Faking It Read online Riley Hart, Devon McCormack (Metropolis #1)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Metropolis Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 82250 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 411(@200wpm)___ 329(@250wpm)___ 274(@300wpm)

“That guy, Cody,” I say.

“What about him?”

“Do you do the same thing that you do with me with him?”

His eyes light up.

“No, I didn’t mean it like that.”

“I think you did,” he says like he’s so damn proud of himself. “You’re jealous.”

“No. And yes. I don’t ever do this. I know you’re fucking around with other guys. I’m not delusional. I’ve never been in a situation with a fake boyfriend who I fuck occasionally, so I don’t exactly understand the protocol.”

He smirks and leans toward me. “I don’t think there’s a rule book for a situation like ours.”

“I shouldn’t have even brought it up,” I say. “It’s none of my business.”

Travis sighs and scratches the back of his head as though he’s nervous. “I’m not fucking Cody.”

“But even if you were, it shouldn’t matter. I’m going to be totally honest with you and say my mind is programmed for relationships. That’s what five years does to you. I’m used to thinking of everything within the context of a relationship, so I see something like that and it mixes with this confusing thing we’re doing and shit goes a little haywire in my brain.”

He pauses for a second, as though he’s thinking. “Okay. I appreciate you being real with me.”

“Sorry, I made it weird, didn’t I?”

He smiles. “No. You were being honest. Nothing wrong with that. Weird would be you telling me you’re falling in love with me.”

I laugh. That’s one thing I’m definitely not worried about happening.

“Whatever,” I say. “I’m gonna shut up now. I was saying I don’t care what you do with Cody or any other guy. I’m still getting used to this whole situation.”

That’s not entirely true. While I would totally understand him fucking around with other guys, I get tense thinking about it, possibly because of the way things went down with Peter. Still, I don’t have a right to be jealous, especially considering I know this can never really go anywhere.

He stares at me. Looks like he’s trying to read my mind.

“What?” I ask.

“That’s kind of adorable.”

He’s making fun of me. My cheeks are getting warm. God, this is embarrassing as fuck.

It’s easy for a guy like him not to give a shit about stuff like that. He probably wouldn’t even think twice about it if a guy walked out of my condo.

“I don’t know why you look embarrassed all of a sudden. You shouldn’t be…and truth is, Superass, I’m not going to be running around fucking like I normally do.”

“It doesn’t matter either way,” I say.

But I can tell by the way his words brought me a sense of ease that it does matter to me.

“I think part of it has to do more with Peter than anything else,” I add. “Finding out he was running around on me for so long made me feel like an idiot. I just…I guess I don’t want to feel like an idiot again.”

“You’re not an idiot,” Travis says and I’m surprised by how serious his expression is. “Smart people get cheated on as much as dumb people. You know it. I know it. You wanted to believe that Peter was a good guy because you’re a good guy. There’s nothing wrong with that.” It’s nice hearing him call me a good guy. I can’t explain why, but I value his opinion of me.

“Maybe,” I say. “I keep finding myself going back through every day. Remembering when he’d say he was going to the gym or the store. Trying to piece together when he was really going to the gym and when he was heading over to see Evan. Knowing I was sitting around the condo, working on shit or watching TV while he was tossing Evan around a couple hundred yards from me in the other tower. Hell, he was probably watching me from the window while he fucked him.”

I’m lost in my masochistic fantasy about what was going on all along when I pull my attention back to Travis, whose expression is relaxed. I can see the pity in his eyes. I don’t want his pity.

I take another sip of wine. “Life’s shit, right?”

Travis slides across the couch.

He rubs his hand across my leg and leans toward me so his face is right before mine.

“If anyone’s an idiot, it’s Peter,” he says, his voice low. My gaze is fixed on his hazel irises.

He rubs his hand up to my crotch, and my dick stiffens. He leans closer to me and slides the tip of his nose across my cheek. Goose bumps prick across my flesh. Soon, his lips are right beside my ear as he whispers, “He’s the one who’s missing out on this sex-crazed monster.”

I reach out and caress his dick, hard in his basketball shorts.

He pulls his head back. “I’d feel bad for him if I wasn’t so fucking greedy for it myself.”

