Falling In Book Read Online Lydia Michaels (Surrender Trilogy #1)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Billionaire, Contemporary, Dark, Drama, Erotic, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Surrender Trilogy Series by Lydia Michaels

Total pages in book: 118
Estimated words: 110859 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 554(@200wpm)___ 443(@250wpm)___ 370(@300wpm)

Scout arched and cooed, “Are you planning on undressing me, Mr. Patras?”

Lucian gave her a sardonic glance and unbuttoned her jeans and slid them over her hips. She lifted and helped him pull them away. Glancing down, she admired the midnight blue lace boy shorts. They looked sexy against her flesh. Tossing her arms over her head, she fell into the pillows so Lucian could have a better view.

“Shirt next,” she purred with a giggle. How did Patrice do that?

The shirt was pulled over her head without finesse. Her torso lifted and she plopped back onto the soft mattress. More giggles.

Lucian went to the dresser and pulled out a nightgown. She saved him a step and undid her bra. Sliding it off she held it over the edge of the bed and said, “Don’t forget this . . .”

He stilled midstride. “Evelyn . . .”

“Lucian,” she said, lowering her chin and mimicking his disapproving tone.

He pursed his lips. “You’re drunk.”

She gasped and covered her mouth. “And naked!”

Rolling to her side, she crawled up onto her knees. When she lost her balance he quickly stepped forward and caught her by her upper arms. “Evelyn, you can barely hold yourself up.”

“Then you better not let go,” she whispered softly and pressed her lips to his.

To his credit, he didn’t kiss her back . . . at first. She pressed her tongue into his mouth and his arms surrounded her, pulling her tight to his front. This was what she had been trying to accomplish for days. Once she had him she wasn’t letting go.

Her fingers drove through his dark hair and she knotted her fists at the back of his head. He groaned and tightened his grip around her. The kiss deepened and he climbed onto the bed, kneeling with her. His hands slid down to her lace –bottom and squeezed. She moaned into his mouth.

Releasing her hold on his hair and shoulders, her hands slid down his chest. She yanked his suit jacket back over his shoulders and he quickly stripped it off. Her fingers went to his tie and yanked the knot loose. Once that was tossed away she hastily undid buttons. Her motor skills struggled.

Lucian’s hand slid under the midnight blue lace of her panties and grabbed a handful of flesh.

One button was being a real prick.

“Rip it,” he growled. Not needing to be told twice, her hands yanked at the silk shirt and buttons went pinging across the room.

He pushed her over and climbed on top of her. His shirt went flying and the moment his arms were free they pinned hers above her head. She arched over the soft, sensual sheets and his hot mouth latched onto her breast. Her raspy voice cried out as he sucked her nipple between his teeth.

Her panties were yanked over her hips. When she didn’t lift to help him, the sound of lace tearing filled the air.

“I’m going to eat that pretty pussy of yours,” he growled as his mouth kissed lower along her tummy and her thighs were roughly wedged apart.

The first lick of his flat tongue over her slit had her springing off the bed, “Lucian!”

“Don’t move.”

She struggled to stay still. His warm mouth kissed and tickled her creases. Cool air hit her folds as his thick fingers spread her open. She waited for him to do something, but nothing came.


“She’s right,” he whispered reverently. “You have a beautiful pussy, Evelyn.”

Warmth spread from her cheeks to her breasts, and then he kissed an extremely sensitive spot and her fists knotted in the satin bedding as she cried out. It was a sensual assault. Wet strokes lashed at her folds as his fingers kept her spread wide. Her thighs opened as his shoulders drove harder between her knees. She slid up the bed and he gripped her hip, holding her in place as he continued to bring her the most intense pleasure she had ever imagined.

Pressure built and the width of his finger stretched her. He seemed to be reaching for something. He didn’t thrust inside of her. Rather, he pressed deep and applied pressure as his mouth latched onto that most sensitive spot and he sucked relentlessly.

Scout screamed as rapid pulses took over her body and had her bearing down. He suckled hard and pressed into her belly with his palm as moisture flooded over her folds. The climax peaked and waned.

“Again,” he growled and began driving his fingers into her. She couldn’t take it. She began to struggle, needing to break away from the onslaught of pleasure.

“Be still,” he commanded, holding her down.

Forcing herself to obey, another intense climax took hold of her. She was panting, mouth open like an animal in heat. Her body rocked and sweat glossed her skin. Her toes pointed as her knees drew up.

