and then, even more so, after that day at the duck pond, I’ve been losing sleep about what happened. Lying awake, second-guessing my choices on a running loop. And now, it turns out what I did is exactly what a good father would do?

Aubrey scratches on the notepad, and when I glance at it while still stuffing down tears, a massive lump rises in my throat.

I love you so much.

That’s what Aubrey’s note says, so, of course, I quickly scribble the same words back to her. I admitted my feelings for Aubrey on the stand earlier, but she couldn’t say it back to me then. So now, given my precarious mental state, the written exchange causes big, fat tears to well in my eyes through my beaming smile.

As the social worker leaves the stand, I flash her a grateful nod. And to my surprise, she flashes me a small smile. It’s almost imperceptible. Barely there. But I’m definitely not imagining it.

“Let’s take a thirty-minute break,” the judge says with authority. “When we come back, I’ll issue my ruling.”

After the break, Ralph Beaumont is permitted back into the courtroom to hear the court’s ruling. So, the three of us and our lawyers are now seated at our respective tables, intently staring at the judge as she rustles papers and languidly checks her notes.

I know I’m not supposed to touch Aubrey in front of the judge, but I can’t help myself. The hearing’s over, anyway. What harm can come from it now? I grab Aubrey’s hand and squeeze tightly, and Aubrey squeezes right back. She looks every bit as stressed as I feel.

Finally, after what feels like an eternity, the judge looks up, clears her throat, and states, “My ruling is as follows: this court temporarily grants Aubrey Capshaw legal and physical custody of the child, with full, uninhibited visitation rights granted to Mr. Baumgarten. This court also permanently denies the cross-petition of Ralph Beaumont. As the child’s sole, temporary guardian, Miss Capshaw has full discretion to decide who’s allowed access to the child, except, of course, she may not deny Mr. Baumgarten his visitation rights.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Ralph screams, so the brawny bailiff with the porn mustache swiftly escorts him out of the courtroom, once again.

With Ralph gone, the judge continues, “The period of my temporary order shall be six months. During that time, Mr. Baumgarten is hereby ordered to maintain his sobriety, to attend twice-weekly, mandatory sobriety meetings with a qualified rehab provider, and to attend once-weekly anger management classes.” She looks at me sternly. “I’d strongly recommend some parenting classes and personal therapy, too, given all your superhero antics, Mr. Baumgarten, but I’m not making either of those things part of my official ruling at this time.”

“Yes, your honor. Thank you. I’ll do whatever it takes to be the best father possible.”

The judge’s features soften. “Fit parents aren’t perfect, Mr. Baumgarten. There’s no such thing as a perfect parent or person. Which is why this court also hereby orders the following: if Mr. Baumgarten remains in full compliance with my temporary order for the full six months, legal and physical custody shall transfer to him, with full and unlimited visitation rights then granted to Miss Capshaw. If Mr. Baumgarten has not met all the requirements of my temporary order by the end of the six-month period, however, then Miss Capshaw shall maintain sole legal and physical custody, with supervised visitation rights for Mr. Baumgarten, until he’s able to establish full compliance, at which point the clock will reset for another six-month trial period. Do you understand, Mr. Baumgarten?”

Tears are streaking down my cheeks, but I don’t bother to wipe them. “Yes, your honor,” I squeeze out. “I won’t let you down. I won’t let my daughter down.”

