Finding his Goddess – Kindred Tales Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 94091 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 470(@200wpm)___ 376(@250wpm)___ 314(@300wpm)

T’zaren was still sitting at her feet. Turning to face her, he took both of Lucille’s small, delicate hands in his own much larger, rougher ones and looked into her eyes.

“My S’rentha,” he said, holding her eyes with his own. “I submit. Do as you wish with me.”

“But…but, T’zaren! She’s asking me to…to penetrate you. To fuck you! And in front of all these people!” Lucille protested, nodding with wide eyes at the assembled guards.

“Then fuck me,” he said calmly. “I can take it. And if it’s the only way to get the dimriel, we have to do it.”

“But I don’t want to hurt you!” she protested.

T’zaren felt his heart swell at her impassioned cry. Cupping her soft cheek with one hand, he leaned forward. Lucy did as well until their foreheads touched and they were locked eye-to-eye.

“You won’t hurt me,” T’zaren rumbled. “Because even pain is pleasure when it comes from the hand of my S’rentha.”

“But most men—human men, I mean—would never go for this!” she protested. “They would think it was degrading…humiliating…”

“It doesn’t have to be either of those things,” T’zaren told her. “I know Mistress Shin’dara thinks it will be, but it doesn’t have to be. It can be an act of love. A…a promise between the two of us.”

He almost mentioned the Unbreakable Vow, but he couldn’t quite get the words out of his mouth. The Vow was so sacred it was almost never spoken of and the completion of it was certainly never done in public, as it was going to be in their case. It was a deeply private covenant between a male and his S’rentha. But he hoped that Lucille would understand anyway.

“So…you want me to do this? I mean, really?” she asked uncertainly.

T’zaren cupped her face in his hands and kissed her—very gently—on the mouth. Lucille gave a little gasped and kissed him back hungrily.

It was the first time he had tasted her sweet lips and T’zaren lingered there for a moment, wishing he could kiss her more deeply. But at last he pulled back and looked her in the eyes again.

“I do,” he murmured. “I want to…want to give myself to you, Lucille. To let you open me—take me. Fill me.”

Just saying the words sent a rush of desire through him. Gods, he’d never dreamed of having a relationship so deep he would take the Unbreakable Vow with any female! But now that they had decided to do this, both his shafts were throbbing with anticipation.

“All right then.” Lucille lifted her chin and that familiar look of determination came over her lovely features. “I’ll do it. Not as an act of torture like she wants it to be.” She jerked her chin at Mistress Shin’dara, who was glaring at the two of them with narrowed eyes. “But as…as an act of love. A promise between us—like you said.”

T’zaren felt his heart squeeze in his chest. Even though he hadn’t mentioned the Unbreakable Vow by name, she understood. Lucille really understood!

“Yes. Gods, yes my S’rentha,” he growled, unable to keep the desire out of his voice. Now that the Vow was soon to become a reality, he found that his whole body was keyed up—his muscles bunching with nervous anticipation as he imagined opening for her, just as she had opened for him during Last Meal the night before. Just as he had penetrated Lucille, now she would penetrate him and then they would never be parted again.

“Well? Are you finished making up your mind?” Mistress Shin’dara demanded acidly.

“We are.” Lucille looked up at her. “We’ll do it. But after we’re finished, we take the dimriel and go. Agreed?”

A smile curved the Twainer’s thin lips again.

“Agreed,” she purred. “Let’s see you both put on a show.”



Lucy’s stomach was a mass of butterflies as she watched the preparations being made in the Throne Room. Mistress Shin’dara had demanded that the servants bring something called a “Penetration Arch” and the accompanying accoutrements and now the whole room was a beehive of activity as the guards rushed to obey her orders.

T’zaren was still sitting calmly in front of Lucy’s chair with one big, warm hand wrapped loosely around her leg. He might be enjoying a day at the beach, his face was so serene. It was as though he had made peace with the decision they had made together—but Lucy didn’t feel peaceful at all!

How can he be so calm when he’s about to let me fuck him in front of a room full of strangers? she wondered desperately. She wasn’t even sure what the name for this act was. Pegging? Was that it? It certainly wasn’t something you saw much of in popular TV shows or movies or read about in romance books. Popular culture on Earth suggested that the man was supposed to be the giver and the woman was the receiver. You just didn’t see things reversed very often.

