Evil Read Online Book by Tijan Full Free Complete Novel

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Magic, New Adult, Paranormal, Romance, Young Adult Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 93
Estimated words: 88849 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 444(@200wpm)___ 355(@250wpm)___ 296(@300wpm)

“You’re a condescending bitch. Do you know that?”

I caught movement behind me, from Aumae, but I didn’t dare look to see what she was doing. I hoped it would help in our fight, because now that my father was in front of us, I knew it would be a big one. The power emanated from him in waves. It was almost overwhelming, threatening to choke me.

“We can’t win.”

I wasn’t sure if I had the realization or if it came from Kellan, but I shared a look with him. It was true, though. My father was too powerful. The plan wasn’t going to work. We’d never be able to overwhelm him, not with all of us.

Despair lodged in my throat. I didn’t know what to do now. We were here. He was here. There was no going back.

My father laughed, pointing a finger at Kellan. “You have backbone. Most demons don’t. You all are sniveling idiots.” he spat, indicating the ground. “Every time I come across one, it’s always the same. They start spewing promises. They’ll turn in their mother/father/sister/brother/best friend/best mate. Whoever it is that might hold my interest and they fall to the ground. They kiss my feet and start begging. They’ll serve me even in hell. They’ll search out whoever I wish to be on my side. They’ll kill anyone I want. Crying. Begging.” He paused, his eyes narrowed on Kellan. “Pathetic.” He drew closer, and Kellan’s eyes closed to slits. “Are you going to be the same?” He flicked his wrist to me. “You are in love with my daughter, and she with you. I can smell the bond between you, unlike the last time. You both are dripping with it. You’ve recently coupled. Perhaps four hours ago.”

Oh. God. That was embarrassing.

“Yes.” My father leaned closer and sniffed the air. “I can smell your love, too, but it’s going to be the same. I will strip you of your honor, your pride. You will fall at my feet, and you will be like all the others. You will beg for your life, and it won’t matter. I will take my daughter’s life first. Make you watch that. I want you to hold that memory in your mind, and then I’ll send you back to your father’s kingdom. You will fall back to hell, and he’ll never let you return to the ground. That will be your ending.”

Kellan’s growl was deepening, becoming more primal. He was going to act soon, and I didn’t know what he would do. I worried, for the first time scared for Kellan’s life. Sweat dripped down my back, mixing with the cold shivers wracking down my spine, too. My palms grew warm, and I began trembling. The fear was creeping in. I couldn’t hold it at bay any longer.

This was the end. I felt it coming.

“Father.” Damien jerked forward. His eyes were wild, skirting between Kellan and Sachiel. “You said I could return to my family after this.”

“Yes, yes.” Sachiel’s eyes were gleaming as he continued to stare at Kellan, hard. “I will uphold that promise once I’ve taken both of their power.” He swung to Aumae, who froze with her hands in the air. “And I see you brought me an extra treat. Aumae, it’s been so long.”

She had dressed in a black sweater with a hood pulled over. It was knocked off and her hair was blowing in the wind. Her arms froze, blood dripping from her fingertips, and her eyes were wild and dilated like Damien’s. I traced the blood. I couldn’t see where it came from since her sweatshirt was black, but she was wearing a white dress underneath and the ends were red. She stepped forward, and I saw her feet were barefoot. They were bloodied as well, mixing with dirt.

What was she doing?

As I thought that, she spoke in my mind, “You and Kellan hold on to each other. Hold on to Damien as well.”

“What are you doing?”

“Pay me no mind, child. I have loved you like a daughter. I’ll not let this asshole take you away, not until your time is done.” She raised her arms. “And it’s not done, not by a long shot.”

“Aumae?” Sachiel drew closer to her, his head tilting the other way. “What are you doing?”

“You.” She sneered. Her eyes turned black. “You used my sister for another child. You picked her on purpose, knowing she was half-messenger, and then you assaulted her body when you tried to rip your daughter from her womb.”

“He did what?”

Damien moved closer to me, his hip bumping into mine. “Get ready, you guys.”

No. I shook my head. Damien didn’t know something else was going on. The plan wouldn’t work. I reached back and found Kellan’s hand. I felt his tension. He knew my aunt was going her own way. He tucked me behind him.

