Evil Read Online Book by Tijan Full Free Complete Novel

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Magic, New Adult, Paranormal, Romance, Young Adult Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 93
Estimated words: 88849 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 444(@200wpm)___ 355(@250wpm)___ 296(@300wpm)

Damien sighed. “Please. Like I want to smell the two of you together, what you’ve been doing. I’m waiting for you and you know it.”


“There are things at work that you have no idea about. I feel it’s time you know.”

I waited, expecting Kellan to say something more, but he was only silent. His head turned halfway from us, like he was watching something beyond the woods. He moved forward a step. He was seeing something.

“Kellan?” “What is it?”

He didn’t answer me.

My insides began to churn.

Damien filled me in. “He’s seeing what I came to tell you guys. When you left, the traitor took advantage of your disappearance.”

“What is she doing?” Kellan’s voice was tight and controlled.

“You see her, too?”

I looked, but nothing. Just the black of the night and Damien’s white aura. That was the messenger emanating from within him. “You guys.” I wanted to know. “What’s going on?”

A door from the house opened, light spilled out. We could see from where we stood. We were close enough to the house and someone shouted, “Hurry! They’re coming back.”

Kellan vanished. I felt him beside me and in the next second, he was gone.


“Shay. Come on.” Damien motioned for me.

I ran and he ran with me. We got to the lawn just as Vespar was running toward the shed. Kellan appeared and grabbed him by the throat. He picked him up, pulled him close, said something. I tried to hear, but Kellan shut me out.

“Stop, Kellan.”

“Stay back, for your own good.”

I felt his murderous intentions. He was going to kill Vespar, and later he’d regret it. I tried to run faster. Damien was right beside me. Why we couldn’t vanish and appear there was beyond me, but I gritted me teeth and kept going. We got there in time to hear Vespar squeak out, “It’s too late, Kellan. She already called them.”

A deep roar erupted from the bottom of Kellan’s throat, and his hand closed around Vespar’s throat. We heard a snapping sound, and Vespar’s body went slack. He broke his neck. Kellan let the body fall to the ground, and for a moment, it was complete silence in the lawn. I sensed Aumae coming to the opened door. She wondered what was happening, but no one said a word, and in that small break, we heard moans from inside the shed.

“No.” Damien tried to rush for the shed.

Kellan flung a hand out. He didn’t touch Damien, but the messenger was thrown back. A bolt of static came from Kellan’s hand right after and when Damien tried to run back to us, he couldn’t. He ran into an invisible force field. I asked, starting to tremble, “What is that?”

“It’s a barrier.” Kellan turned back to the shed. He only stared at it for a moment.

“Kellan, what’s going on?”

“It keeps them out and us in.”

Us. He meant him and me… I thought. I assumed the ‘them’ was Damien and Aumae. He couldn’t have meant messengers, because I was a messenger, too. I was a little more than half of one even, but I didn’t voice those questions. Whatever was happening on the other side of the shed door—it sounded like sex, but I had a feeling it was more than sex. Kellan wouldn’t have cared if it was only sex, and then he strode forward. I followed, and when he opened the door, I expected the occupants to jerk at the sight of us.

They didn’t. They kept on as if they couldn’t hear us.

“I blocked them before I caught Vespar,” Kellan told me.

I saw why as Giuseppa arched her back, letting her head fall backward. She was straddling Matt, who was kissing her breast. She lifted her arms, cradling his head, sliding her fingers through his hair. “More, Matt. Please more,” she crooned, urging him on as her hips moved faster. She was riding him.

He grasped her back, jerking his hips up into her. A growl came from him as he caught one of her nipples in his teeth.

Her mouth fell open, and she continued with her moans, but then her hand lifted from his head. It continued, moving all the way in the air, and it reached behind her. Then, the moonlight glinted off something metal, and when her hand came back up, she was holding a nasty-looking dagger.

I started forward, but Kellan stopped me.

“What are you doing? She’s going to kill him.”

He didn’t answer. He kept me in place.


His jaw hardened. His hand was firm on my stomach—and then as Matt and Giuseppa climaxed, both letting out loud groans, her hand slashed in the air. She sliced his throat. Matt jerked forward, making empty sounding gasps as blood spilled out from his throat. His hand came to his throat, and he looked at her, shock and revulsion mixing together. She ignored him, coldly pushing his body back from hers, and she stood up. She was naked, blood covering her, and she wiped her hand over her chest, then tracing a symbol on the wall. Once she was done, she stood, facing the symbol and took a deep breath, then placed the palm of her hand against it. An explosion happened in the air, throwing her backward. Heat and fire flared in the air. It would’ve flung me backward as well, but Kellan held on to me. He anchored me in place and moved so one of his shoulders was half shielding me. Some of the fire grazed my cheek. I felt it burning there, but it wasn’t painful. It was like a warm tickle. I frowned at that, but something was coming. Giuseppa had opened a hole in the air and whoever/whatever was coming from the other side.

